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Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:36
by emilystrange
i set off from bury st edmunds at 4.15 for an hour's drive, normally.
took 1.20 to get to norwich bypass. not bad but nasty snow and wind on the way.
after that.. norwich totally gridlocked. had to abandon car outside outer ring road and walk to other side of city in the snow. stopped for a vodka though. arrived home 8.20 wet and covered in white powdery stuff.
mr strange laughed.
have eaten and showered now and feel humanish.


Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:41
by CellThree
Heh, I'm just getting ready for work. Just gave my flatmate a lift to work (she starts an hour b4 me). Had to de-snow and de-ice the car. It's unfrosty now, but I know when I head out in about an hour it'll all be frozen up again.

I hate winter.

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:42
by Gripper
Due to the wonderful gift that is the local powerstation (see posts elsewhere), we have no snow in this part of the northwest.
In fact, where I work- 12 miles away- we had tons, and small children looked curiously/enviously at my snow-covered car as I turned into our road. "Mummy, why has that man got all that funny white stuff all over his car?" "Shut it, yer little b*****d, and get that pie eaten," came the predictable reply.

Here endeth the lesson.

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:48
by Almiche V
My sister is currently stuck on the A1M, and has been since 5.30!!!

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:01
by Thea
got about 3 inches of snow here. it's almost totally undisturbed too - looks fantastic!

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:06
by Quiff Boy
about a centimeter of it here in farsley. :roll:

central leeds got about the same, but the rain late afternoon washed it all away :roll:

not very good snow at all really :|

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:08
by CellThree
There was quite a bit up your way last night. We got a lot of activations on the CCTV cams on various sites in the Leeds area last night.

The mobile security guy we have up there had to give up his round at about 4am because the roads were getting too bad.

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:10
by Quiff Boy
CellThree wrote:There was quite a bit up your way last night. We got a lot of activations on the CCTV cams on various sites in the Leeds area last night.

The mobile security guy we have up there had to give up his round at about 4am because the roads were getting too bad.
yeah, snowed quite heavily but it had all but gone this morning :roll:

hey, you watching the cams on farsley town street?!?! :o :urff:

blimey! :roll:

i think i have your mob number - i'll text you next time i'm stood outside co-op :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:11
by Almiche V
We've had about two inches fall in half an hour! We don't get much snow here in the deep souf.

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:17
by CellThree
Quiff Boy wrote:
CellThree wrote:There was quite a bit up your way last night. We got a lot of activations on the CCTV cams on various sites in the Leeds area last night.

The mobile security guy we have up there had to give up his round at about 4am because the roads were getting too bad.
yeah, snowed quite heavily but it had all but gone this morning :roll:

hey, you watching the cams on farsley town street?!?! :o :urff:

blimey! :roll:

i think i have your mob number - i'll text you next time i'm stood outside co-op :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
Heh, no we monitor building cams, not the street ones, we don't see much of the street areas around the sites, but if you want to break into one of our sites I'll see you on cam. I'll even be able to arrange a "lift" home for you from the boys in blue! :D Saying that, we probably wouldn't see you at all. Or the activations wouldn't come in for 20 mins. Our system were pretty outdated when they were put in 5 years ago!

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:20
by Quiff Boy
ah well. seemed like a good idea :D

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:50
by Black Planet
Join the winter club! Sunday nite 8 inches of snow. Was allowed to take unscheduled leave rather than try to go into work. Was off, shoveling snow.

Braved the icy and I mean icy roads yesterday before dawn to gather up my laptop and some work before heading home. Work closed 3 hours early due to freezing rain. The subway was running a minimal schedule due to ice on the tracks. :urff: At least I got my 8 hour day in at home.

Today, more ice this morning and another 2 inches of snow. Lots of car wrecks on the morning commute.... at home!

Anyway, it's white out here. And the local deer just ran through the yard!

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 00:36
by Thea
i might be "snowed in" tomorrow.
s'gotta be better than macbeth (and more to the point - trying to explain why i havn't done any work :P)

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 01:34
by JansenClone
d00mw0lf wrote:i might be "snowed in" tomorrow.
s'gotta be better than macbeth (and more to the point - trying to explain why i havn't done any work :P)
Mmm... reminds me of a Macbeth tutorial I had at leeds Uni in the Workshop Theatre, next to the Parkinson Steps. It was with a tutor called Tanya who was a white witch. She had pulled the theatre drapes round and killed all the lights except for a small flame. She then prcoceeded to break parts off small objects she was holding and drop them into the flames whilst telling us (only 3 had turned up) the history of witchcraft in the middle ages... Straight into the Fenton after that...

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 01:43
by Thea
JansenClone wrote:
d00mw0lf wrote:i might be "snowed in" tomorrow.
s'gotta be better than macbeth (and more to the point - trying to explain why i havn't done any work :P)
Mmm... reminds me of a Macbeth tutorial I had at leeds Uni in the Workshop Theatre, next to the Parkinson Steps. It was with a tutor called Tanya who was a white witch. She had pulled the theatre drapes round and killed all the lights except for a small flame. She then prcoceeded to break parts off small objects she was holding and drop them into the flames whilst telling us (only 3 had turned up) the history of witchcraft in the middle ages... Straight into the Fenton after that...
bah. all my class got was a ropey cartoon version.
it had singing hamsters :|

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 01:57
by JansenClone
d00mw0lf wrote:bah. all my class got was a ropey cartoon version.
it had singing hamsters :|
Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble... and squeak...

I'm really sorry about that...

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 08:11
by hallucienate
Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
Brighter than a lucky penny
When you're near the rain goes, disappears, and I feel fine
Just to know that you are mine

My life is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
That's how this refrain goes
So come on and join in, everybody
Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love to stay

28 18/25 Partly cloudy. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
29 17/27 Fine. Wind: Strong southeasterly.
30 18/28 Fine. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
31 19/26 Morning and evening cloud. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
01 19/27 Fine, cloud along the mountain. Wind: Strong southeasterly.
02 21/32 Fine. Wind: Moderate southeasterly.
03 18/27 Partly cloudy, rain overnight (50%). Wind: Fresh northwesterly.
Temps in Degrees C. Damn, might have a bit of rain on the 3rd :urff:

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 08:24
by CellThree
hallucienate wrote:Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
Brighter than a lucky penny
When you're near the rain goes, disappears, and I feel fine
Just to know that you are mine

My life is sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
That's how this refrain goes
So come on and join in, everybody
Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbows
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
When you're in love to stay

28 18/25 Partly cloudy. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
29 17/27 Fine. Wind: Strong southeasterly.
30 18/28 Fine. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
31 19/26 Morning and evening cloud. Wind: Fresh southwesterly.
01 19/27 Fine, cloud along the mountain. Wind: Strong southeasterly.
02 21/32 Fine. Wind: Moderate southeasterly.
03 18/27 Partly cloudy, rain overnight (50%). Wind: Fresh northwesterly.
Temps in Degrees C. Damn, might have a bit of rain on the 3rd :urff:
Aw poor Hal.

It must suck to be you.

:x :wink:

At least I didn't have to de-ice my car when I got out of work this morning. The temp hadn't risen high enough for any condensation! Yay!

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 09:14
by andymackem
Why can't people drive properly in snow and ice?

It's not really good enough to slow from 90 down to 45 if you continue to drive 3 inches behind the car in front like the imbecile who tailed me into work this morning.

Either drive properly or stay home. Grrr.

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 10:46
by Planet Dave
Equally, people driving down the middle of the road (a totally clear road) at 5 MPH because of a bit of ice on the pavement are quite annoying. Not to mention those who drive along the outside lane at 50 MPH because there's a bit of snow in the central reservation.

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 14:35
by Black Planet
andymackem wrote:Why can't people drive properly in snow and ice?

It's not really good enough to slow from 90 down to 45 if you continue to drive 3 inches behind the car in front like the imbecile who tailed me into work this morning.

Either drive properly or stay home. Grrr.
Because they are assholes! Had one last big snow on my street. 6 inches of snow and the bastard was tailgating me. Stopped at red light and asshole makes a right hand turn far to fast....and spins out. Serves the prick right!

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 16:21
by Angelchild
We've had plenty up here, but as I'm signed off work sick at present I don't have to venture out in it :)
I can just sit and admire the view from my humble abode.
My sympathies got out to my fellow Heartlanders who are travelling in it though as trying to get from A to B in these conditions is feckin' abysmal :x

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 02:44
by Andy TG
Angelchild wrote:We've had plenty up here, but as I'm signed off work sick at present I don't have to venture out in it :)
I can just sit and admire the view from my humble abode.
My sympathies got out to my fellow Heartlanders who are travelling in it though as trying to get from A to B in these conditions is feckin' abysmal :x
@ Angelchild :-)

Sorry to hear about you being "ill" - hope you get better sooner rather than later! ;D (and NO I am NOT taking the P I S S!)

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 11:10
by Angelchild
Thank you for the kind thoughts ATG,it's much appreciated :D

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 20:36
by James Blast
Awwww, AC,
I miss you

a peeved, cold, wet, carless (don't ask), wandering barman
Blast :|