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The Mi$$ion - Why all the cr@p???

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:18
by Dave R
Might be the proverbial can of worms but here goes....

I know this is a discussion for TSOM, but there does appear to be a whole bunch of anti-mish feling on here, I was just curious, is this from the younger memebers who shall we say, listen to it in retrospect and feel they need to be in one camp or the other? or is there another reason?

Liittle story for you....

It was 1986, armageedon had come and gone, all quiet on the western(yorkshire)front, the Sisterhood (who??) are playing a gig, mate a mine is doing the merchandise and gets me on the guest list, off i go and have a jolly quiffy night with me mate, the band, the roadcreww et al...

thus started a roller coaster ride that led me all over the uk, from the likes of Birmingham Powerhouse to some dodgy boozer in runcorn that I can't remember (but the Metal Guru's were FUN!!)....Roundhay Park, Bescot Stadium with the Stuffies, Finsbury Park with Killing Joke NMA Rollins...Dudley JB's....feckin great days, and thrown into all of this blue nun fuelled shenanigans was a couple of Stonking Great TSOM albums and a Black Hat Full of gigs...

For me, and dare i assume, a whole bunch of Elderlies, the mid to late 80's WERE the mish, the sisters, cheap wine, cheaper speed and a superb antidote to those of us still hurting from the BAH era (before albert hall) and thrown into the mix a bunch of young upstarts trying to take the laurel crown from our beloved (yet splintered..) sisters...

From Ray Ramone - The Eskimo, and yes, you have to see him to understand where the name came from, to his mom in Aintree, to the lads in JB's, The Finsbury Park security who let us in without tickets (they said they had never seen people so drunk that early in the day before...)
Even Good Old Von, standing by the mixing desk at Birmingham Powerhouse on Expedition One and I quote "Wayne got good...or is he sober??" To Patricia Morrison playing a toy Sax on TOTP with Neds, doing MC work for PWEI, to Miles H**t, the Chapter 22 Posse...heady days for which I am MOST GRATEFUL.

So I ask this in all honesty : why dont we have more mish on here...after all, they are still recording :wink: gigging :D and they only have the singer as the original member too.... :D

Sisters Don't Doubt - Keep the Faith.

Doktor Wolf Out....

Edit - QB can we please lose the asterisk if we type "The Mi$$ion"??, please.....

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:24
by Silver_Owl
Well Doc, in answer to your initial question -
I'm 33 - and I think they're sh1te.
I've always thjought Wayne to be a nice guy and I'm sure I'd get along with him if I met him but the mish just never did it for me. A whole different kettle of fish to TSOM.
I've never seen it as rivialry, just that the mish are a sad second rate rock band, who's lyrics made me laugh.
Does that answer the question? I am, however, jealous of your story above. Sounds like a great laugh.


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:26
by Scardwel
I f*ckin' love 'em! and I'll be going to see 'em in April. So there! :P

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:40
by snowey
Everyone at Snowey Towers rates them too. Anyone else going to the Keighley bash?

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 17:45
by elguiri
I used to think they were great for the first couple of years........Gods Own and First chapter and of course live.But after that they went a bit Wishy-Washy-Wankey and instantly forgettable.

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 18:00
by Padstar
For the record i really like them and always have!


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 18:32
by Gripper
Here here!
First we had The Sisters, then we had the Mish. Then we had the Mish and The Sisters. Then we had The Sisters and a crap Mish. Now we haven't really got either.
The Sisters rock, the Mish rock(ed).
These days, I'd really rather have both than neither.

Now, if it was The Sisters OR the Mish...well, there'd only be one answer.

doktor wolf- I used to live in the flat above Ramone in Liverpool in 1988. Many's the time I stumbled through the front door only to trip over some (and, usually, lots) of Ray's mates sleeping in the hallway or on the stairs in the darkness. Either I lived above the chemist's or he lived below it- never quite sure which. Ah! Great days!

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 19:44
by snowey
God the mention of Ray Ramone brings back a lot of good memories :D :D Used to speak to him a lot when we followed Rosetta Stone around a bit in 1991-94.

Kept bumping into him in and around Liverpool. Anybody seen him lately?

Really nice bloke :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 19:53
by Silence is platinum
well for me they re ok

got some fine songs and a masterpiece:


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 20:04
by Dave R

we may well have met...are you talking about the flat that was down Aigburth way, where neil, porl etc lived...many a time I slept on the speakers on the stairs after a night out down Planet X....

Snowey....ditto, followed RS around for a bit..quarriers, black lodge in leeds, cherry tree runcorn 3rd enigma I beleive they were called once.....YTV Studios when Wayne got chucked off by James Whale, LMAO when he took over the switchboard to abuse everyone calling in to complain about his language...

memories...i'm coming over all misty eyed now, must pop off for a bit of Cimmerian....and maybe Wake RSV :wink: :wink:


Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 20:16
by James Blast
The Mish, PWEI, GBOA, Crazyhead, The Neff, Love & Rockets, The Primitives, ASF, Butthole Surfers, Napalm Death.... ah what great days.
Getting fuelled up in Hurricaines then onto Rooftops... anyone got a hanky?

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 20:18
by snowey
Doc Wolf.... I remember that Runcorn gig like it was yesterday, how small was that stage? And if I remember it correctly the flat was in Ivanhoe Road, Aigburth.

Might have to put some Rosetta on soon.

Top Days. :D

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 21:06
by Quiff Boy
"he's fat, he's round, he's bouncing on the ground, ray ramone! ray ramone!"


met him a couple of times - a nice chap without a doubt.

uncensor the mish? nah, it's jusy too funny :innocent: ;D

but it's all meant in a fond way 8)

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 21:38
by Silver_Owl
Black Horizon wrote:The Mish Suck and The Sisters Rule. The Mish was just an Ego-Trip for That Guitarist to try and live out of the shadow of Andrew Eldritch. End of story.
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:34
by Silver_Owl
More than welcome BH.
As I said in another thread I was tempted to go and see them in Oxford in April (out of morbid curiousity and the chance of a night on the lash) but I have no idea how a pub band can charge £14.50? Crazy.

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:49
by James Blast
Steve, I will now not send you that Köln quality item:P more for agreeing with BH than slagging The Mi$$ion.

only joking BTW

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:51
by Gripper
doktor wolf wrote:Gripper,

we may well have met...are you talking about the flat that was down Aigburth way, where neil, porl etc lived...many a time I slept on the speakers on the stairs after a night out down Planet X....
No, dok.
The flat was in Canning Street, L7, just down the road from the anglican cathedral. A similarly thoroughly nice chap called Chris shared with him.

I'm amazed you were able to get as far as Aigburth after any night at Planet X. :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:51
by 6FeetOver
Ok, I guess it's about time that I came out of the proverbial closet...

I lurve the Mish, and have for many years. In fact, I liked them before I even knew of the existence of The Sisters. I still have my Mish *poster* from their mid-80s heyday.

Sorry, folks - I know that your image of me (whatever it may have been) is now totally blown. Alas. *Sigh* I'm sure this confession will have far-reaching implications, including the loss of all of my mod privileges if Quiffy gets wind of this!

:oops: :roll: :innocent: :von:

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:57
by James Blast
Welcome to the real world Sinny :(

Posted: 28 Feb 2004, 23:57
by Silver_Owl

Steve303: You shall not break me.
Wayne: Come to me Steve.


(thank god - it was a nightmare.)

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:02
by 6FeetOver
ROFL!!! :notworthy:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:03
by emilystrange
i've still got my liverpool 87 poster

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:05
by Gripper
emilystrange wrote:i've still got my liverpool 87 poster
Some wild idea and a very big bed :lol: :innocent: :innocent:

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:09
by emilystrange
i do indeed have a very big bed.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 00:15
by Gripper
emilystrange wrote:i do indeed have a very big bed.
:innocent: :roll: :evil: :evil: :roll: :innocent:

