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Youre favourate films!

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 11:25
by Candover Premiere
Hey brother and sister heartlanders! Last weekend I saw sleepy hollow. This is a great film. Tim Burton is a very special film maker. What are youre five favourate films?

Mine are

#1 The empire strikes back :notworthy:

#2 waynes world :D

#3 Robocop

#4 the lost boys

#5 easy rider

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:01
by Gary
The Beach

Finding Nemo


Ferris Buelers Day OFf

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:15
by Padstar
I can feel Richeys anger building!


Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:18
by hallucienate
Padstar wrote:I can feel Richeys anger building!

yeah, and your lack of apostrophe ain't gonna help :wink:

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:19
by Padstar
oh god no...... a Richey in training!!!

Paddy :(

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:34
by Candover Premiere
Padstar wrote:oh god no...... an Richey in training!!!

Paddy :(
This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.

But he can also tell me what films are good. The beach is a great film Gary. You know I went there once. I here now all the tourism has ruined the island. I hate this modern development. It makes me sad and ANGRY!

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 12:50
by CorpPunk
Candover Premiere wrote:
Padstar wrote:oh god no...... an Richey in training!!!

Paddy :(
This is dog rubbish! I asked richey if he corrected vlaamse. He does not. He will ignore this, if he knows what good for him is.
Good for you. :D

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:10
by MAtT
All time faves that spring to mind:

American Beauty
Mulholland Drive
Twin Peaks
Inteview With The Vampire
Pulp Fiction
Lock Stock
Original Star Wars Trilogy
American History X
The Wizard Of Oz
The Devil's Advocate

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:19
by andymackem
Blazing Saddles still makes me laugh, but I have a puerile sense of humour.
Life of Brian is impossibly funny.

Liked the Tim Burton Batman films, but would take Nightmare before Xmas as a fave. However Christina Ricci in Sleepy Hollow is rather lovely :wink:

Vanya on 42nd Street is a neat reworking of Chekhov, and I loved Onegin when that came out.
Sticking with the Russian theme I'd also recommend Kukusha for an exquisitely filmed production (not a bad story either, but a bit slow and too dependant on a laboured linguistic confusion). And film nerds wouldn't want to miss Russian Ark, shot in a single 90-minute take in the Hermitage. It's a technical tour-de-force, but a deep knowledge of Russian history would have made it more watchable. Hey ho!

American Beauty is good, thoroughly enjoyed both American Splendor and Lost in Translation last week [note for spelling pedants: AS is an American film and adopts the US spelling of the word more commonly known as 'splendour'. Don't blame me]

Can I suggest Cabaret without calling my sexuality into question? I played in a stage band for a production of the musical when I was a kid and was bowled over by it.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:27
by randdebiel²
Once upon a time in AMerica
the godfather
apocalypse now
as good as it gets
suddenly last summer
otto e mezze
A la folie pas du tout (audray Tautou :drool: )
De zaak alzheimer (yes a flemish movie in here :o )
Kill Bill
any Kubrick movie (except Barry Lyndon)
any David Lynch movie (except maybe lost highway, but even that one's great)
the good the bad and the ugly
Blade runner
The "...of the dead" trilogy
The cook the thief his wife and her lover
(or any movie with matthieu kassowitz for that matter)
Annie Hall
The kitchen
The shower
The wedding Banquet
more to come later :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:31
by MAtT
I forget to mention Debbie Does Dallas.

And Spiceworld, which I had the privilidge of seeing at the cinema ;D

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:32
by randdebiel²
forgot all the Polanski movies (especially, Rosemary, China town and the pianist)
and all kieslowsky movies,
ah yes, and also The unbearable lightness of being

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:33
by andymackem
MAtT wrote:I forget to mention Debbie Does Dallas.

And Spiceworld, which I had the privilidge of seeing at the cinema ;D
Spiceworld was rather splendid, in a strangely crap kind of a way.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:42
by hallucienate
andymackem wrote:
MAtT wrote:I forget to mention Debbie Does Dallas.

And Spiceworld, which I had the privilidge of seeing at the cinema ;D
Spiceworld was rather splendid, in a strangely **** kind of a way.
meat loaf has a classic line in it.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 13:43
by randdebiel²
hallucienate wrote:

meat loaf has a classic line in it.
which reminds me I forgot fight club (actually anything with ed norton in....)
The rocky horror picture show,
and also starship troopers :o

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 14:49
by lachert
randdebiel² wrote:forgot all the Polanski movies (especially, Rosemary, China town and the pianist)
and all kieslowsky movies,
ah yes, and also The unbearable lightness of being
You should born in poland.
Sergio Leone Rulez :twisted:

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 14:51
by randdebiel²
lachert wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:forgot all the Polanski movies (especially, Rosemary, China town and the pianist)
and all kieslowsky movies,
ah yes, and also The unbearable lightness of being
You should born in poland.
Sergio Leone Rulez :twisted:
nah...I don't think I could cope with the winters, or the food :eek: ;D

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 14:56
by Thrash Harry
andymackem wrote:Can I suggest Cabaret without calling my sexuality into question?
I love that film. Made a big impression when I was a naive teenager.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 15:12
by Black Planet
Padstar wrote:I can feel Richeys anger building!

Me too.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 16:18
by Quiff Boy
Black Planet wrote:
Padstar wrote:I can feel Richeys anger building!

Me too.
actually, i dont think he'd mind this one so much :o

it has actually sparked some debate about why peopel like they films they do... rj seems to have more of a problem with endless (and pointless) "top 10" lists that dont actually tell you anything interesting ;)

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 16:34
by lachert
randdebiel² wrote:
lachert wrote:
randdebiel² wrote:forgot all the Polanski movies (especially, Rosemary, China town and the pianist)
and all kieslowsky movies,
ah yes, and also The unbearable lightness of being
You should born in poland.
Sergio Leone Rulez :twisted:
nah...I don't think I could cope with the winters, or the food :eek: ;D
What's wrong with food :eek: Don't worry we got MicMacks, KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut waiting for you :wink:

I'm so cool... I like Woody Allen movies.

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 16:39
by randdebiel²
lachert wrote:
What's wrong with food :eek: Don't worry we got MicMacks, KFC, McDonalds, Pizza Hut waiting for you :wink:

I'm so cool... I like Woody Allen movies.
too fat....I'm trying to eat healthy for the moment.... :wink:
I don't like steamed dishes (and a lot of the polish dishes are....), I love kugel, that's true :drool:

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 16:52
by Angelchild
Too many to list,but my all time Top Three are:
Cocteau's " La Belle Et La Bete"
Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange"
and Herzog's " Nosferatu" (though I'm quite partial to the silent one too)
I have to say I also like a lot of the films also listed here by my fellow Heartlanders :D

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 19:42
by Gary
Oh and i forgot to say "spirited away" as well

Posted: 02 Feb 2004, 22:06
by emilystrange
Dougal and the Blue Cat
Withnail and I

for starters..