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Digital camera.

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 20:45
by Almiche V
Has anyone got a digital camera? I'm looking for one, but only want to pay up to £80 for it. Any recommendations would be coolness itself. Cheers. 8)

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 22:06
by Lamia
I've got a dinky one Snub, it's a Sony Cybershot U, cost bout £80, it's brilliant cos of the size. Apparently, it's 2.0 mega pixels with an 8mb card - means nothing to me that!

We also have a larger one - not so comfortable on the pocket - in more ways than one, in that its quite big and cost bout £200.

Happy digi hunting!

Posted: 29 Feb 2004, 23:14
by Brideoffrankenstein
my friend matt managed to get quite a cheap one on e-bay........could be worth a look. have been looking for one myself!!!!

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 07:19
by CellThree
A 2 megapixel cam would probably do you, but the expense is in the memory card. Best to get one with some sort of removable memory so you can add more if you want to. Depends on the quality of the pics you want to take really.

Setting for the highest quality is going to take up more space than having it set for low quality.

Also, have a look and see how long the batteries last. Dig cams tend to eat batteries. Best thing is probably go into somewhere like Jessops and ask!

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 09:46
by Quiff Boy
i got an olymus one - nice, 2mb about 100 quid about 18 months ago.

it takes a nice photo, but the flash isnt too great to photos in the dark (eg: at a gig) are a bot cack :(

it's main problem though is that it absolutely devours batteries. if i turn on the lcd viewing screen to take a photo it drains the batteries in about 15 minutes. i'm sure its faulty as that is just ridiculous!

at least it has a standard viewing lens like normal cameras - i note that some digi cameras dont have these and you HAVE to use the lcd screen. :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 10:21
by hallucienate
I had a canon powershot A200, which I loved, great 2 meagapixel photos and once I put in a 128 meg card and started using rechargable batteries the only complaint I had was that there was no optical zoom.

Then it broke at the beginning of December.

Since then I first had my eyes set on the Powershot A70, but the supplier didn't have stock. Now there is a very groovy A80 available but also no stock. I'm waiting for it arrive and have one on back order.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 10:26
by hallucienate
Quiffy: what sort of batteries are you using?

I used NimH rechargables and they lasted ages. All other types suck.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 10:29
by Quiff Boy
yep, i have a 128 mb card too - its really nice not to have to worry about keep downloading the pics to pc, and how many old photos you have still on there 8)

i had rechargable batteries too (ni-mh) but they lasted even less time than standard duracell jobbies :roll: :?

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 12:46
by Almiche V
hallucienate wrote:Since then I first had my eyes set on the Powershot A70, but the supplier didn't have stock. Now there is a very groovy A80 available but also no stock. I'm waiting for it arrive and have one on back order.
I like the look of those.

Thanks all. Dabs look pretty good for prices so far.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:02
by hallucienate
Get the memory card and rechargable batteries (two sets) at the same time you get the camera, the batteries that Canon supply are krappy.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:12
by Almiche V
Thanks Hall.

Just found this: ... e8af011d12

Looks pretty good.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:16
by hallucienate
Try get a camera with optical zoom, it's the one thing I really missed on my A200. Digital zoom is useless.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:27
by Almiche V

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 13:33
by hallucienate
LOL, first start of with a point and click :wink:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 18:53
by Almiche V
Have bought a Fuji Finepix A205s, thanks to Hallucienate and the bloke at Jessops. It's only 2 megapix but quality is supposed to be very good. And if I don't like it I can take it back. Hall, it has an optical zoom. Thanks for your advice.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 19:17
by hallucienate
no problem! Have fun! I can't wait to get a new camera, my poor web site really needs an update.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 20:40
by Quiff Boy
nice work 8)

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 20:41
by Quiff Boy
incidentallty, so you all know what to avoid, mine is an olympus c-220. takes decent enough photos in daylight but eats batteries like a bastard and the flash is sh*te. don't buy one. :roll:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 22:22
by biggy
I have 3 different dig cameras & 2 SLR ones . Since I swapped to digital I've never used the others .
It all depends what you want out of the camera . For £80 you'll just about manage to get a camera but that'll be about it . I have one that fits in my pocket & It's just about passable at a push for snapshots, same as quiff though , I've found that the flash is crap so half the indoor shots just come out black.That one cost £200.
The other two I have are much better but they obviously cost a lot more.

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 22:23
by Debaser
And I can vouch for the quality of Biggy's 'snaps' too ;)

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 22:26
by Quiff Boy
Debaser wrote:And I can vouch for the quality of Biggy's 'snaps' too ;)
me too :von:

Posted: 01 Mar 2004, 23:45
by biggy
thank you , you are very nice people :D

Posted: 02 Mar 2004, 21:08
by Almiche V
Thank God. Quiff has changed his signature. The torment is over. :wink:

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 00:45
by Debaser
biggy wrote:thank you , you are very nice people :D

It's the company we keep :lol:

Posted: 03 Mar 2004, 08:16
by hallucienate
well, after months of waiting the supplier I was to get my camera from has stopped stocking Canon! I'm so fukcing pis$ed off, now it looks like I'll have to get a HP AND a new memory card.