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Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 15:13
by Lamia
Ok, i dont decree to be the most intelligent creature when it comes to PC's, but i thought i knew my way around them enough to satisfy my lusts and desires re using the boards etc. Now every time i log on, im getting this pop up box thingy that says there is no disk in the drive!!

Why the fook is it saying that??? :eek:

I dont want a disk in the fricking drive!!! :x

Why wont it stop??? :?

Helppppppppppp!!!! :cry: :cry:

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 15:20
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oh good god, I'm even more clueless than the most clueless thing who doesn't have a clue

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 15:32
by CellThree
This is something to do with Zone Alarm.

I think it should stop after a few times. If not, PM me and I'll find a permanent solution...

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 15:39
by Quiff Boy
it might be trying to run something in startup that WAS on a floppy disc in your "A:\" disc drive... :?

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 16:00
by mh
Sounds like Quiffy's on the ball there.

I've noticed that with the way Windows saves shortcuts to recent documents under "Documents" on the Start Menu, if you ever access anything on a floppy there's a tendency for your floppy drive to go positively mental pretty much forever afterwards. You might try clearing them down as well.

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 20:44
by sisxbeforedawn
goto and download system mechanic 4. It's a groovy little tool that will clean up as well as remove dead short cuts, inavlid registry entries and a lot of other stuff.

it's 30 days free trial.


that should get rid of your A:\ drive startup problems.

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 22:49
by James Blast
sisxbeforedawn wrote:goto and download system mechanic 4. It's a groovy little tool that will clean up as well as remove dead short cuts, inavlid registry entries and a lot of other stuff.

it's 30 days free trial.


that should get rid of your A:\ drive startup problems.
... or get a Mac :wink: sorry folks, I can't help myself :(

Posted: 09 Feb 2004, 23:50
by Chairman Bux
Or try DOS 3.3 ;)

Posted: 10 Feb 2004, 09:48
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oh no......The Chairman has taken summit...The world's going crazy I tell you, just crazy