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The "being nice to people" thread

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 18:09
by mh
After the blazing row yesterday, please feel free to use this thread to be nice to someone. Go on - you'll feel better!

I'll start - Big Si seems an all-round decent bloke.

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 18:14
by RicheyJames
what blazing row? did i miss something?

there have been a couple of lively debates on here over the past couple of days but i thought it made a nice change from the usual self-congratulatory, back-slapping drivel that passes for conversation round here... :twisted:

having said that, that sexygoth's a bit of alright :wink:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 18:19
by Loki
I don't like anyone on here. But then again they don't like me. So, that's nice. :)

Re: The "being nice to people" thread

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 19:16
by Big Si
mh wrote:After the blazing row yesterday, please feel free to use this thread to be nice to someone. Go on - you'll feel better!

I'll start - Big Si seems an all-round decent bloke.
CorpPunk(ette) would beg to differ! :twisted:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 19:22
by snowey
Big Si's a very nice bloke even tho he's a swetty sock?? :roll: Everyone who was at Crewe the other Sunday (even corppunk) was top.


Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 19:23
by paint it black
bloody hell not only self-congratulatory, back-slapping drivel but lovey dovey too.

bunch of arse...

and people said the car thread was the low point in Hl's history :twisted:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 19:24
by James Blast
Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 19:52
by Quiff Boy
Red Sunsets wrote:Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps
danke. ;)

personally i think everyone here (apart from those that have listed me) smell of poo and wee.



ahh, gotcha goin' there, huh? didn't i? huh? huh? ;D

you kids.... you kill me! :roll:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 20:30
by Angelchild
Cheers Sunsets :D
A nice thought,muchly appreciated at the mo.
Apologies for being remiss in any correspondance recently but things have been mayhem :evil:

As for being nice ....well everyone here! But also a big mention to BP, Scardy, Erudite, ATG and Big Si :D :wink:

And, of course our leader, QB, who without this would be impossible :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

You can have your Golden Globe & Oscar now,QB :wink: in apprecation from the Heartlanders (if I may be so bold) for giving us this splendiferous place.

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 20:39
by Thea
Black Horizon wrote:I have no problem with anyone on here at all. Although my favourite member on here is d00mw0lf, cos she's the love of my life.
oh great, now i have to say that i like you too :roll: :twisted: hehehe!
i've no real problem with anyone here - black planet and her zodiac obsession rock, SG and RJ make me *laffs* padstar, quiffy and SIN keep this place troll-free and fun...

if i wasn't so damn lazy i'd say summat nice about all of ya :P :lol:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 21:05
by Loki
Cue Snowey's avatar: "See? I were rite. Yeral bloody 'ate me. Bastards".

Note: Grammar Police, please choose a different thread to pounce upon.

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 21:46
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps
Aaww, shucks. I've gone all shy now. :oops:

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 22:19
by Black Planet
I have enjoyed everyone's company. So thanks.

Now can we get back to normal? All this hugging makes me a bit sick. ;)

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 23:03
by emilystrange
i like everyone.. no one has upset me...

Posted: 27 Jan 2004, 23:24
by paint it black
emilystrange wrote:i like everyone.. no one has upset me...
*note to self*

must try harder :twisted:

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:10
by Debaser
Red Sunsets wrote:Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps
Well that's you off me Christmas card list

You need a JCB to go with that shovel RS?

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:16
by Ginger
Be nice to people :?:

Hey Debaser, I'll kiss your arse if you kiss mine :innocent:

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:19
by Debaser
What again?

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:20
by Planet Dave
Red Sunsets wrote:Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps
Fancy a shag, Red?
:twisted: :wink:

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:20
by Ginger
Debaser wrote:What again?
I've only ever flanned you Ness, you must be thinking of another redhead :wink:

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:55
by James Blast
Red Sunsets wrote:Well I find Lily, Derek R, Black Dahlia, QB, ATG, BP, Big Si, Dave Whelan, Snowey, Thrash Harry, markfiend, mh, Elguiri, Karst, Angelchild and Mayhem to be thoroughly decent chapess' and chaps
OMG! I knew I would forget somepeeps, Debaser! sorry ness :oops:

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 00:59
by Black Planet
Oh, can't we get back to our curmudgeonly selves?

Pretty please with sugar on top? Please... :)

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 01:09
by CorpPunk
I'm really nice! :D

Big Si can go to hell! :twisted:

Ha! ;D

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 01:16
by pikkrong
Too much nice people here, my eyes are too tired for typing soooooooooooo long list...
You know, it's true :)

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 01:21
by Big Si
CorpPunk wrote:I'm really nice! :D

Big Si can go to hell! :twisted:

Ha! ;D

Already there, thanks! :twisted: