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One for the airheads

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:04
by Thrash Harry
Since I have a grandson called Jordan and Junior's recently discovered my Filth And Fury video, I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here's a firm favourite in the Thrash household. Having said that, I haven't seen it for a few days due to unforeseen incursions with various forms of alcohol. I hear Mr. Lydon's finally succumbed to his natural penchant for p!ss taking. So, who's gonna be first out the door? For me there are too many bores to decide. I woudn't want to name names, but ageing DJs, female athletes and ex-footballer's wives have to be prime candidates. Don't pretend you're not interested, cos I know a fake when I see one.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:32
by Andy TG
I want John Lydon to win - but he wont!
Jordan has less plastic in her chest than Andre has in his head
Jenny Bond is ace - in a coffin, with rats for 10 mins - what a girl!
Lord Brokett - cool!
Katona is a moaning pilliock

as for the "Others" WHO are they

Alex Best - known for being married to a decrepid EX footballed - so!

Diane - athlete - so!

who the bugger is "Razor" and why is he a pillock

Who else is there?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:33
by Andy TG
As for the "First Out" - anyone except "Lydon"

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 02:40
by Thrash Harry
@Andy. I s the "Oh Ah" bird any relation to the "Oomegoolie" one? Had to be said.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 05:41
by Black Planet
You have both lost me.



Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 05:52
by Thrash Harry
Black Planet wrote:You have both lost me.


Well, since it's you, I'll explain. The subject of the thread is about a UK TV programme called I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here whee they put some (almost) famous people on a dirt patch in Australia and see whether anyone's gonna f**k or fight. You must have something like it in the States. Either you've stolen it from us or we've stolen it from you. The other bit is (can't remember now so I'm gonna have to open another Heartland window and remind myself ... wait ... oh right the oomigoolie thing. A very old joke about a bird with no legs that when it lands says "ooh me goolies" as in "Sh!t that hurt my bolllox. Geddit? Good? Wasn't that funny was it. What time is it where you are, Planet?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 05:58
by ryan love to see that...john lyndon eh? fantastic

i think there was a german show along the same lines of that if i remember hearing about it..german celebrities though

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 06:03
by Black Planet
Harry it's midnight..which means Ryan you s**t you are having lunch!

For your show...Nope. I do not watch tv. at all... so your self..towhatever it is...

I cant be bothered.


Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:06
by Angelchild
AndyTheGoth wrote:I want John Lydon to win - but he wont!
Jordan has less plastic in her chest than Andre has in his head
Jenny Bond is ace - in a coffin, with rats for 10 mins - what a girl!
Lord Brokett - cool!
Katona is a moaning pilliock

as for the "Others" WHO are they

Alex Best - known for being married to a decrepid EX footballed - so!

Diane - athlete - so!

who the bugger is "Razor" and why is he a pillock

Who else is there?

Aptly put ATG :)

I must confess to watching it too,just the highlights, I'm usually knocking out the zeds when it's on past midnight :roll:
I never bothered with the last series but it was only as John Lydon was in this one I decided to watch it.
He is indeed a true star :notworthy:
It was funny last night when he was moaning as it sounded just like me about someone I have the misfortune to work with :x :evil:
Isn't Jordan being soooooooo predictable and living up to her image?

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:08
by MAtT
Lydon's odds-on favourite to win.

Jordan (Katie)'s not nearly as bad as people think she is....

One of those two will win - or maybe Lord Whatshisname or Razor.... the other's don't have a hope in hell.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:23
by DerekR
Wake me up when it's over. Oh wait, then it'll be time for big brother....on second thoughts leave me sleeping.

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 14:28
by MAtT
lol :D

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 21:29
by Andy TG
If "John Lydon" was not involved in the show I would not even bother to watch it. That said should he voted out I will cease to watch it after he leaves.

I do think he should win - but I guess in reality he wont - hes never tried or wanted to be "popular" - once a rebel always a rebel!

Posted: 01 Feb 2004, 21:55
by CellThree
I've gotta say when Katie isn't being Jordan, she seems quite a nice girl. Do you remember that doc a while back when the scraped all the make up off her and sent her to go work on that horse farm? She came across quite well until she decided to go back into the Jordan persona.

Kerry is a cute as a button but does get a little bit grating. On GMTV the other morning they had an interview with her Mum In Law who said "yeah, she's always been a whiner' which made my morning at any rate!

Funniest moment so far (apart from Johnny) was Peter Andre trying to cop a feel of Katie in the bed and getting it all caught on camera. Fantastic!

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 07:01
by Dan
Although I watched the last one I wasn't gonna watch this one until I found out Lydon was gonna be in it. He's sure to get through to the last 3, although I dunno if he'll win. Hopefully Andre will be out pretty quickly as he's a cock. It's only worth watching for Lydon and all the funny comments he makes. You can tell he's playing up to the cameras a lot, but who cares, he's funny and entertaining. The man's a star! Hopefully he'll get offers of a TV show after this.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 08:08
by Thrash Harry
Dan wrote:Hopefully he'll get offers of a TV show after this.
You mean like team captain on Never Mind The Buzzcocks? Now there's a thought.