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Kurt Cobain

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 05:04
by Lynchfanatic
Murder or suicide?

I just saw the documentary on dvd. About Kurt and Courtney.
Many say it was a murder not a suicide. Personally I think it was a suicide. Basicly cause the state he was in and so on.. But the one thing that seemed very "off" to me, that could make it look like a murder. Is that there was no fingerprints on the shotgun?!? If Kurt pulled the trigger there would be his fingerprints on the gun..

I wanna know what you guys think about this matter..

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 10:10
by lachert
Maybe 'nevermind' dosn't sell well? Kurt was a week freak, that's all. I remember whan I and couple of dudes going to Berlin on Nirvana show and we got information on place that show is cancel, couse Kurt not feeling well and he lay down in some hospital if France or something like that. I'm stoped like him. Enyway I'm still like nirvana music.
Did you see this 'smell like teen spirit' wher cobait wear drkglasses and sing song similar low voice to Andrew? Very funny. Lot of smoke and lights. It was some of the mtv appearance.

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 10:34
by ryan
ah yes...ive seen that one. He tried to overdose on pills a few months beforehand in a hotel room in rome.

so ill go with suicide

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 12:10
by Padstar
Ive often thought about this....

Hard to say, except for me i think Courtney is a VERY nasty piece of work.

who knows...


Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 14:37
by Scardwel
lachert wrote:Did you see this 'smell like teen spirit' wher cobait wear drkglasses and sing song similar low voice to Andrew? Very funny. Lot of smoke and lights. It was some of the mtv appearance.
It was Top Of The Pops actually. :)

I reckon it was suicide, but whoever found the body must have wiped the gun clean of fingerprints, for whatever reason... :?

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 15:45
by christophe
I think it is Suicide to date Courtney.

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 16:52
by Angelchild
Padstar wrote:Ive often thought about this....

Hard to say, except for me i think Courtney is a VERY nasty piece of work.

who knows...

Well put.

I think it's something which will never be proved. Threre has always been too many if's and buts around it to ever draw a true conclusion.

I have my own thoughts on the matter, and my opinion of Courtney Love is the same as Paddy's.

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 19:48
by Thrash Harry
Black Horizon wrote:I mean how on earth could someone go as low as injecting Heroin into their arm when Pregnant.
I think it's called "addiction".

Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 20:22
by James Blast
Shouldn't the poll have been


Posted: 31 Jan 2004, 23:43
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:Shouldn't the poll have been

Perhaps I am in a "Mood" ;-)

Perhaps a 4th option - "Who The F*** Cares"

IMHO "NIRVANA" have very much to answer for!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 00:11
by Thrash Harry
Well I don't really know, Rita. After my time, I'm afraid. Too busy playing happy families by then. However, Nirvana appear to have been pretty influential, as they were the first band Junior got into when he started developing his own musical tastes about two years ago. I particularly remember coming home from work one day to be proudly presented with KC's suicide note which he had found on the internet. I seriously considered counselling (for both of us), but decided to go with the flow. Still love it when he plays Come As You Are. You've got to admit, they had some pretty nifty tunes. Not sure about the videos though.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 00:21
by cyn

Considering the fact that Kurt suffered from the same thing I do Bi Polar I strongly think it was suicide. Isn't a day that goes by that one doesn't think of it.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 00:31
by Thrash Harry
@Cyn. Well you better stop by here everyday, cos we'll give you a reason to live. Who loves ya baby? We all do!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:04
by James Blast
A point well made (as ever) Thrash.

he came
he played his guitar
he sang his tunes
he fecked off

... end of story

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:08
by Thrash Harry
Well, I was gonna go and watch Wake, as I generally do at this time on a ninth can of lager, but I feel so much warmth here, that I've decided to stay.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:10
by Quiff Boy
Thrash Harry wrote:Well, I was gonna go and watch Wake, as I generally do at this time on a ninth can of lager, but I feel so much warmth here, that I've decided to stay.
amazing what happens when rj gets distracted innit? ;D

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:39
by James Blast
Thrash Harry wrote:Well, I was gonna go and watch Wake
want a DVD of Wake with Shot (not Rev 2.0) and Black Planet and Walk Away vids?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:18
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:Well, I was gonna go and watch Wake
want a DVD of Wake with Shot (not Rev 2.0) and Black Planet and Walk Away vids?
To "All And Sundry" thats a "Bloody Good Idea" (TM) if ever I heard one!

@ RS - your a star you are!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:31
by James Blast
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ RS - your a star you are!
it's all about sharing, isn't it?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:36
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ RS - your a star you are!
it's all about sharing, isn't it?
@ RS - you got that right mate ;D

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:59
by Thrash Harry
Well, that's what education does for you. Bada bing.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 23:42
by cyn
Thrash Harry wrote:@Cyn. Well you better stop by here everyday, cos we'll give you a reason to live. Who loves ya baby? We all do!
Ah thank you, it's just irrational thughts of darkness.

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 00:09
by James Blast
We all have or black times cyn don't dwell on them, I find the peeps on Heartland most helpful, caring and generous.

kind regards

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 14:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
Don't even get me started on loosers who inject/smoke/what-ever whilst pregnant!!! I thought the law in America was to take the baby away as soon as s/he is born, while the mother dries out/grows up? Obviously not if you have money.

I don't think said tart had anything to do with his death directly, but she most certinaly had everything to do with it indirectly.

That'll be all

Posted: 03 Feb 2004, 14:47
by Quiff Boy
Sexygoth wrote:Don't even get me started on loosers who inject/smoke/what-ever whilst pregnant!!! I thought the law in America was to take the baby away as soon as s/he is born, while the mother dries out/grows up? Obviously not if you have money.

I don't think said tart had anything to do with his death directly, but she most certinaly had everything to do with it indirectly.

That'll be all
yep, that pretty much sums up my take on the situation aswell.