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You're my favourite waste of time

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:11
by Black Shuck
If You were unable to play games on PCs, the Western world would be 200% as productive.

I'm talking about simple Windows games which you can 'close' whenever your boss walks past

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:15
by Loki
I'm into the Sisters artwork bootleg cover thing. Photoshop though as opposed to paint.

As I am the boss I regulary give myself a bollocking for wasting time. :P

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:18
by Quiff Boy
emulators rock ;) :notworthy:

"last ninja" and "paradroid" on a c64 emulator 8)

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:21
by hallucienate
I stick to flash games. That Prince of Persia one held my interest for a while.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:28
by markfiend
Flash games for me too. There's one called "collapse" on that I was playing non-stop all last month. :urff:

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:32
by Gary
erm, i normally go away and read a book..

*hangs head in shame*

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:34
by Black Shuck
Gary wrote:erm, i normally go away and read a book..

*hangs head in shame*
Get with the times, man!
Print is dead!

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 15:35
by Quiff Boy
Gary wrote:erm, i normally go away and read a book..

*hangs head in shame*
a traditionalist, eh?

you just sooooo "old skool" :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 16:19
by vicus
At work?

The Heartland-Forum and the Poison-Door-Forum ;-)

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 16:34
by Angelchild
At work? We all have Windows NT workstations which have absolutely nowt on in the way of entertainment. However I did send myself some wallpapers which allieviates the gloom marginally :) :roll:

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 17:21
by Thrash Harry
Haven't played games at work for years. Used to play Digger on the PC and Labyrinth on the old BBC machines after graduating. I have also survived bouts of addiction to Sonic The Hedgehog, Alien Trilogy and HalfLife over the last decade or so. But generally, games have never really been my thing. I could never get the hang of arcade games, always preferred pinball myself. PC pinball just isn't the same. Half the fun is giving it a good slap when the ball goes straight down the middle.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 17:41
by markfiend
Don't even mention Sonic the frickin' Hedgehog!

The first time I ever played Sonic 2 (on megadrive) I clocked the whole game in one five-hour session. Mind, I was wired.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 18:09
by andymackem
Thrash Harry wrote:Haven't played games at work for years. Used to play Digger on the PC and Labyrinth on the old BBC machines after graduating. I have also survived bouts of addiction to Sonic The Hedgehog, Alien Trilogy and HalfLife over the last decade or so. But generally, games have never really been my thing. I could never get the hang of arcade games, always preferred pinball myself. PC pinball just isn't the same. Half the fun is giving it a good slap when the ball goes straight down the middle.
Pinball rules - but it's so hard to find in most arcades these days.

As for games, it's got to be flash stuff. That penguin kept me entertained for a while. And Couronne was superb until it became subscription-based.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 20:11
by James Blast
Used to have a serious Tetris addiction, then we got the pre-menstrual boss from hell.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 20:30
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 20:45
by Silver_Owl
None of the above. I'm so sad I spend time reading sh1t like this on here. Or searching for mongoose porn.

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 20:55
by Padstar
Star Wars supremacy at the moment.... on the late shift....


Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 21:42
by CellThree
We don't have any interesting stuff on our PCs. Mind you, even if we did if we ran them they'd probably crash our PCs!

We're using PII 200mhz with 96mb RAM, Running Windows 95. Since they first came into our place (way back in '98!) we now have to run 5 IE5.5 screens, WinTV, Outlook 2000 as well as various Access databases. Also only about 300-400mb free on the C Drive.

Consequently the machines generally crash about 3 or 4 times per shift. And most of them haven't been turned off for any long period of time since they were first put in either. Or defragged. Or scan disked.

Thank god we're going to be getting new PCs in the next couple of months (P4 2.4ghz, 512mb RAM)!

Posted: 27 Feb 2004, 23:44
by James Blast
CellThree wrote:We're using PII 200mhz with 96mb RAM
Holy Snapping A$$goles, C3!

work : 2Ghz Mac G5, 1.5 Mgb RAM. 23" Sony cinema display
home : 1Ghz. Mac G4, 256 Mgb RAM, 17" AppleVision

all of the above = happiness :lol:
except being at work.

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 13:51
by pikkrong

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:31
by Debaser
I recently discovered 'Spider Sol' and am now wrestling with the four suit level. Jeeeez have never cleared it and the best I've done is shift two suits.

Nowt replaces Tetris mind you...but some fekkers taken it out of the loo and been playing with it elsewhere....and now we can't find it!!!!!

It's gonna play havoc with me bowels unless it's found soon - I simply can't evacuate until I find the gameboy. :urff:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 21:05
by Black Shuck

58% of you never play games at work? What's going on?

You're a right bunch of goody two-shoes! I bet you were all the teacher's pet at school.

As for Pikkrong.... You NEVER play computer games? Blimey!

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 21:22
by James Blast
Try working where I do BS, Local Gov will suck the life breath out of you. FACT!

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:46
by 6FeetOver
Black Shuck wrote:As for Pikkrong.... You NEVER play computer games? Blimey!
Erm...I don't either, Shuck. I LOATHE them (well, except for Animal Crossing, and that's not a computer game, anyway). :evil: :von:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 09:24
by hallucienate
Quiff Boy wrote:dont forget ;) and wait a little bit :innocent: