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London in early March

Posted: 14 Feb 2004, 01:24
by Andy TG
Hi All :-)

Just a wanted you know that Mrs Goth and myself will be in London for the weekend of 5th - 8th of March 2004 for a weekend of Drinking and such like!

We intend to visit "The Dev" in Candem at least once - hopefully more!

We will also be visiting Candem Market and The Intrepid Fox whilst in "The Old Smoke"

Hopefully there will other "Heartlanders" in the area willing to meet up for a drink or four ;-)

Re: London in Early March

Posted: 04 Mar 2004, 02:35
by Andy TG
AndyTheGoth wrote:Hi All :-)

Just a wanted you know that Mrs Goth and myself will be in London for the weekend of 5th - 8th of March 2004 for a weekend of Drinking and such like!

We intend to visit "The Dev" in Candem at least once - hopefully more!

We will also be visiting Candem Market and The Intrepid Fox whilst in "The Old Smoke"

Hopefully there will other "Heartlanders" in the area willing to meet up for a drink or four ;-)
*****London Update*****

Planning is Everthing :-)

Still hope to meet any other "Heartlanders" whilst in London - I will be the very tall guy in the "Heartland" t-shirt! ;-)

Posted: 04 Mar 2004, 03:03
by Black Planet

I would love to be in London with you and your other half.

I will wish you a sunny day, a Blue Sky...., yes a blue sky.........Hey I HAD IT TWICE...You can too.

And don't forget to take a stroll around Soho! At night...for the sights. :wink:

Posted: 04 Mar 2004, 11:05
by RobF
I'll prob be about in Camdenmania on Fri/sat. Drinking is my business and business is bad.

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 01:11
by Andy TG
RobF wrote:I'll prob be about in Camdenmania on Fri/sat. Drinking is my business and business is bad.
@ RobF

AFAIK I will be frequenting "The Dev" (Candem) on Sunday - just because I can!

Hope to "bump into you"

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 01:13
by Andy TG
Black Horizon wrote:Go to Slimelight
@ BH - Um NO because its Crap! and Mrs and I cannot stand "Cyber / EBM" - which is all they seem to play nowadays.

But if it floats your boat thats grand ;-)

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 07:59
by Padstar
We played at The Slimelight once.....

What an experience that was. After we got laid into on some newsgroup by that uncle nemesis bloke. He described Mark the bass player as a Carl McCoy wannabe (Mark is 6"4) and me as a pub rock guitarist... cant remember what he said about our origional singer.

I later found out that he wasnt that keen on The Sisters and he hated the idea of tribute bands..... and you know what, we have NEVER been offered a gig in London since!


Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 11:14
by markfiend
Is it relevant to point out at this junctrure how much I detest the "Tradgoth" label?

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 13:23
by emilystrange
i'll be in camden sunday pm!

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 14:53
by markfiend
Because it's something made up by rivet-heads and cyber types.

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 15:07
by markfiend
If the cap fits... :D

Why oh why oh why do people insist on going to "goth" nights and then insisting the DJs spend three quarters of the time playing rave music? :evil:

*Gets pipe and slippers*

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 15:28
by RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:Why oh why oh why do people insist on going to "goth" nights and then insisting the DJs spend three quarters of the time playing rave music?
that sentence really didn't need anything further after "nights".

Posted: 05 Mar 2004, 16:15
by markfiend
RicheyJames wrote:that sentence really didn't need anything further after "nights".
So how do you know about the Phono dance? :wink:
Black Horizon wrote:Yeah and EBM isn't Rave music, it's Industrial music with hints of Techno.
I must be colour-blind in that range then. :? :roll:

Posted: 08 Mar 2004, 23:25
by Andy TG
I am back from London !

It was a great trip - and I and Mrs Goth are Shattered!

Much to our joint annoyance we were unable to make it to either Candem Market or "The Dev" at all over the weekend.

We do intend visiting again in a couple of months and we will be staying much longer!

"The Intredid Fox" On Friday was the same dump it has always been - but at least the toilets have been improved, even if the quality of the beer and the attitude of the bar staff has gotten much much worse!

"Satsuma" - off Dean Street - a japanese place was IIRC very "interesting" - I suggest a "Bento Box" to anyone (Sushi etc).

The visit to the Tate Modern was "inspiring" - I got to see a Dali classic close up, a decent "Francis Bacon" and one of the three full size versions of Rodin's "The Kiss". The "Turbine Hall" with its smoke, sun and mirrored ceiling was "Awe Inspiring" WOW!

My apologies to those who I may have missed in Candem/The Dev - I will be sure to spend a large amount of time in that area sometime soon!

Posted: 08 Mar 2004, 23:29
by Quiff Boy
AndyTheGoth wrote:I suggest a "Bento Box" to anyone (Sushi etc).
glad you enjoyed yourselves 8)

"little tokyo" in leeds also do a rather spiffing range of bento boxes - i heartily recommend the tofu one :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 00:02
by Andy TG
Quiff Boy wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:I suggest a "Bento Box" to anyone (Sushi etc).
glad you enjoyed yourselves 8)

"little tokyo" in leeds also do a rather spiffing range of bento boxes - i heartily recommend the tofu one :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
@ KewB :notworthy:

The "Bento Box's" are really great - in particular after 8 pints of Stella since 4 PM :wink:

These boxes allow you to have a small, yet filling, selection of various Japanease eats - I had Sushi, Grilled Chicken in Black Bean Sause, Seafood Dumplings and a Salad along with a Bowl of Rice and a strange "soup" which was "Fan-F***ing-Tastic!

And this was in Central London and it only cost £10.60!!!!!! - Which is Nice.

Perhaps a visit to "Leeds" (TM Home Of The Goths ;-)) is in order in the very near future.

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 00:09
by 6FeetOver
markfiend wrote:Because it's something made up by rivet-heads and cyber types.
Hmmm. Lots of the "rivetheads" and "cyber-types" who I know ARE "tradgoths" - myself included! My theory is that we've all kind of gravitated toward/stuck mainly with industrial music, since "g*th" music has gone straight to hell...
:evil: :von:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 00:11
by 6FeetOver
AndyTheGoth wrote:These boxes allow you to have a small, yet filling, selection of various Japanease eats - I had Sushi, Grilled Chicken in Black Bean Sause, Seafood Dumplings and a Salad along with a Bowl of Rice and a strange "soup" which was "Fan-F***ing-Tastic!

And this was in Central London and it only cost £10.60!!!!!! - Which is Nice.
MMMMMMMMMMMM. I HEART Japanese box lunches & sushi!!! Hehehe - here in ol' ChiTown, I can get a bento box for around $10! :twisted: :P