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Chavs, townies etc etc

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 22:08
by Almiche V
We all need each other. However.....


Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 22:17
by mugabe
I don't trust sites that contain sentences like "Chav TV at it's finest".

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 22:48
by Thea
i sent a pic of my sister and her mates in. it's under

no fiver yet though :(

Posted: 29 Jan 2004, 23:00
by Almiche V
:lol: Spooky, a friend sent me the link.

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 11:00
by Planet Dave
That Eminem seems to have a lot to answer for, if those pics are anything to go off.

Reminds me of the Leeds station taxi rank on a weekend night. Avoid.

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 11:10
by MrChris
That is very funny. I've just discovered that my brother is a chav. I knew he was a lot of other things...

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 11:32
by Red_Kola
Taking civic pride way too far, I have to say the the 'burgeoning peasant underclass' of Glasgow is a great deal less classy than anyone elses underclass... Aye. f**king miles better! ... otchi.html

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 11:52
by MrChris
That's very funny, and very scary. The chav baby name generator was also good - my kid will be called Tyler Axel, apparently. My brother must have been there before me, because he has actually called his girl Shania...

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 17:50
by Silver_Owl
I'm sorry - I am unaware of this phrase 'chav' - what does it mean?

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 17:55
by Thea
Steve303 wrote:I'm sorry - I am unaware of this phrase 'chav' - what does it mean?
click the link... :roll:

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 17:57
by Silver_Owl
Now I see. I never knew they were called that.
It's something to aspire to, eh?

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 18:00
by Silver_Owl
I just tracked down your sis DooMie, I think her mate on the left warrants it but it seems a bit harsh on her. :lol:

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 18:33
by Thea
Steve303 wrote:I just tracked down your sis DooMie, I think her mate on the left warrants it but it seems a bit harsh on her. :lol:
i like to think of it as payback for he waking me up at silly hours with eminem and 50 cent.

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 18:45
by mh
Oh God, Dublin is full of these people. You see them with their tracksuits, hoodies, trainers, gold chains, wispy moustaches and they're always carrying a mobile phone in their hand. Always. >>Shudder<<

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 19:04
by Almiche V
Why are so many people like this? It must be the herding instinct and living in characterless areas.

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 19:20
by mh
I really have no idea at this stage.

We call them "skangers" here.

Posted: 30 Jan 2004, 20:24
by James Blast
I really did mention this a whole lot earlier, here ... 45&start=0

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 02:54
by Thrash Harry
Bring back National Service, that's what I say. Never did me any harm.

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 13:06
by Almiche V
Red Sunsets wrote:I really did mention this a whole lot earlier, here ... 45&start=0
Red, what's up?

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 20:56
by James Blast
My car's up on blocks, the weather sucks and I have a head cold :(

... Oh! and life sucks!

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 21:04
by Gary
Red Sunsets wrote:My car's up on blocks, the weather sucks and I have a head cold :(

... Oh! and life sucks!
My cars been in the garage for 5 weeks.. apparently i managed to damage the chasis..
stupid cars.. stupid garages.. stupid other road uses!

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 22:06
by James Blast
Gary wrote:stupid cars.. stupid garages.. stupid other road uses!
Garages be the work of Beelzebub, in my experience, Gary.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 00:15
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Oh! and life sucks!
Sunsets, you should listen to the Beach Boys more often.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:02
by Almiche V
Red Sunsets wrote:My car's up on blocks, the weather sucks and I have a head cold :(

... Oh! and life sucks!
Bad luck mate. I hate being ill, everything gets very dark and gloomy. And as for the sodding weather - jeez enough already! Give us some sun and warmth puuuurrrllleeeaasseeee!!!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:12
by James Blast
snubnoseuk wrote:Give us some sun and warmth puuuurrrllleeeaasseeee!!!
Right on Sister Snub and no, Thrash I will not listen to the Beach Boys!