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What is Wrong?

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 02:03
by Black Planet
Ok.. I have this's called the propensity to state the obvious.

Old boss said that of me.

So what is wrong here? I have ppl telling me in pm's they wont' post for the grammer police.

Big Si says in posts on this very place, it's not fun any more.


What's going on?

I am personally tired of grammar police,, and some ppl I thought better of,.. have joined know who you are....I pm'd you because I like you.

I are all sick of me.

So I am going... on haitus.. Ppl who know me knowme..... you know... :wink:

Well get it sorted. Ok?


Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 02:12
by Big Si
People's Democratic Republic of Heartland anyone? :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 02:17
by Thea
yep. i'm not saying i want cRaZyTyPiNg or a txt tlk revoution sweeping HL, but i'm tired of seeing the "new posts" thingy aonly to find it's the corrections of all te other posts on the thread :|

maybe the grammar fans can print out posts with mistakes and go over them in red pen, then they can feel smug and not annoy anyone else?


Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 02:45
by Black Planet

Sorry it's off topic..but ... :twisted:

Slicepack is worth our time. :wink:

Re: What is Wrong?

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 11:02
by Thrash Harry
Black Planet wrote:So what is wrong here? I have ppl telling me in pm's they wont' post for the grammer police.
Now that's a very bad thing.
Black Planet wrote:Big Si says in posts on this very place, it's not fun any more.


What's going on?
We've all just got the winter blues. It'll be better when the sun and T-shirts return in about 3 months.

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 14:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
Now this is getting stupid, nothing posted on here is meant as a personal attack ( I'm making an educated guess here :roll: ) It's meant in jest. If people really can't see the joke, then simply ignore and/or don't post on that thread. It really is that simple!

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 22:16
by Carrie
Lot of fuss about f*ck all. It obviously amuses one or two people to play catchy outy with each other's grammar - it amuses me, mildly, but then for professional reasons I'm suffused in a warm glow just to realise that anyone gives a chuff about such things in these illiterate times.

If you DON'T find it engaging in the slightest & someone is attacking the way you've expressed yourself, that's really quite rude & if you object you should let them know. If it's not directed at you or intended to offend, then you really shouldn't let it bother you. :roll:

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 22:17
by Quiff Boy
Carrie wrote:Lot of fuss about f*ck all. It obviously amuses one or two people to play catchy outy with each other's grammar - it amuses me, mildly, but then for professional reasons I'm suffused in a warm glow just to realise that anyone gives a chuff about such things in these illiterate times.

If you DON'T find it engaging in the slightest & someone is attacking the way you've expressed yourself, that's really quite rude & if you object you should let them know. If it's not directed at you or intended to offend, then you really shouldn't let it bother you. :roll:
...which is about as accurate a summing up of the whole situation as i could have hoped for. nice one 8)

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 22:18
by Quiff Boy
and that seems like a nice point to wrap up all that silly shenanigans ;)