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Sisters reference in Popular culture

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 12:16
by Black Shuck
Last night on the Weakest Link (5:15 BBC 2), one of the questions was:

"Which order of Irish nuns share a name with an 80s gothic rock band?"

amazingly, the contestant got it wrong!


(I'm not sure if Von would be happy about the Sisters being called an '80s gothic rock band', though...)

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 12:30
by markfiend
The fact that the contestant got it wrong isn't a good sign either. :urff:

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 12:46
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 12:53
by MrChris
Cool! I wish I'd been watching! It's a good question, anyway.

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 13:12
by Loki
Yeh, great question. Really cool. Anyone gonna tell me what the correct answer was ..?

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 13:17
by hallucienate
Johnny Boy wrote:Yeh, great question. Really cool. Anyone gonna tell me what the correct answer was ..?

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 13:29
by Loki
hallucienate wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:Yeh, great question. Really cool. Anyone gonna tell me what the correct answer was ..?
I was right! :D :roll:

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 14:48
by mh
Hold on, that was the answer to "which 80s nuns share their name with an Irish rock group?"

With the reputation they had, I woulda gone for Sex Gang Children, actually...

Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 15:31
by pikkrong
mh wrote:Hold on, that was the answer to "which 80s nuns share their name with an Irish rock group?"

With the reputation they had, I woulda gone for Sex Gang Children, actually...


Posted: 11 Mar 2004, 22:30
by 6FeetOver
mh wrote:Hold on, that was the answer to "which 80s nuns share their name with an Irish rock group?"

With the reputation they had, I woulda gone for Sex Gang Children, actually...
Ahahahaha!!! :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 12:08
by MrChris
Shall we do the 'have any Heartlanders been on tv quiz shows' thing?

I'm willing to start the bidding with two...anyone else fessing up?

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 13:45
by mh
Not me, but the Mrs has, quite a few times.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 14:09
by Quiff Boy
my mate's girlfriend (at the time) was on channel 4's "15-1" :D :D :D

sadly she went out on the first question.... which was a shame as she was incredibly intelligent but was very VERY nervous :urff:

was amusing viewing though as she was big scary goth - pencilled in eyebrows, huge backcombed black hair, the works ;) :notworthy: just a shame she didn't go on to win the final, thus shattering a few public misconceptions :roll:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:13
by MrChris
15-1 is very difficult, because you can go out so quickly. In most games you get a chance to stack up some points over time, but even a genius can get killed off on 15-1 with three cruel questions. That was my excuse, anyway!!! !!!

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 13:24
by christophe
The right answer could note have been the sisters because The Sisters are NO Goths.

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 13:28
by Silver_Owl
MrChris wrote:Shall we do the 'have any Heartlanders been on tv quiz shows' thing?

I'm willing to start the bidding with two...anyone else fessing up?
So, which one's Chris? 15-1 I presume..and?

(A friend of mine from work was on it and got the first two quiestions right but was the second person to go.)

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 17:06
by Zuma
You mean an order of nuns has ripped off Von too? :twisted:

Posted: 13 Mar 2004, 17:47
by Thrash Harry
Is Mastermind still around? If so, we definitely need to run some kind of pub quiz to identify the Heartlander to go on with the Sisters as their specialist subject.

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 11:10
by markfiend
Thrash Harry wrote:Is Mastermind still around? If so, we definitely need to run some kind of pub quiz to identify the Heartlander to go on with the Sisters as their specialist subject.
Mastermind most definitely is still around. And I was considering applying...

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 12:40
by MrChris
Steve303 wrote:
MrChris wrote:Shall we do the 'have any Heartlanders been on tv quiz shows' thing?

I'm willing to start the bidding with two...anyone else fessing up?
So, which one's Chris? 15-1 I presume..and?

(A friend of mine from work was on it and got the first two quiestions right but was the second person to go.)

I wasn't supposed to be doing ALL the admitting here - it was supposed to be a you-show-me-yours-and... thing :wink: . But as you ask, I was a tad more successful on University Challenge. Only a tad, mind :cry:

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 13:02
by Thrash Harry
markfiend wrote:Mastermind most definitely is still around. And I was considering applying...
You might have a battle on you hands to get the Heartland sponsorship deal. Would Magnus (is he still doing it?) let you wear a T-shirt?

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 13:08
by markfiend
Magnus retired. It's John Humphrys now.

And as I haven't got a hl T-shirt yet, I'd need a free one... ;)

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 13:13
by Black Shuck
Thrash Harry wrote:
markfiend wrote:Mastermind most definitely is still around. And I was considering applying...
You might have a battle on you hands to get the Heartland sponsorship deal. Would Magnus (is he still doing it?) let you wear a T-shirt?
No, Magnus aint doing it no more (he appeared in a wheelchair on the 'Weakest Link recently; perhaps he's retired from hosting quizzes?) It's a shame, cos the bloke they've brought in to replace him aint fit to lick his boots.

It'd be hilarious if one of us went on, if onkly for the half-arsed chat about the Sisters you'd get from the presenter. Wot I mean is, before each contestant's general knowledge round, the presenter bloke always makes banal token chit-chat, clearly taken of cue cards in his hand.

It'd go some thing like this:

Presenter Bloke: So, the Sisters of Mercy, eh? they were a goth band, weren't they?
Thrash Harry: Erm, well, not really...
PB: I don't know, those goth bands; singing about vampires and sleeping in coffins- it was all a bit silly really, wasn't it?
TH: Erm... what?
PB: Look at you, with your bizarre hair and that wierd pendant round your neck... If I were an employer, I wouldn't look at you twice.
PB: you... you don't know how lucky you young 'uns are! IN MY DAY you'd have been marched straight down the barbers, then onto the nearest army enlistment tent!

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 13:13
by DerekR
markfiend wrote:Magnus retired. It's John Humphrys now.
Surely not....


Sorry, I always get his name mixed up :)

Posted: 15 Mar 2004, 13:28
by Thrash Harry
@Black Shuck: It certainly won't be me on it as I stopped paying attention after 1985, but if it were I'd like to think I would come up with a more eloquent put-down than What the Fnck? But we're clearly on the same wavelength and I thankyou for your support.

@MarkFiend: I shouldn't think a free one wouldn't be a problem if and when the time comes. You know Quiff Boy's a scurrilous self-publicist. Is it stil on the BBC though? Do they allow logos on shirts these days?

@EVERYONE ELSE: I'm starting to think far too seriously about this now. I could do with something more interesting to do than get drunk every night. Is there anybody who's interested in challenging Mr Fiend for the honour of representing Heartland on the only quiz that matters?