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corp punk

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 12:21
by Quiff Boy
twas indeed a pleasure to meet you :notworthy:

how many miles have you covered this week then? ;D :eek:

so, who's next for a trip over to old blighty? sinsister? jj? bp? :D

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 12:24
by Quiff Boy
oh, how rude of me! :urff: and it was very nice to also meet you friend. i'm not good with names at the best of times, never mind in a bloody loud rock club after a few bottles of ale :urff: :blush:

whatever you were called, hello :D

Re: corp punk

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 12:24
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:twas indeed a pleasure to meet you :notworthy:
i'd like to agree but unfortunately i was very, very drunk...

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 13:22
by Mrs RicheyJames
It was very nice to meet you hunny <Not that I'm gay or owt>

Erm, did I say, "yeay at last, someone shorter than me?" :oops:
Seem to remember saying that, but like Richey, I was very very drunk............Not quite as bad I may add I'm not a big girly lightweight :innocent: <Runs>

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 13:27
by RicheyJames
Sexygoth wrote:Not quite as bad I may add I'm not a big girly lightweight :innocent: <Runs>
are we not mentioning friday night then?

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 13:30
by Mrs RicheyJames
No, we were clearly talking about saturday!!

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 13:37
by Ed Rhombus
Oh dear!

She hasn't been swearing at pregnant women again has she?

Last ones are just out of counselling too!

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 13:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
LOL cheers for that Ed!!! I'd forgotten about that actually!!!! I did apologise though but though but though but mate

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 15:02
by Black Planet

Me jump the pond, QB?

Last time I did that I got into more trouble than I care to think about.

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 17:01
by Quiff Boy
Black Planet wrote::eek:

Me jump the pond, QB?

Last time I did that I got into more trouble than I care to think about.
:lol: :roll: :notworthy:

fair point... would they let you back in old blighty you reckon? ;D

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 17:41
by CorpPunk
@ Quiffy: It was also such a pleasure to meet you and all the other Heartlanders (my, those kids do tend to come out of the woodwork, don't they? :wink:). I've covered many, many miles this weekend but it was worth it! I had mad fun. :notworthy: And you'll be pleased to know I've decided to move to Leeds and run a seven-day-a-week goth club that doesn't close until 6pm!!! :roll:

@ SG: Bunny, you must have been pretty drunk, cos I'm just a bit taller than you. Those weren't my eyes you were looking into... ;D You sure you're not gay? :lol:

Oh, and Paddy is my rawk god hero. 8) Thanks again for 'Good Things'!

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 19:41
by Black Planet
Quiff Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote::eek:

Me jump the pond, QB?

Last time I did that I got into more trouble than I care to think about.
:lol: :roll: :notworthy:

fair point... would they let you back in old blighty you reckon? ;D
Probably if I agree to behave myself! :wink:

Re: corp punk

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 21:54
by 6FeetOver
Quiff Boy wrote:so, who's next for a trip over to old blighty? sinsister? jj? bp? :D

Erm, are you like, psychic, or something? Believe it or not, I *may* actually be heading for ol' Blighty around Easter; my dad's just starting to sort out accomodations, since we can't all stay at my Nan's. I have to apply for a new passport and all that, because mine expired several years ago. I haven't been over there since 1986!!! :eek: :cry: :evil: :von: Dad's relatives are all in the Midlands - how far is that from you lot? There's no way in HELL that I'm not meeting up with my fellow Heartlanders, whether they like it or not!!! Muahahahaha!!! :twisted: :kiss:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 21:58
by Quiff Boy
holy cow!! :o :notworthy:

the midlands? which bit? birmingham? hmmm, you can get a train up to here no worries!

we should get paddy to sort a smurphs gig for the same time ;D :lol:

god, i LOVE this forum! ;D

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 21:59
by Quiff Boy
and which weekend is easter?


Re: corp punk

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:02
by emilystrange
SINsister wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote:so, who's next for a trip over to old blighty? sinsister? jj? bp? :D

Erm, are you like, psychic, or something? Believe it or not, I *may* actually be heading for ol' Blighty around Easter; my dad's just starting to sort out accomodations, since we can't all stay at my Nan's. I have to apply for a new passport and all that, because mine expired several years ago. I haven't been over there since 1986!!! :eek: :cry: :evil: :von: Dad's relatives are all in the Midlands - how far is that from you lot? There's no way in HELL that I'm not meeting up with my fellow Heartlanders, whether they like it or not!!! Muahahahaha!!! :twisted: :kiss:
ummm sinny... you know we talked about being sisters... well i'm from the midlands too... not far from brum :eek:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:09
by 6FeetOver
Quiff Boy wrote:the midlands? which bit? birmingham? hmmm, you can get a train up to here no worries!

we should get paddy to sort a smurphs gig for the same time ;D :lol:

god, i LOVE this forum! ;D

Warwick/Leamington Spa, actually. :roll: And before you say anything - NO, they're *not* posh, and never have been - in fact, my Nan's quite poor... :(

Oh, YES indeed, there MUST be a Smurphs gig, even if Paddy & co. have to play in my Nan's back garden! Ahahahaha!!! :twisted: Though her elderly neighbors would probably call the police on account of the racket and the riffraff in attendance, hehehe... :wink:

So do I , dear Quifflet, so do I!!! ;D :twisted: :kiss: :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:15
by emilystrange
oh my god thats even closer to my home than i thought...

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:18
by RicheyJames
yowsa! sinnie, quiffy and pads in the same place at the same time? all we need to do now is get chairman bux to step out of the shadows.... :wink:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:18
by Padstar
When you have the exact dates Sin, let me know....

Ill see what i can do :)

seen as its you babes!

Paddy :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:19
by emilystrange
paddy, if you do that, i can get out of going to see the inlaws for the weekend! that would be a good turn....

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:23
by 6FeetOver
emilystrange wrote:oh my god thats even closer to my home than i thought...
Hmmm...wouldn't it be really spooky if our relatives were neighbors? Or you and I were cousins, or something?! The mind reels... :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:25
by 6FeetOver
RicheyJames wrote:yowsa! sinnie, quiffy and pads in the same place at the same time? all we need to do now is get chairman bux to step out of the shadows.... :wink:
If this all does indeed work out, dear Richey, YOU'RE going to be there as well, come hell or high water!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :von:

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:26
by emilystrange
but it would be so very cool!

Posted: 19 Jan 2004, 22:31
by RicheyJames
SINsister wrote:
RicheyJames wrote:yowsa! sinnie, quiffy and pads in the same place at the same time? all we need to do now is get chairman bux to step out of the shadows.... :wink:
If this all does indeed work out, dear Richey, YOU'RE going to be there as well, come hell or high water!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :von:
i wouldn't miss it for the world m'dear!