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That Guitarist - Football Pundit!

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 18:26
by 400
As there are some people around here interested in both the beautiful game and washed-up goth bands I thought that Mr Hussey's predictions for tonight's Premiership fixtures may be of interest.


Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 18:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
You leave the hussbag alone!! And don't bloody call the Mish a washed up goth band or there will will trouble..............

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 18:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
<sigh> cancel one will there please lol

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 18:58
by andymackem
Washed up football pundit, though. I can't envisage six goals between Chelsea and Pompey, and I really can't see Pompey getting two of them.

He's OK on the no-brainers, though.

Posted: 11 Feb 2004, 21:08
by Black Planet
Sexygoth wrote:You leave the hussbag alone!! And don't bloody call the Mish a washed up goth band or there will will trouble..............
I knew you'd handle this SG.

The Mi$h still rock like a son of a bitch. Can't wait for the next release...but I will miss Craig on bass. :(

Posted: 12 Feb 2004, 10:31
by MrChris
Well, those predictions of his were spectacularly inaccurate, weren't they! So don't give up the day job, Waynetta! Ooops, he did already!