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On Mr Harry's advice...

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:10
by Mrs RicheyJames
This is the non-smoking thread

5 days now..................... :urff:

Re: On Mr Harry's advice...

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:13
by Hojyuu-obi
Are you going cold turkey ?
Sexygoth wrote:This is the non-smoking thread

5 days now..................... :urff:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:15
by Mrs RicheyJames


Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:19
by Thrash Harry
Ooops! Wrong room.

<Shouts from outside the door> KEEP IT UP! I'm with you in spirit! I'll be having to retreat to the garage for a smoke when I'm at my parents this weekend, along with my Dad, cos my Mum's got a nose like a sniffer dog. I really should follow your example...

Oh go on then. One of these for each day so far:

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:22
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:33
by mayhem
How long before you start doing the dying swan when someone else lights up?

That's what winds me up about ex smokers. All the big disgust when really they just want one too.

So long as you never do that SG then good on yer & keep it up.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:34
by Mrs RicheyJames
No way. My bloody mother does that and it annoys the hell out of me!

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:51
by mh
I'm with ya SG!!!

3 weeks, it doesn't get any easier.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
Yeah, thanks for that!

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:56
by markfiend
The longest I ever gave up for was a day and a half.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 14:57
by Mrs RicheyJames
Did you put on any weight?

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:01
by markfiend
Sexygoth wrote:Did you put on any weight?
:lol: I can't remember.

I did put on weight when I gave up amphetamines though. ;)

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:07
by rian
After addicted to fags for 18 years, I am now clean. Been for 4 years. If I can, then you can :wink:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:12
by Mrs RicheyJames
I did it for about five years last time. It's just as easy to get hooked again..... Which is probably why ex smokers are like nazis

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:18
by mh
The trick is to focus on the good stuff. If you blow your nose it doesn't come out black any more, you can actually run for a bus now, climbing flights of stairs doesn't leave you out of breath. Any bad feelings are just your body saying "hey! I'm getting better! There's no more gunk going into me!" You're getting miles more oxygen in than before, and it's a very strange sensation that takes a lot of getting used to. The depression is very hard though.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:22
by Mrs RicheyJames're ill. I can't ever remember blowing black sh*t out of my nose!!!!!

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:27
by CorpPunk
I'm five weeks and counting, cold turkey. And yes, it does get easier. Going out is tough though--but not so much in NY where smoking is banned in bars and restaurants, and it's far too cold for anyone other than the die-hard addicts to go outside.

As for the ex-smoker nazis, I find it best just to humiliate them. Case in point: A couple of weekends ago, I went out with a friend and her brother to one of the last smoking bars in NYC. Friend's brother whined bitterly about the smoke irritating his sinuses, how he can't breathe, can't take it, etc. Of course, I remember that friend's brother was smoking last time I saw him, not four months ago. He was getting on everyone's nerves, so I asked a well-timed question:

Friend's brother: Whine whine, b*tch b*tch, etc.

*Lull in general conversation*

Me: (loudly) But didn't you used to smoke?

FB: (pause) Yes.


FB finally shut up and went elsewhere. Honestly.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:30
by Mrs RicheyJames
CorpPunk wrote:I'm five weeks and counting, cold turkey. And yes, it does get easier. Going out is tough though--but not so much in NY where smoking is banned in bars and restaurants, and it's far too cold for anyone other than the die-hard addicts to go outside.

As for the ex-smoker nazis, I find it best just to humiliate them. Case in point: A couple of weekends ago, I went out with a friend and her brother to one of the last smoking bars in NYC. Friend's brother whined bitterly about the smoke irritating his sinuses, how he can't breathe, can't take it, etc. Of course, I remember that friend's brother was smoking last time I saw him, not four months ago. He was getting on everyone's nerves, so I asked a well-timed question:

Friend's brother: Whine whine, b*tch b*tch, etc.

*Lull in general conversation*

Me: (loudly) But didn't you used to smoke?

FB: (pause) Yes.


FB finally shut up and went elsewhere. Honestly.
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:30
by mayhem
Sexygoth're ill. I can't ever remember blowing black sh*t out of my nose!!!!!
Ahhh, you've never lived in London then, we do it every day here.

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:35
by Mrs RicheyJames
Southern fags.......pah

I'd like to add at this pint that I refering to cigerettes bought in the south and NOT gay southerners.....thankyou

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 15:38
by CorpPunk
mayhem wrote:
Sexygoth're ill. I can't ever remember blowing black sh*t out of my nose!!!!!
Ahhh, you've never lived in London then, we do it every day here.
Yeah, I remember that well. :roll:

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 19:32
by James Blast
Hmmmm, nice....


Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 19:34
by rian
Red Sunsets wrote:Hmmmm, nice....

It really look tasty :P

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 19:47
by Mrs RicheyJames
I used to smoke roll ups, only proper ones when I went out

Nice try though..................

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 20:05
by Angelchild
Well done SG :notworthy: :notworthy: Keep it up!
I have to say I'm naughty with no inclination to give up,but since I have no other vices I have to have one.