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And a very special welcome to MRS SNOWEY!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:25
by Thrash Harry
Now you can really keep tabs on him!!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:29
by snowey
Oh No the Mrs has her own log on..... Thats me due for a good kicking tonight. :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:36
by emilystrange
bout time. for both events. was it mrs s who suggested a heartland boys full monty??? go girl. i'm with you for a laugh

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:43
by snowey
:roll: Gee, shucks, I don't know what to say, but it's a pleasure to be on board.

and yes Mr. S, I can keep you on your toes even in cyberspace now :wink:

Mrs. Snowey
(who forgot who's login she was under when she typed this, d'oh!)

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:44
by hallucienate

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:48
by Mrs. Snowey
Ta very much.

(Just logged in as myself now :roll:, that's better!)

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:49
by CorpPunk
Hi Mrs. S!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:50
by snowey
What you doing on here??? You should be getting my tea ready. :D :innocent:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:52
by Loki
A pleasure to make your acquaintance, I'm sure. :)

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:54
by Mrs. Snowey
Oh, that's charming that is. There's all these nice people saying hello and welcome and stuff, and all you can think of is your dinner :eek: :eek: :eek:

I don't mean you JB, thank you BTW.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 15:59
by Thrash Harry
Coronation Street as well! Its gets better all the time...

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:12
by snowey
At least there are other ladies on this forum for you to talk to about kniting, babies and ironing. :innocent: :innocent:

(oh, how much trouble will I be in when I get home)

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:33
by Mrs. Snowey
You have no idea how much :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:36
by emilystrange
snowey wrote:At least there are other ladies on this forum for you to talk to about kniting, babies and ironing. :innocent: :innocent:

(oh, how much trouble will I be in when I get home)
and oiled pretty boys in eyeliner, and writing porn, and rubber dresses, and being drunk, and how ************ the men on here can be (insert own adjective)

welcome, dear lady. and my commiserations. ;D

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:41
by Mrs. Snowey
Thank you Emily.

I think some of them are worried about that Full Monty remake :lol:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:48
by Loki
I'm currently running a sweep on the time and date of Mr & Mrs Snowey's First Full Blooded Domestic brought to you courtesy of Heartland Vision ... PM with your bets. Thanks ... :innocent:

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:51
by Black Planet
Hello and Welcome Mrs. Snowey!

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:52
by emilystrange
why? i'm not worried about it at all... you're a genius... this place needs women like you

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:54
by markfiend
Johnny Boy wrote:I'm currently running a sweep on the time and date of Mr & Mrs Snowey's First Full Blooded Domestic brought to you courtesy of Heartland Vision ... PM with your bets. Thanks ... :innocent:
A fight between Johnny Vegas and Judge Hershey? I hope you're not taking bets on the winner ;)

That black leather uniform... mmmmmmmmm...

*Off into a nostalgic reverie*

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:55
by Black Planet
emilystrange wrote:
snowey wrote:At least there are other ladies on this forum for you to talk to about kniting, babies and ironing. :innocent: :innocent:

(oh, how much trouble will I be in when I get home)
and oiled pretty boys in eyeliner, and writing porn, and rubber dresses, and being drunk, and how ************ the men on here can be (insert own adjective)

welcome, dear lady. and my commiserations. ;D

Yes, pretty boys..... :wink:

:evil: The darn photo won't appear! :(

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:55
by snowey

There won't be any arguements between me and Mrs Snowey as she knows that I am alway right :innocent:

Anyway my bet is around 5 minutes when she sees this message.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:58
by Black Planet

Ok this one works....Pretty boy indeed.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 16:59
by emilystrange
who says the fight will only be between you two? there are lots of girls here to take her part if necessary.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 17:04
by Loki
snowey wrote:Anyway my bet is around 5 minutes when she sees this message.
The long? The smart money was on 19 seconds.

Posted: 12 Mar 2004, 17:04
by snowey
I'll tell you one thing Emily, I won't take on Corp Punk, she looked like she could knock me out with her little finger at Crewe. mmmmm

Oh no 2 women who are going to kick my head in....