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And a very warm welcome to dkirbz and Florence

Posted: 18 Mar 2004, 23:43
by Thrash Harry
Just in case I know you. :innocent: Please, only say nice things.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 00:08
by James Blast
Ignore him, he's a creep :eek:

Welcome, the bar is OPEN!

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 00:48
by Andy TG
Hello, Good Evening and Welcome to "My Heartland" :-)

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 10:46
by markfiend

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 10:49
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Ignore him, he's a creep
Oooh! Get her! There is actually a slight possibility that I may know these two people.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 10:54
by Mrs RicheyJames
markfiend wrote:*waves*
<waves as well>
so if you do know him...................spill the beans.......go on, you know you want to......

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 10:55
by Padstar
Hi there :)


Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 11:39
by DoKtor Spiggy
The DoKtor welcomes you xxx

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 19:23
by pikkrong
Welcome 8)
Welcome 8)

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 19:29
by christophe
welkom mensen
Welcome people.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 20:35
by Debaser

Posted: 21 Mar 2004, 11:14
by rian
A double Allo :)

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 04:59
by 6FeetOver
A belated welcome to the new peeps! ;D Sorry, I've been shirking my duties of late... :roll: