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Which browser do you use?

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 01:57
by jenzi-benzi
there were days when i was using the internet explorer but now i have mozilla or firefox.
which browser do you use and what experiences did/ do you get/ got?
( i use the iexplorer for windows-update only)

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 02:05
by cocoamix
Firefox all the way. It f**king rules. There are things I liked about Safari, but when Firefox came out, I tried it, and was hooked. It's my default browser for Windows and Mac, and of course all the Linux propellerheads I know use it too. I have the Mouse Gestures, DictionarySearch, and Tab Scroller extensions installed, and the plug-ins for Google, IMDB, and ebay in my search bar.
It's browsing bliss.

Don't even get me started on IE. It's a f**king worthless, bloated, piece of s**t that doesn't even deserve to be called a web browser, compared to what other browsers offer.

Someday I may even tell you how I really feel about it.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 09:23
by andymackem
Yes, but IE is what came with my computer, and it does what I need it to.

Happy enough not to care, at least.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 10:25
by hallucienate
I never liked the way mozilla renedered pages, so I've always been an IE man for windoze and Konquerer for Linux. These days I use Avant Browser for windoze, which is a program that rides on top of IE but has some cool functions.

I think I'll give that Firefox a go now though.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 10:33
by Mrs RicheyJames
I don't bloody know!!

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 11:12
by DomConway
IE all the way for me. It works fine and does everything I want it to, so why not...

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:00
by sisxbeforedawn
I'm a child of Bill, so it has to be IE :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

bugged? never! :innocent: they are undocumented features :oops:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 12:23
by Quiff Boy
ahhh, so it's you lot is it?

i've often looked at the stats and wondered who the f**k uses firebird and konquerer!


ok, own up - who's the sad sack that uses webtv?!?! :lol: :urff:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 13:51
by Scardwel
Why isn't Netscape listed??? :? It's what I use at work... ahem...

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 14:20
by vicus
the one from Norway ;-)

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:02
by Quiff Boy
a few random heartland web stats for you, for the past 7 days:
Browsers (Top 10)

Versions - Grabber - Hits - Percent

MSIE - - 328817 - 94.6%
Msie 6.0 - No - 263329 - 75.7 %
Msie 5.5 - No - 17468 - 5 %
Msie 5.23 - No - 19 - 0 %
Msie 5.22 - No - 22 - 0 %
Msie 5.17 - No - 1146 - 0.3 %
Msie 5.16 - No - 93 - 0 %
Msie 5.15 - No - 40 - 0 %
Msie 5.14 - No - 1 - 0 %
Msie 5.01 - No - 38198 - 10.9 %
Msie 5.0 - No - 6785 - 1.9 %
Msie 4.01 - No - 1263 - 0.3 %
Msie 4.0 - No - 452 - 0.1 %
Msie ? - No - 1 - 0 %

NETSCAPE - - 3139 0.9 %
Netscape 7.1 - No - 45 - 0 %
Netscape 7.02 - No - 1222 - 0.3 %
Netscape 7.01 - No - 1 - 0 %
Netscape 7.0 - No - 318 - 0 %
Netscape 6.2.3 - No - 512 - 0.1 %
Netscape 4.78 - No - 40 - 0 %
Netscape 4.74 - No - 1 - 0 %
Netscape 4.72 - No - 990 - 0.2 %
Netscape 4.0 - No - 10 - 0 %

OTHERS - - 15459 - 4.4 %
Opera - No - 6524 - 1.8 %
Mozilla - No - 4283 - 1.2 %
Safari - No - 3933 - 1.1 %
Unknown - ? - 515 - 0.1 %
Firebird - No - 177 - 0 %
Konqueror - No - 23 - 0 %
Lynx - No - 3 - 0 %
WebTV browser - No - 1 - 0 %
Operating Systems (Top 10)

Operating Systems - Hits - Percent
Windows - 335714 - 96.6%
Macintosh - 9357 - 2.6%
Unknown - 2070 - 0.5%
Sun Solaris - 174 - 0%
Linux - 99 - 0%
WebTV - 1 - 0%
Visitors domains/countries

Domains/Countries - Pages - Hits - Bandwidth

Network net - 16168 - 99196 - 301.08 MB
Commercial com - 11154 - 75368 - 254.55 MB
United Kingdom uk 7892 - 36754 - 201.23 MB
Unknown ip - 6706 67013 - 149.58 MB
Belgium be - 2257 - 13195 - 58.85 MB
Estonia ee - 1511 - 3748 - 53.63 MB
Australia au - 1309 - 13524 26.10 MB
Poland pl - 867 - 3766 - 11.89 MB
Germany de 782 5188 31.65 MB
USA Government gov - 468 - 6654 - 5.09 MB
Netherlands nl - 457 - 4376 - 9.75 MB
Sweden se - 383 - 2868 - 13.85 MB
USA Educational edu - 366 - 1527 - 15.95 MB
Italy it - 321 - 2511 - 11.91 MB
South Africa za - 248 - 560 - 1.53 MB
bandwidth usage currently running at about 1gb a week :urff: :notworthy:

do you see yourself anywhere on those lists? :von:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:10
by Padstar
Ok then kiddies.....

Today we will look at the internet throught the ROUND window....

tommorrow may be different...



Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:57
by Quiff Boy
and just in case you really care, here's screenshots of those stats in full:




anoraky enough for you yet? ;D

courtesy of the rather spiffing awstats :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 15:58
by Quiff Boy
which poor schlep is still using windows 95?!? :o

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:10
by markfiend
:eek: As I believe the other Mac users on here are all OSX, the 1.3% from Mac OS is probably just me :innocent:

How did someone from Bulgaria manage just 6.97K of bandwidth? Surely you use more than that just loading the index page?

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:15
by Loki
Quiff Boy wrote: USA Government gov - 468 - 6654 - 5.09 MB
:eek: They're on to us ...

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:23
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:How did someone from Bulgaria manage just 6.97K of bandwidth? Surely you use more than that just loading the index page?
possibly, though i do have gzip compression turned on the server side, so i dont actually push out the same file sizes as your browser eventually gets... :innocent:

would probably quadruple my bandwidth usage without it :urff:

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:23
by CellThree
Johnny Boy wrote:
Quiff Boy wrote: USA Government gov - 468 - 6654 - 5.09 MB
:eek: They're on to us ...
They've probably noticed the surge in membership over the past few months and decided that we'll soon become a terrorist threat or something. :D

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:57
by cocoamix

Or continue using IE like a good little sheep.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 16:59
by mh
I'm the person with Windows 2003 anyway.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:10
by Karst
Barry, do you run that under Win 2000 Advanced? Been looking for a proper reader of my log files for a while now.

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:21
by vicus
cocoamix wrote:

Or continue using IE like a good little sheep.
Or try something completely different (and don't waste that much RAM):

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:28
by Quiff Boy
Karst wrote:Barry, do you run that under Win 2000 Advanced? Been looking for a proper reader of my log files for a while now.
my hosting company give me access to the raw server logs, and the awstats package is written in perl.

it is very configurable as to which format your logfiles are in (if you have a standard win2k logfile format it even gives you the appropriate syntax as an example).

you will probably need to install perl for win32 on your server though...

you need to run the stats update script every day - it only takes a few seconds but if you miss a day and the log files roll over a day you will have to do some fiddling with config files to get your old logs...

heartland runs on a unix box, so i have a cron job set up to generate them at 11.55pm every evening. you would probably be able to set up a scheduled task to automatically run the perl script at the required intervals... :)

Posted: 18 Feb 2004, 17:34
by Karst
Thanks. Might have a stab at that. Not in over the weekends, but access is low then anyway.

Posted: 19 Feb 2004, 04:11
by Andy TG
I use "Opera" - which I only discovered by chance.

The best feature IMHO is that I can leave numerous pages "Open" even when I close down and they will appear again when I wish to surf!

That is a great feature - If the **** that is IE can do that I have yet to find the option!