
Got any interesting thoughts on a set of lyrics? Any that don't involve the word "indeed"? Find yourself struggling to decipher all those obtuse references Von makes? Read "1959 And All That" and still no clearer? Nope, us neither. Postcards found lying in a skip around the back of the Chemists can be found here... Don't say you weren't warned.
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Road Kill
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Good evening everybody,

here's a little question out of Germany...

I believe it's very easy to you but for me it looks
a little "perplex", like we would say.

Can anybody explain "dance the ghost with me" to me.

In german it's something like "tanze den Geist mit mir"
but that makes no sense...
the voice in the distance
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Road Kill
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special thanks @ mugabe...

Dance the ghost with me :

This is probably a reference to Ghost Dance, the band formed by Gary Marx after he left The Sisters. Ghostdance is also a North American Indian movement which sought to achieve unity with the dead / dead souls in order to return to the lifestyle destroyed by the arrival of Europeans. This interpretation ties in with the situation Eldritch found himself in with respect to previous band members, and the arrival of Patricia signalling the return of The Sisters.
the voice in the distance
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I'm personally surprised QB didn't jump in immediately to explain it. Don't tell me your Ghostie-sense wasn't tingling? :)
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Dark wrote:I'm personally surprised QB didn't jump in immediately to explain it. Don't tell me your Ghostie-sense wasn't tingling? :)

never occurred to me that there might be a connection to be honest.

however, there is this: clicky
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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