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Ahem... An Announcement!

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 20:35
by Lamia
Am bursting to tell the entire world, so thought you lot would be a good start!!! 8)

Me and my partner (you might know him as (sideshow) Jack from the Wishville site) are having a bairn!! :D

We are both absolutely over the moon, but already arguing as to which footie team he/she will support!

He reckons the poor sod will be a Hartlepool supporter like his dad - Hah! he has another thing coming :roll:

Play up Pompey!! ;D

Ideas for names most welcome as we cant agree on those either!!! :eek:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 20:48
by Big Si
Congrats! :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 20:48
by Almiche V
Image Congrats! I hope all goes well.

Aaaah, the homelands.

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 21:01
by Loki
Congrats to to you both! :D

I guess that means you've been 'doing it' :urff:


Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 21:01
by Angelchild
Congratulations! :D

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 21:04
by CorpPunk

May I suggest the name 'Corpy,' for a girl or a boy? :wink:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 22:29
by James Blast
I always thought Red was pretty unisex :innocent:

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 22:30
by James Blast
t' Internet has been playing up tonight, sorry, must be the pancakes.

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 22:43
by moonchild

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 22:50
by Quiff Boy
always liked the name "barry" myself... ;)

congrats 8)

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 23:26
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 23:35
by Brideoffrankenstein
I have a friend who is pregnant at the moment and we have been discussing names. We like Airan for a boy and Scarlet, Magenta or Violet for girls :wink: :D :D 8)

Posted: 24 Feb 2004, 23:58
by Dave R
Congats from the Doktor and Misses D, we have 3 in our brood so far, a pleasure the lot of em, word of caution though....

Please in the name of God do not give the kiddy a hip wierd name, they will hate you in later life....

I have friends (loosely called..) with various names for their progeny as Vlad, Damion, Tijuana Lucana, Lumiere.... you get the idea, they thought they were being oh so alternative (spit!) when all they are doing is condemning the poor unborn to a life of therapy and years of ridicule..

"Ha Hah! Vlads dads a GOTH!!!!" :oops:

For the record, mine are Lily, Dylan and Ethan.
Nowt wrong with them eh? :innocent:

Once again, well done! If only i'd worn one of them rubber things on the end of me John Thomas...cue Python outro music...

Happy 4 Ya! :D :D

(btw the Wolves are gonna drop ya....) :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 00:00
by Gripper
Cool! :notworthy: :notworthy:

With the onset of pelvic floor exercises, I suggest that 'Gripper', if not a suitable name for da kid, is a suitable nickname for yourself. :innocent:

Enjoy! As can be seen at ... age_id=359 children can have all kinds of benefits...

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 00:23
by Planet Dave

Hope all goes well, particularly with the name-choosing. Two books of names (two, I ask you?) yielded Ethan for our lovable sprog, Mandy having already unleashed Reece onto the world by the time I turned up. Given that Ethan was my second choice, may I suggest Wolfgang. You know you want to.

The footy lark is always problematic. Though obviously I expect little sympathy, it's darn hard (for a Manc Red) watching his Leeds boys turn more into Leeds Boys with every passing day. But a bit of harmless (??) rivalry always spices up Saturdays.

Congrats again.


Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 08:24
by hallucienate

I'm fond of the names Rover or Fido.

Failing that, Lucien or Luke serve pretty well.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 10:54
by Karst
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:We like Airan for a boy and Scarlet, Magenta or Violet for girls.
Moving to Transylvania anytime soon? ;)


Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 11:00
by sisxbeforedawn
Congrats :D :D :D

hope all goes well!!

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 11:58
by andymackem
I've always felt Christopher, when given its Polish version, can be both conventional and distinctive at the same time.

Trouble is, any child learning to spell Krzyztof is likely to sue for emotional trauma later in life.

As for the footie, it has to be the Poolies, I'm afraid. Bit of north east solidarity 'n' that. Maybe Krzyztof H Angus?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 12:07
by Black Shuck
andymackem wrote:Maybe Krzyztof H Angus?
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
That's the funniest thing I've heard in ages!

Congratulations, Lamia Honey. Names? You can't go wrong with James or Kate.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 12:12
by markfiend
Congratulations! Do you know what flavour of bun you have in your oven yet?

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 12:14
by Quiff Boy
markfiend wrote:Congratulations! Do you know what flavour of bun you have in your oven yet?
judging by the father, i'd say blueberry. ;)


Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 13:03
by emilystrange
Oh bless. I'm all happy for you...

Emily has a certain ring to it.

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 14:17
by Thrash Harry
Congratulations. My only advice on names is not to go for a unisex one or s/he might get allocated to the wrong dormitory on a Junior school trip, much to the amusement of everyone else. :oops:

Posted: 25 Feb 2004, 16:57
by christophe

nice for you!!