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Traditions and Customs

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 13:55
by Loki
Talking to one of my staff (Slovakian) she remarked that she was glad that she was in the UK for Easter. Apparently it is the custom in Slovakia on Easter monday for the males to pour ice cold water over females with the roles being reversed on the tuesday. The 'wetting' can take various forms including a bucket of cold water over the head, being woken at 7am and plunged into a cold bath or depending on location taken down to the local river and hurled in. An 'open house' policy is in force on each day so anyone, including friends, neighbours and complete strangers are permitted to come around to your house and give you a soaking. Easter monday morning is usually heralded by female shrieks and screams as the fun begins. The only rules, for want of a better word, are that no injury is caused to the victim and that you present them with chocolate afterwards.

The Slovak people believe that spring starts on Easter monday so the symbolism is washing away the winter and welcoming the spring.

Any other Heartlanders have some customs/traditions they'd wish to share ..?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 14:05
by Mrs RicheyJames
And I but the ladies have to wear a white t-shirt!!!!
The only Easter tradition that I am aware of, is to eat all your kids' easter eggs and get drunk!

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 16:20
by rian
Midsummer eve in Sweden is very nice to see for ppl outside Sweden. Dancing like frogs round a big stick, covered by flowers.

Drinking all day and night. A hot sauna in the middle of the nigh followed by a nude bath in a lake :oops:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 18:24
by Debaser
Rian! You just made that up, you devient you!

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 18:40
by rian
Debaser wrote:Rian! You just made that up, you devient you!
NO, I didn't. Come and see for your self in late June.

And in wintertime, we take a sauna, and then rool naked in the snow :twisted:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 19:15
by James Blast
In Glasgow, it is forbidden to be sober at the weekends, or Friday night, or the rest of the week.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 20:07
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:In Glasgow, it is forbidden to be sober at the weekends, or Friday night, or the rest of the week.
Not THAT explains very very much! ;-)

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 21:47
by Big Si
My Big Sista Schwirl reliably informs me that all women in Moravia (Czech Republic) get their arses slapped! :innocent:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 21:54
by emilystrange
i have a book called 'strange sexual and courting customs'.
its one of those serious victorian things. not very raunchy.
i couldnt afford the strange death ritual one, for which i'm still kicking myself and wondering if i bought the right one.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:08
by James Blast
emilystrange wrote:strange death ritual one
:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:17
by emilystrange
i have no idea what was in it! thats strange as in peculiar, not emilystrange. i dont actually kill people. although some have been marked for judgement day......

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:24
by James Blast
I have a list too miss ems wanna compare?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:28
by emilystrange
i doubt we know the same people...
but, to start,

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:43
by James Blast
My bitch of a boss, the other designer (suck-up-girlie-who-thinks-Dido-is-cutting-edge)w@ank!,w@ank,w@nk, the boss before this one (male), the Depute Chief Exec. (female), the directors of Planning and Community Services (male), my car's engine, ... apart from that, I think I'm cool.

In a shadenfreude kinda moment, the other designers husband left her 9 months ago, he said they were a mistake. :D

Sorry ems I needed to get that off my chest.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:48
by emilystrange
my dear boy, you can unburden your chest any time.

Rachel from the 6th form for completely f****** up my confidence for years (grudges borne at all times, long term)
that uea woman who rang me

QB might get a mention if he doesnt start answering his email and PMs (small hint) have i scared you, QB?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:51
by rian
Wasn't it new years eve in Iraq or something like that yesterday?

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:55
by James Blast
Shuttit rian me and ems are off on one.....

that bastard who cut me up as I was signaling right, this evening...

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 22:58
by emilystrange
ANYONE who two timed me gggrrrrrr

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 23:02
by James Blast
Large breasted Manc maidens who turn cold, all of a sudden. And never stop. ( . )( . )

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 23:03
by emilystrange
..... thats not a death sentence offence.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 23:06
by James Blast

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 23:10
by emilystrange
NO its kinda unavoidable.

Posted: 17 Mar 2004, 23:10
by CorpPunk
Big Si wrote:My Big Sista Schwirl reliably informs me that all women in Moravia (Czech Republic) get their arses slapped! :innocent:
Why I Am in the Wrong Damn Country: that would be reason number 1,987.


Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 00:49
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:My bitch of a boss, the other designer (suck-up-girlie-who-thinks-Dido-is-cutting-edge)w@ank!,w@ank,w@nk, the boss before this one (male), the Depute Chief Exec. (female), the directors of Planning and Community Services (male), my car's engine, ... apart from that, I think I'm cool.

In a shadenfreude kinda moment, the other designers husband left her 9 months ago, he said they were a mistake. :D

Sorry ems I needed to get that off my chest.
@ RS

Clearly you work for your "Local Authority" :eek:

Been There - Done That - NEVER Again!!!!!! :twisted:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 01:17
by Big Si
CorpPunk wrote:
Big Si wrote:My Big Sista Schwirl reliably informs me that all women in Moravia (Czech Republic) get their arses slapped! :innocent:
Why I Am in the Wrong Damn Country: that would be reason number 1,987.

Well, you're welcome in Glasgow anytime soon, hen! :P :oops: :innocent:

(You still owe me a coupla pints!)