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An amnesty for the lurkers

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 00:00
by Thrash Harry
On the eve/ day of the Royal Wedding, you are invited to come out of the shadows and say hello. You are guaranteed a warm welcome. Show your appreciation for those who have brought you here, unless you've only registered to check out the members gallery and read those hard to find issues of UTR.

Don't be shy now...

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 00:04
by Silver_Owl
Who are these lurkers of the shadows? What do they want? Are they transmogrifying as we speak into lizard fish beings beneath the waves? Help me.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 00:10
by Thrash Harry
You're obviously well beyond help, my friend.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 00:19
by Gripper
What Royal Wedding?
No, honestly, what royal wedding?

I've been submerged in paper and other people's bloody problems all week so I haven't even realised if it's been light outside.

Actually I don't care if there's a royal wedding or not. What I care about more is that this seems to be an invitation to some shindig of sorts.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 00:21
by Lamia
Invitation...... Shindig........ Will there be beer?..... Can i come??? :wink:

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 01:02
by Thrash Harry
Heartland's very own Posh 'n' Becks are due to conjoin this very weekend. We are sending her on her merry way tomorrow, whence she will sally forth from the good shire of York to pitch a tent in the Sherwood Green with the Jamey one who hath rescued her from the clutches of the evil NHS. There will be much merriment and hanky shaking in the throes of the holy Smurphs. And in this way the meek shall inherit the earth.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 01:15
by Black Planet
:oops: :oops: :oops:

Uh oh, Harry how did you find out? I'm really distressed over this. The union isn't til May, but YOU finding out this early has really caused me...well lets just say my stomach condition is acting up again over it.

As for SG and RJ.....let them eat cake! :wink:

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 01:20
by Gripper
Thrash Harry wrote:Heartland's very own Posh 'n' Becks are due to conjoin this very weekend. We are sending her on her merry way tomorrow, whence she will sally forth from the good shire of York to pitch a tent in the Sherwood Green with the Jamey one who hath rescued her from the clutches of the evil NHS. There will be much merriment and hanky shaking in the throes of the holy Smurphs. And in this way the meek shall inherit the earth.
Hey Nonny Nonny, my Lord!

Which reminds me, if you are thinking of banging any sticks together this weekend, accompany it with a couple of choruses of 'Hey Nonny Nonny, Hey Nonny Nonny, sing this corrosion to me...'
Goes down a treat with a jingly bells accompaniment.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 20:13
by James Blast
Black Planet wrote:As for SG and RJ.....let them eat cake! :wink:
Let Them Eat Bogshed!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 02:20
by Mrs RicheyJames
Yeah ta fu*kers

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 04:30
by Thrash Harry
I am so fncking disappointed in you people.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 18:30
by Thrash Harry
Bloody hell! 25 users on-line at quarter to five this afternoon and I was walking the dog! There's Justice for you.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 18:31
by Black Planet
It's Friday Harry.......nobody really does any work on Fridays.

And .... 25's the most ever!!! Congrats QB!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 21:22
by Quiff Boy
that'll be why the database just went down then, will it? :urff:

bloody hosting company! :evil:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 21:55
by Mrs RicheyJames
Oh good, I thought it was my puter.........

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 22:29
by Thrash Harry
Quiff Boy wrote:that'll be why the database just went down then, will it? :urff:

bloody hosting company! :evil:
I thought things were playing up earlier. Had a security alert from my firewall at about 5:30pm. Or are you just playing tricks on me? :wink:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 23:14
by Black Planet
I got some bad message, like data base not found. But it was around 2.00 my time.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 23:35
by James Blast
"I'm Runnin' Free, Yeah, I'm Runnin' Free"

It's OK, Jonathon Ross (he of the gorgeous wife) and Late Review will be on soon, and I will be gone.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 23:36
by Quiff Boy
Black Planet wrote:I got some bad message, like data base not found. But it was around 2.00 my time.
yep, the HL database went "away" for a few minutes earlier this eve... :roll: :urff:

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 00:24
by James Blast
Back again after viewing Mr. Lydon.
Winging it these days, I think.
now all hot and bothered about the voluptous Ms. Tarbuck :eek: ( . ) ( . )

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 00:31
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Back again after viewing Mr. Lydon.
Did he remind him about the "Anyone who knows me knows I never repeat myself" assertion. Or was that on thingy Anderson's show? My memory's fading rapidly.

Edit: needed a slash.
Edit2: down, not up.
Edit3: ah that's better.

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 00:38
by Mrs RicheyJames
Liza Tarbuck is ace!!!!!
Don't much like her dad though.......

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 00:51
by Gripper
Lisa Tarbuck is turning into Jimmy, by the looks of things.

John Lydon seems to have mastered the Albert Steptoe gurning at last, after years of practice.

I want a ferret!

Starsailor....someone got a Bunnymen album for Christmas.

Jane Goldman...Aah, that'll do nicely.

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 00:59
by Thrash Harry
Gripper wrote:John Lydon seems to have mastered the Albert Steptoe gurning at last, after years of practice.

Didn't see it, but I've got it in my head now.


Still laughing...

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 01:13
by James Blast
Gripper wrote:Lisa Tarbuck is turning into Jimmy, by the looks of things.
Outside, NOW! I mean it you.... you.... you... gripping bastard!