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Religion - Put in its plaice

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 16:53
by Candover Premiere
Got to be christianity, served up with freedom fries:

Mk 1:16

As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 18:58
by MrChris
I can't believe I'm herring this properly.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 08:36
by andymackem
Cod Almighty!

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 10:16
by randdebiel²
a fishy thread, this is :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:02
by MrChris
Isn't Yom Kipper coming up soon?

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:29
by Quiff Boy
dear cod.. :urff:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:33
by Loki
This is blasphemy. You guys have no sole.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:10
by markfiend
I've posted on this thread just for the halibut.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:22
by MrChris
I don't eel well.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:25
by emilystrange
i need a rock to stand on

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:35
by andymackem
MrChris wrote:I don't eel well.
Are you feeling Sikh?

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:43
by Loki
Enough, enough. You can't hake me post anymore.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:12
by MrChris
Some people are going to get a shark, that's all I'm saying.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:20
by Scardwel
emilystrange wrote:i need a rock to stand on
Ruddy hell. Better find you a Perch then...

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:48
by Quiff Boy
Scardwel wrote:
emilystrange wrote:i need a rock to stand on
Ruddy hell. Better find you a Perch then...
:lol: :notworthy:

and the 1st prize goes to scardwell 8) :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:57
by Black Shuck
Quiff Boy wrote:
Scardwel wrote:
emilystrange wrote:i need a rock to stand on
Ruddy hell. Better find you a Perch then...
:lol: :notworthy:

and the 1st prize goes to scardwell 8) :lol:
Yeah. Scardwell definately deserves first plaice.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:00
by Scardwel
aye. a supbream champion... :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:41
by markfiend
Scardwel wrote:aye. a supbream champion... :lol:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:14
by MrChris
I nearly Haddockoughing fit when I read that...

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:24
by hallucienate
I really don't know what to mackerel of this thread, I wish I could tuna it out of my head

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:31
by markfiend
We're skateing on thin ice with this thread. There's just no ray it can continue.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:37
by Carrie
You're just carping...don't be so crabby.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:39
by MrChris
You're just floundering now

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:46
by Carrie
And you're just musseling in!

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:49
by Candover Premiere
This was supposed to be a thread examining the role of fish in world religion.