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What is it with goths and cats?

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 18:21
by Black Shuck
Since you all love to chat about four-legged fleabags, I thought you might find this of interest.

Aren't I good to you! Now I'm gonna go and play with my dog.

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 18:27
by christophe
one big kitten.

But I do prefere a dog!

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 18:27
by F*ck*As*Goth
I like cats... just as long as they're not in the "look I could be mistaken for a Shetland pony" range....

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 18:34
by Black Shuck
I think all cats are spies from some faraway planet, sent here to gather information in preparation for an imminent feline invasion.

So they'll be sending confusing messages back to their home planet about all humans wearing black, waking up at four in the afternoon and listening to Depressing electro rock music.

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 18:43
by christophe
Black Shuck wrote:I think all cats are spies from some faraway planet, sent here to gather information in preparation for an imminent feline invasion.

So they'll be sending confusing messages back to their home planet about all humans wearing black, waking up at four in the afternoon and listening to Depressing electro rock music.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: idd

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 19:45
by MAtT
Black Shuck wrote:I think all cats are spies from some faraway planet, sent here to gather information in preparation for an imminent feline invasion.

So they'll be sending confusing messages back to their home planet about all humans wearing black, waking up at four in the afternoon and listening to Depressing electro rock music.

cats rock

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 20:07
by Brideoffrankenstein
I've got 3 tarantulas, 4 snakes and I Nile monitor!!!!

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 20:46
by andymackem
Is a Nile monitor a bit like a milk monitor, only handing out bottles of murky river water?

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 20:52
by Brideoffrankenstein
andymackem wrote:Is a Nile monitor a bit like a milk monitor, only handing out bottles of murky river water?
Yes, he's very good at it. Sometimes he brings me a cup of tea as well :wink:

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 21:11
by paint it black
What is it with goths and cats?
they both stink of p*ss, have fleas, do whatever they like when they like. even if most are doing something altogether different. Oh, and they only come to life at night :twisted:

Posted: 22 Feb 2004, 21:16
by emilystrange
they're just soooooooooooo cute and furry and lovely and snuggly.
i have 3.

Posted: 23 Feb 2004, 08:07
by hallucienate
Rover is almost as big as that cat.

Posted: 23 Feb 2004, 09:53
by Padstar

still a favourate of mine.

Posted: 23 Feb 2004, 18:31
by 6FeetOver
Cats are cute and soft. Unfortunately, I'm deathly allergic to them, so I can't have any. Sucks to be me! :evil: :cry:

Posted: 23 Feb 2004, 23:39
by Thrash Harry
I persuaded my Mother to get a cat after my eldest brother got married and left home. I named hom Fonzie. :von:

Mrs T's to blame nowadays. All of the earlier ones we had kept disappearing, but it never put her off for long. The two we've got now are mother and daughter and we've had them about ten and eight years respectively. They're buggers for wrecking your pine furniture, shag pile carpets and freshly hung wallpaper though.

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 10:28
by andymackem

still a favourate of mine.
:notworthy: superb :notworthy: