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Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:23
by Mrs RicheyJames
Pancakes :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:28
by mh
I like them cold and with salt.

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:29
by Mrs RicheyJames

Hot with loads of sugar!!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:32
by mh
That's about the same reaction I normally get!

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
Stop being so bloody weird then

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:39
by Karst
Dutch treat...



Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:40
by Mrs RicheyJames
but aren't they just strange looking yorkshire puddings?

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:43
by mh
They look nice though. Can I have them cold and with salt?

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 18:45
by Karst

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 19:00
by DerekR
I can't have pancakes. Mr Atkins says so :(

In a moment of madness I visited

NOW we're talking major "mmmmmmmm". Anyone ever tried them?

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 19:03
by Mrs RicheyJames
Anyone ever tried em with chocolate and brandy sauce?

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 19:40
by Brideoffrankenstein
Oooooooooh don't talk about pancakes! I haven't got time to make any tonight(or any of the ingredients). Lemon juice and sugar!!!!!*licks lips*
5000x :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 19:40
by christophe
just got home from my 'sister' where I went to eat pancakes. :D
Isn’t that ironic.
lots of sugar!!!

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 21:16
by sisxbeforedawn
I feel like a fat pig!! just had lots of hot pancakes with maple syrup and loads of ice cream :D it's so nice when the ice cream melts all over the pancakes with the syrup yummy....

now there's a thought :twisted:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 22:53
by James Blast
Pancakes need none of that lemon juice or sugar after they are cooked up here at Chateaue b'Last. They come hot from the griddle, sweet and perfectly formed.

Maple or Elm Syrup is an option tho.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 02:00
by jenzi-benzi
tried them with dutch cheese or with tuna..... :D
very interesting...

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 02:37
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 08:36
by hallucienate
banana, jam, cinnamon and sugar. mmmmmmmmmmmm.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 10:59
by markfiend
I forgot that it was pancake day! :oops:

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 11:48
by Black Shuck

Smoke and a pancake?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 13:37
by _emma_
mh wrote:I like them cold and with salt.
So do I. 8)
I just can't understand why most people prefer them sweet. :roll: :urff:
Anyone else?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 13:54
by Lamia
_emma_ wrote:
mh wrote:I like them cold and with salt.
So do I. 8)
I just can't understand why most people prefer them sweet. :roll: :urff:
Anyone else?

Eeeeeeuwww :urff: that sounds disgusting! :?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 14:45
by The Green Lantern
Can I just pop in here and tell you I ate loads of them yesterday?

With icecream and strawberry jam preferbly.

I also like it with maple syrup if I feel a little american.
Or cold with sugar and cinnamon if I don't.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 14:50
by hallucienate
The Green Lantern wrote:I also like it with maple syrup if I feel a little american.
I thought only Michael Jackson could get away with stuff like that :?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 15:27
by The Green Lantern
hallucienate wrote:I thought only Michael Jackson could get away with stuff like that :?
Eeew, that's nasty. :urff: