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Portugal Vs England

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:29
by zigeunerweisen
Are you brits ready to get your asses kicked tomorrow night?

Beckham will brake a nail and leave the game crying like a little girl.

Oooh, it will be beautiful.

3 - 0 Portugal wins ;D

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:42
by Red_Kola
edit: less haste

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:43
by zigeunerweisen
Ummm, Portugal wins 4 - 0?

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:45
by James Blast
I'm a Jock, Z.
Come visit Glasgow, we'll show you the difference. :evil:

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:45
by Silver_Owl
Keep dreaming.

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:48
by Red_Kola
What is this all about anyway? Spain is playing Britain at football, is that all???

Posted: 17 Feb 2004, 23:53
by James Blast
Red_Kola wrote:What is this all about anyway?
Kola, see me at the end of this class please or it's a visit to Big Si Land.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 00:00
by Planet Dave
Who cares? Bloody friendlies. At least I don't give a stuff if Beckham gets injured any more. :lol:

BH - that's some avatar man.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 00:01
by Lamia
3 -1 to England, i'll bet a months wages on that! 8)

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 00:18
by zigeunerweisen
Lamia wrote:3 -1 to England, i'll bet a months wages on that! 8)
To be honest, if i had a wage i'd bet it on England winning too, Portugal sucks so much nowadays.

But Beckham will still cry like a little girl at the end of the game because the other kids made fun of his underware.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 00:19
by zigeunerweisen
Red_Kola wrote:Spain is playing Britain at football, is that all???
Your geography knowledge is astounding.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 00:20
by Silver_Owl
If it was Britain playing, the only addition would be Giggs I reckon. ?????

Where's me coat?

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 08:36
by andymackem
Wot? No Christian Dailly to replace Rio Ferdinand?

None of those prolific Northern Ireland strikers to replace the prolific Michael Owen?

Limited interest in today's games, though. I hate friendlies.

That said, I was interested to see Latvia priced at 4/7 to beat Kazakhstan this afternoon in Cyprus ( By my calculations that should be a 1/4 shot at best. Kazakhstan are 135th in the world, just behind Sri Lanka, while Latvia are in the mid-50s and have qualified for Euro 2004.

Lump on!

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 11:05
by Red_Kola
zigeunerweisen wrote:
Red_Kola wrote:Spain is playing Britain at football, is that all???
Your geography knowledge is astounding.
Pot. Kettle. Black. :roll:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:01
by MrChris
I'm Inglez, and I think Bortugaaal will win. Sorry, but I do. I'd like to be wrong!

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:01
by Purple Light
I agree with Andy, the friendlies really are so boring nowadays. I'll support us to the death when we play in tournaments but I couldn't care less about tonight... unless Smudger Smithy gets on & causes some havoc.

Re: Portugal Vs England

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:52
by Black Shuck
zigeunerweisen wrote:Are you brits ready to get your asses kicked tomorrow night?

Beckham will brake a nail and leave the game crying like a little girl.

Oooh, it will be beautiful.

3 - 0 Portugal wins ;D
I think that comment about Beckham's a bit unfair- I don't know where he got his 'wimpy' reputation from, he seems to me to be no less tough than any other footballer.

Besides, at least he's not a cheat like every Portugese player.

I think England will win 2-1.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:58
by MrChris
Now that raises the tone, doesn't it? I'll have you know that in 1947, a Portuguese b-team substitute was put on so late in the match that he didn't even finish tying his laces. Da Silva, I think his name was. By the time he'd done the left one up, the whistle went. He therefore had no time to dive, dissemble or pinch anyone. Your statement is clearly unfair.

Re: Portugal Vs England

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:49
by Purple Light
Black Shuck wrote:
zigeunerweisen wrote:Are you brits ready to get your asses kicked tomorrow night?

Beckham will brake a nail and leave the game crying like a little girl.

Oooh, it will be beautiful.

3 - 0 Portugal wins ;D
I think that comment about Beckham's a bit unfair- I don't know where he got his 'wimpy' reputation from, he seems to me to be no less tough than any other footballer.

Besides, at least he's not a cheat like every Portugese player.

I think England will win 2-1.

I used to absolutely hate the fella. I am 100% pure Leeds & I hate Man United more than anything though so that probably explains it.
Don't mind him now he's ditched the scum though. Nice to see him doing well for Real.

England will win 3-2 tonight. David James will let two howlers in in the first half. Paul Robinson will come on to replace him & save eight penalties & Alan Smith will come on with five mins to go & score a hat-trick. (& then we'll beat the scum on Saturday... come on you whites !!!!)

Re: Portugal Vs England

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 21:52
by Black Shuck
Purple Light wrote:(& then we'll beat the scum on Saturday... come on you whites !!!!)
Your post was plausible, up until that last bit...

Re: Portugal Vs England

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 21:59
by Planet Dave
Black Shuck wrote:
Purple Light wrote:(& then we'll beat the scum on Saturday... come on you whites !!!!)
Your post was plausible, up until that last bit...
Blimey Shuck, I have to agree with you. :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 22:13
by James Blast
Go on, how much are Scotland getting humped by? (I can only watch Glasgow Celtic games)

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:00
by andymackem
Well, I was right about Latvia. 3-1 winners, and a tidy £30 profit for yours truly.

He who dares, Rodders, he who dares!

Mind, I nearly shat myself when Kazakhstan took the lead midway through the first half :oops:

And I gather England were quite dull. It's not worth even ripping the p*ss out of Scotland, mind.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:01
by moonchild
Portugal almost kicked the english ugly asses....

1-1, both goals by portuguese players...


Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 12:13
by MrChris
Hehe, they're not all ugly, you know. Just most of them.