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Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 12:27
by ryan

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 12:43
by Loki
Yes. Congratulations on 'nul pois' in five months. :von:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 12:55
by Padstar
is there really a point to this.... will they ever read it ????

HBD..... lol


Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:04
by Lamia
Ave a good un xx

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:05
by Black Planet
Hmm, not sure Mudcrow will read this, he only came here to look at my picture! And he's not been on Soulseek in a really really long time!!! (He's got one of the largest colletions of music I've ever seen!!!!)

In any event, Happy Birthday Mudcrow. It's nice to know that you too are Elderly Bastard Groovey! In addition to being gorgeous! ;)

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:22
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:Hmm, not sure Mudcrow will read this, he only came here to look at my picture! It's nice to know that you too are Elderly Bastard Groovey! In addition to being gorgeous! ;)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Hussey! And we ain't talking Wayne ...

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:33
by Black Planet
Johnny Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Hmm, not sure Mudcrow will read this, he only came here to look at my picture! It's nice to know that you too are Elderly Bastard Groovey! In addition to being gorgeous! ;)
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Hussey! And we ain't talking Wayne ...
Good, I'm glad Wayne's not involved! But Mudcrow really is gorgeous. He's got pink and blonde hair..or that's what his piccy on soulseek shows. He was very nice to me...he was the only person who added me to his list when I went begging in the goth chat for a copy of Zodicacs Hoodlum Thunder!

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:37
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:I went begging in the goth chat for a copy of Zodicacs Hoodlum Thunder!
Oh dear. :roll: :urff:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:42
by Black Planet
Johnny Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I went begging in the goth chat for a copy of Zodicacs Hoodlum Thunder!
Oh dear. :roll: :urff:

I knew that would get you JB!!!!!! :wink:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 14:47
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I went begging in the goth chat for a copy of Zodicacs Hoodlum Thunder!
Oh dear. :roll: :urff:

I knew that would get you JB!!!!!! :wink:
Yes. And perhaps this is the perfect moment to leave this thread before some sad fish pops up and posts 'Zodiac Rocks' or some other such nonsense. :von:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 18:20
by Black Planet

Zodiac rocks, in addition to being one sexy MF.

Uh oh I guess I'm that sad fish, eh? :twisted:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 18:35
by Loki
Black Planet wrote:Uh oh I guess I'm that sad fish, eh? :twisted:
Correct. :von:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 20:28
by 6FeetOver
Black Planet wrote:In any event, Happy Birthday Mudcrow. It's nice to know that you too are Elderly Bastard Groovey! In addition to being gorgeous! ;)
Wait just a minute!!! Mudcrow's gorgeous?! Why wasn't I informed?! You...wouldn't happen to have a pic on you, wouldya, dear BeeP? :eek: :twisted: :von:

Posted: 09 Mar 2004, 21:40
by Black Planet
SINsister wrote:
Black Planet wrote:In any event, Happy Birthday Mudcrow. It's nice to know that you too are Elderly Bastard Groovey! In addition to being gorgeous! ;)
Wait just a minute!!! Mudcrow's gorgeous?! Why wasn't I informed?! You...wouldn't happen to have a pic on you, wouldya, dear BeeP? :eek: :twisted: :von:
Cos I'm selfish! ;D

Posted: 10 Mar 2004, 19:23
by Andy TG
HBD "MudCrow" :-)

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 15:10
by pikkrong
Congrats (and sorry to be late) 8)

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 22:27
by 6FeetOver
SINsister wrote:Wait just a minute!!! Mudcrow's gorgeous?! Why wasn't I informed?! You...wouldn't happen to have a pic on you, wouldya, dear BeeP? :eek: :twisted: :von:
Erm...sorry for that outburst, Mudcrow! I allowed myself to get...distracted...and totally forgot to wish you a proper Bappy Hirthday - sorry! :oops: Hope you had fun! ;D

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 23:10
by Black Planet
LOL I dont' really think he'd mind your outburst...He loved in chat...warbling..Your gorgeous after I looked at his piccy! LOL I think he went for a cig after that....

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 00:51
by ryan
haha..that ol mudcrow..always good for a lark

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 03:04
by Black Planet
Hi Ryan, how's life down under?


Bee Good mate!


Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 12:25
by ryan
Black Planet wrote:Hi Ryan, how's life down under?

its good. hows tricks in the good ol' U.S of A? :wink: :D

i cant honestly believe it..someone who knows of the legend that is mudcrow :von:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 14:03
by Black Planet
ryan_w_0000 wrote:
Black Planet wrote:Hi Ryan, how's life down under?

its good. hows tricks in the good ol' U.S of A? :wink: :D

i cant honestly believe it..someone who knows of the legend that is mudcrow :von:
Well it's sunny today, so that's good. Otherwise I'm in a s**t moodn because I'd rather be at home in bed and not at work. :urff:

You've lost me tho on Mudcrow...are you saying you know him too? Or have I totally missed something?

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 14:27
by markfiend
Wot? You really know him BP? I thought this whole thread was just a p1ss-take!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 14:39
by ryan
who doesnt know the legend that is mudcrow? that quirky yet friendly guy weve all come to love. When we need a shoulder to cry on or someone to help us out from time to time, Mudcrow appears from beyond the horizon..always dressed for the occasion and always with a cheerful smile on his face


Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:11
by Black Planet
markfiend wrote:Wot? You really know him BP? I thought this whole thread was just a p1ss-take!
Yes!!! Mudcrow is a real person. If you have soulseek you will find him there...him and his 18,000 files of music.