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A very serious question

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 00:28
by Thrash Harry
Do you need to know about a band to really appreciate their music? Why do I ask this?

A) Body Electric became my favourite Sisters song when it was released on the Body And Soul 12 inch. But I only discovered it was a remake about 3 years ago.

B) Dark Side Of The Moon has been my favourite album since I really started to listen to it circa 1978. But I only found out about Syd Barrett about 3 years ago.

The internet has a lot to answer for.

So, what do you reckon? Is Shakespeare better seen in the theatre, or studied at school?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:09
by Gripper
Well, get this for total lack of musical awareness:

I heard a totally awesome song as the intro for the Sisters tour in '85, but it took me over three years to find out that it was 'Kashmir.' It turned out that there was a whole load of other Led Zep music I'd really loved for ages, having come across it at all kinds of times and places, but never knew who had made it. However, it was only when a friend lent me a few albums that I actually realised who it was.

So, in answer to your question, the music obviously far outweighed my non-existent knowledge of the band.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:39
by Almiche V
I remember buying 'Watermark' by Enya, purely because of the cover. Listened to it over night and thought it was great. The next day I found out that 'Orinoco Flow' was number one in the charts (I don't pay too much attention to them). But it didn't change what I thought of the album, even though I thought not many other people had heard it. I guess it depends what you get out of the music.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 01:46
by Andy TG
"The Sisters" are not what they once were, what they were I am not at all sure. What they are now is even more unclear. All I know is that I am very Drunk!

Is this statement relevent - I dont know - I dont really care - I am still waiting for a "Velvet Underground" 'Best Of' CD - its about time Lou Reed "cashed in!"

As for "The Sisters" I heard "This Corroison" in 87 - bought "Floodland" from a narrow-minded friend for £3.00 within a week. Very soon later I bought "Everything" "Sisters" related from "Spillers" in Cardiff until they were 'sold out'

I Knes I'd Be Drunk.....

Re: A very serious question

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 05:38
by Black Planet
Thrash Harry wrote:Do you need to know about a band to really appreciate their music? Why do I ask this?

A) Body Electric became my favourite Sisters song when it was released on the Body And Soul 12 inch. But I only discovered it was a remake about 3 years ago.

B) Dark Side Of The Moon has been my favourite album since I really started to listen to it circa 1978. But I only found out about Syd Barrett about 3 years ago.

The internet has a lot to answer for.

So, what do you reckon? Is Shakespeare better seen in the theatre, or studied at school?
the bard is better in the theatre. Next in classroom.

fav records?

Well for me all of them. IN my neck of the world...that is.....too pissed to make you a list.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 05:53
by ryan
when i first got the 3 sisters albums all in one go i, until a few months later, considered the lineup to be eldritch, hussey, adams morrison...pays to look in the booklet

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 06:05
by Black Planet
Yes it does. sweet. And do not forget...Herr Doktor.

He rocks!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 10:50
by emilystrange
No. just enjoy.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:05
by MAtT
Do you need to know about biochemisty to feel hungry, or to be in love?

Then there's your answer... :)

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:18
by DerekR
It doesn't matter what you know, or don't know about what you're listening to. If it rocks your bones that's all that matters.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 20:45
by Padstar
Im with Emily and Derek R...

I got into the Sisters late (93), via the Vision / Floodland route. Also got into 2 of my other fave bands The Wonderstuff and Jesus Jones well after they had initially packed it in!

So im with Emily and derekR here..... just enjoy :)


Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 21:29
by andymackem
Enjoy the music you like- that's always got to come first.

Having said that, a bit of background reading and picking out influences can lead you on to other good stuff. Alternatively it can lead you to any old crap. You pays your money ...

Personally I'm a bit of a nerd. I love digging around for the background to why stuff was produced when it was. But usually it starts with liking the music then doing the research.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 23:34
by Black Planet
Question? Do you really need to know about a band to enjoy their music?

Well... I generally like the Sound first.

Second I do my research of the band.

In The Sisters case.... My research led to an all out infatuation with Andrew.

Same with Zodiac.

I've stopped my research. As I have found it can be really really ..oh hell. I can only lust after 2 at once. LOL

Be good Harry.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 06:53
by Dan
As long as it makes a nice noise, that's all that really matters.

I went out and bought the Reptile House EP in Sept'85 after 2 goth girls at college recommended the Sisters to me. Before that I'd vaguely heard the name before but knew nothing more than that. As soon as I played the record I loved it, and within the next few weeks I went out and bought everything available, then started collecting the live tapes from record fairs. In 1986, Listening to the tape of those two 1981 gigs it seemed such a long time ago, and waiting until 1990 for them to play some gigs seemed a long time, but that's nothing compared to what we're going through now...the wait for them to release a new record!

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 09:53
by wintermute
MAtT wrote:Do you need to know about biochemisty to feel hungry, or to be in love?

Then there's your answer... :)
good answer, even if it is another question

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 11:06
by Candover Premiere
To understand the music, you must understand the group as well, is my belief. Otherwise you are not a real fan. This is ok, but not the best.

When I go to the concerts of the sisters I wear black clothes and a black hat. It is because I understand about the music, and I am in with the joke that eldritch is making. People who go to the concerts and do not understand this I feel sad for, because they do not have the complete sisters experience.

Your talk about biology and food is not the right intellectual paralel here. A woman can be beautiful but she is much more beautiful if you meat her talk to her and find that you like what you meat.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:29
by DerekR
Candover Premiere wrote:A woman can be beautiful but she is much more beautiful if you meat her....
Sorry, I know I shouldn't but, LOL :) :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:07
by MAtT
Candover Premiere wrote:When I go to the concerts of the sisters I wear black clothes and a black hat. It is because I understand about the music
Are you joking?

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:15
by Candover Premiere
The sisters are a dark and unhappy band. There is also much humour in what they say. Wearing black is a joke and also a very serious matter. Like the sisters. Like andrew says you can not rise if you can not reverberate, no?

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:19
by randdebiel²
AndyTheGoth wrote:"The Sisters" are not what they once were, what they were I am not at all sure. What they are now is even more unclear. All I know is that I am very Drunk!

Is this statement relevent - I dont know - I dont really care - I am still waiting for a "Velvet Underground" 'Best Of' CD - its about time Lou Reed "cashed in!"

As for "The Sisters" I heard "This Corroison" in 87 - bought "Floodland" from a narrow-minded friend for £3.00 within a week. Very soon later I bought "Everything" "Sisters" related from "Spillers" in Cardiff until they were 'sold out'

I Knes I'd Be Drunk.....
uhm....there is a "best of velvet underground" cd actually it's callled "the best of the velvet underground" :lol:

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:20
by MAtT
I agree that they are often dark and often humourous, but what bearing that has on what anyone should wear to their concerts to fully appreaciate their music you'll have to explain to me... either I'm having a logic-block or you're completely bonkers... :?

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:39
by Candover Premiere
It is fine MAtT- many people do not understand this! great music is like being hypnotism. and for this, you must have the right environs. for sisters, you must wear black in my opinion.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:44
by randdebiel²
Candover Premiere wrote:It is fine MAtT- many people do not understand this! great music is like being hypnotism. and for this, you must have the right environs. for sisters, you must wear black in my opinion.
I though pink was the color for the sisters :oops: :innocent:

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:45
by MAtT
*scratches head*

Oh well - each to their own, agree to disagree and all that :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 14:14
by Black Planet
randdebiel² wrote:I thought pink was the color for the sisters :oops: :innocent:
I for one will be wearing PINK when I see The Sisters. Black is for sad old goths...and we all know what Andrew thinks about Goffs.... :urff: :urff: