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Do you attract Weirdos?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 17:14
by Lamia
I have come to the conclusion that i definitely attract weirdos! In work this morning (work is in a hospital!) i had a guy wander into my office asking me if i could exhume the body of his wife as he was desperate for a cuddle - took about 20 minutes before i could get a word in edgeways and when i did, he asked me if i was gay cos i was wearing doc martens with a skirt! He was definitely two sarnies short of a picnic. The scarey thing is, i ended up having a full scale conversation with him, which i actually enjoyed.

Worst one to date, was in a pub in Weymouth, i was sat at a table waiting for mates when this woman came over (bout 50ish), plonked herself down next to me and asked if i wanted to meet her friends. I kind of smiled, and she took that as a yes, she pulled her sleeve up and her arm was covered in scabs - twas these that were her 'friends' apparently! She then said i looked lonely, took her shoe off and used the stiletto heel to pick off 3 scabs - gave them to me and said "there ya go love, you have my friends to keep you company now".
I haven't been to Weymouth since!

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 17:17
by Moz Magister
I am a weirdo but I seem to attract normies, is there any way to avoid this?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 17:19
by Lamia
Moz Magister wrote:I am a weirdo but I seem to attract normies, is there any way to avoid this?
You dont pick scabs do you............... :urff:

Re: Do you attract Weirdos?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 17:28
by CorpPunk
Lamia wrote:In work this morning (work is in a hospital!) i had a guy wander into my office asking me if i could exhume the body of his wife as he was desperate for a cuddle...
That's the funniest damn thing I've heard all month. :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 17:30
by MrChris
Well, that is definitely weird, lamia. I would say there was an attraction going on, yes. The next question is, is it a good thing to attract weirdos or not? I have always thought yes, so long as they are not too dangerous...

Re: Do you attract Weirdos?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 18:12
by Karst
Lamia wrote:(work is in a hospital!)
See, that's where you go wrong.


Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 19:13
by Mrs RicheyJames
No, just really old men (And no, I'm NOT talking about Richey)

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 19:14
by CorpPunk
Sexygoth wrote:No, just really old men (And no, I'm NOT talking about Richey)
Right, and now I suppose you're gonna tell us you're not gay, either?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 19:16
by Mrs RicheyJames
I'm bloody not!!!! A feel of a breast does NOT make me gay...........OK?????

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 19:18
by CorpPunk
Sexygoth wrote:I'm bloody not!!!! A feel of a breast does NOT make me gay...........OK?????
Yours or someone else's? :wink:

Well, in that case, I'm not gay either. Phew. :P

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:00
by Almiche V
Weirdness!!! Lamia, maybe you've got one of those understanding faces. I have, and people tell me ALL their problems. I sometimes want to wear the Shut The F**k Up top.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:05
by sisxbeforedawn
I've never been given any scabs for friends, but I was once offered a tin of sardines to look after by some strange girl on a bus once. She was cute, but had a strange 'I'll kill you when you sleep with a rusty pair of scissors' look.

oh and some bloke offered to take me to see the waterboys!!! :eek: I tried to tell him I was butter side up, but he didn't seem to want to know!

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:08
by Almiche V
Congrat sisx. See, nothing weird like that has happened to me. Except for drunk people saying I'm 7 feet tall. When I'm sorry but I'm just not, y'know. ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:13
by sisxbeforedawn
snubnoseuk wrote:Congrat sisx. See, nothing weird like that has happened to me. Except for drunk people saying I'm 7 feet tall. When I'm sorry but I'm just not, y'know. ;D
you're not hanging around the right places then :wink:

oh and before anybody asks, no I didn't go see the waterboys!

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:44
by christophe
nobody ever even notice me..

hellow!? :(

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:47
by CorpPunk
Hello! :P

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 20:59
by christophe
hey, do jou want to see my scabs?


Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 21:05
by CorpPunk
christophe wrote:hey, do jou want to see my scabs?




Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 21:08
by Silver_Owl
Do they bear a resemblance to Walkers Lamb and Mint sensations?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 21:14
by christophe
Not shore I want to go on whit this conversation.


Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 21:45
by CorpPunk
Oh fine, I'll just have to find someone else to play with.

Hello? :P

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 22:27
by Gripper
Steve303 wrote:Do they bear a resemblance to Walkers Lamb and Mint sensations?
Look, if you're going to slag Walkers Lamb and Mint sensations off, then I'll stand behind emilystrange while she gives you a good kicking.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:26
by zigeunerweisen
Do you attract Weirdos?
I'd be happy to attract anyone, weirdo or not.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:50
by James Blast
I have the face God gave me, it says F.O.A.D!
I have no attraction to anyone 'cept large chested Manc maidens.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:54
by Gripper
Red Sunsets wrote:I have no attraction to anyone 'cept large chested Manc maidens.
You lucky b*****d.