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Which puter do you like the most?

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 15:00
by Izzy HaveMercy
Not much of a challenge, really.

C 64 rules, followed closely by the MAC.


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 16:01
by Dave R
geek reply for the hell of it as i am waiting for the football to start:-

I have 2, this pile of cr@p, which is Dell 800 Centrino-anywhere-u-like-pc running X(spit!)P


A sparc laptop running Solaris 9 imported from the far eat designed for weapons programming and military tactical cr@p. It IS a beasty...

but it is not wireless, and Mrs Wolf don't like the cat 5 all over the kitchen so we run a wireless network instead...

Knew you would want to know. :D

linux = poormans Solaris, just for the record.
mac = 1986 and all that, even OSX is free bsd in a pc body.... :wink:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 16:44
by mh
In work at the mo, sitting at my own personal monster, dual P4 Xeon at 2.4 Ghz with 1GB RAM (starting to push that a bit, need some more) running Windows 2003 server.

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:27
by Debaser
There isn't a category for 'Mine' in there! Or one that sez, well it's chromy with blue and green neon lights ans see through panels and a little hidey-away draw for extra usb porty gubbins

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 18:04
by Padstar
i have a lovely calculator somewhere....


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 18:16
by Gripper
Oops...sorry. Thought this was a golfing questionnaire. Was planning to get really cross (have you people got nothing better to do etc) and have ended up realising I need to read more carefully. :roll:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 20:22
by James Blast
This baby that I am currently posting via


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 22:46
by 6FeetOver
Red - you have *excellent* taste, I must say! ;D

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:01
by James Blast
Sinny, you a fellow deviant? fantastic! :twisted:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:18
by 6FeetOver
Red Sunsets wrote:Sinny, you a fellow deviant? fantastic! :twisted:
You better believe it, babe! W00t! :twisted: My buddy here at home is a "hand-me-down" 400 MHz G4 running OS X 10.2 (Jaguar). Haven't upgraded to Panther yet... :von:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 08:30
by hallucienate
Windows XP Pro for the desktop, Linux for server related stuff.

My current home PC is an AMD 2600+ with a gig of dual channel RAM and all the bells and whistles. It dual boots XP and Mandrake Linux 10 Beta2, but I haven't booted in Linux much as my motherboard's extras are nicely supported yet. :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 08:59
by itnAklipse
i don't like computers, but they are useful...too bad most of the time they are just more i'm not talking about it should be easy to use designed for average person, but the technology could be more reliable and have less errors that don't make any sense.

And i can't stand using a mac! i'd like the idea of linux coz it's more customisable than xp but on the other hand, that's not the point and life's too short and there's more meaningful things to spend time on. Even in xp even just updating drivers can be terrible, more so in linux...

So i use a pc with xp...not coz i like it but for some things it's useful. And i like it more than the alternatives.

i yearn for the good old days when i had 386 and dos 3.3 and if something screwed up i could always put Darkthrone playing, delete everything and install anew...all in 15 minutes and then everything was perfect. Granted, now i can do more with this thing, though.

Like play Doom & Quake!


ps. But i have inherent dislike for amd-processors, too.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 09:53
by Quiff Boy
itnAklipse wrote:it's more customisable than xp but on the other hand, that's not the point and life's too short and there's more meaningful things to spend time on.
you lie! no there isn't! :o

say it isn't so, please...? :cry: :cry: :eek:

heretic ;) ;D

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 10:27
by itnAklipse
Hey hey hey, hold it. i'm only talking on theoretical level, sometimes you hear words such as 'sex' and 'violence' and you wonder about them...but only for a sec. In practice you're right of course...those things don't measure up to quality time spent with computers.

Even listening to Sisters is much better from mp3-files on hard disk rather than on the beach with sunshine, girls, drinks and a ghettoblaster. i hate that.


Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 16:08
by randdebiel²
the ST was great for music (I had a STE I must say....), and I loved the TOS :lol:

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 22:39
by l'excuse
Dave R wrote:...


A sparc laptop running Solaris 9 imported from the far eat designed for weapons programming and military tactical cr@p. It IS a beasty...
What kind of sparc is this exactly (and how did you get it)?

...also, what is solaris like to use (I'm a red hat unix user)?

I must admit I'm impressed. :von:

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 22:43
by moonchild
James Blast wrote:This baby that I am currently posting via

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 22:44
by moonchild
MAC, MAC, MAC, MAC :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 23:19
by James Blast
thankee moonchild :D
I have one of these at work


Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 23:20
by l'excuse

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 23:33
by James Blast
sounds nice! :D

Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 23:35
by moonchild
James Blast wrote:thankee moonchild :D
I have one of these at work
that is one of the most beautiful things that i ever saw.

Santa told me that i was a good girl this year so i will have this lil cute baby. :notworthy:


Posted: 12 Nov 2004, 23:59
by James Blast
@ moonchild hmmmmmmm, lower me down
I do hope Santy is a good man this year :D

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:18
by emilystrange
no one said sinclair zx, lol

Posted: 13 Nov 2004, 00:23
by Mrs. Snowey
emilystrange wrote:no one said sinclair zx, lol
Yeah, yer can stuff yer Commode 64's where the rampack don't shine. :eek: :twisted: We want proper squidgy-key nostalgia! :D