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Oh Dear!!!

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:08
by sisxbeforedawn
It's friday afternoon and just got back into work after being in the pub since 12!!! and 8 guinness's later....

hope everybody's afternoon is going as swimmingly as mine :D

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:10
by markfiend
I enjoy that kind of day at "work". Pity today's not one of those for me.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:45
by christophe
hey I got home from work around 15.30u , belgium time :)
now its about time to get to my favorit drink. (Palm for thoe who know it)

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:47
by Mrs RicheyJames

Re: Oh Dear!!!

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:50
by Black Planet
sisxbeforedawn wrote:It's friday afternoon and just got back into work after being in the pub since 12!!! and 8 guinness's later....

hope everybody's afternoon is going as swimmingly as mine :D
I want to know how you Brits function after a lunch like that? The one and only time I was at a pub for lunch with some British colleagues they had liquid refreshment. The more the Scot drank, the less I understood him. We had a meeting scheduled after lunch, so there was no way I could drink. My boss and I wondered how they did it! Drink all that and be able to go back to work. Amazing.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 16:53
by Mrs RicheyJames
You get used to it........You kind of build up some sort of tolerance......well at least northeners do anyway, I don't think them southern shandy drinking puffs can quite manage it either!

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 17:05
by markfiend
Indeed. It's all to do with practice. Most Brits start drinking around age 14 or so; whereas I get the impression that underage drinking in the States is a big no-no.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 17:32
by Red_Kola
markfiend wrote:Indeed. It's all to do with practice. Most Brits start drinking around age 14 or so; whereas I get the impression that underage drinking in the States is a big no-no.
Yeah it's so backwards over there. You learn to drive before you can legally drink. Crazy I tell ya.

Seriously, from my visits to the US (east coast only) Drinking in general is rather frowned upon; being drunk, certainly is. Boston was the only place which seemed to have a sensible attitude.

My drinking partners had no concept of what you are supposed to do in a pub: Get merry, talk bollocks, be as entertaining as possible. It's just not their culture. People who go to pubs regularly are seen as rather sad and pitiful creatures.

On my first visit to New York I walked into one of the grocery stores you find on any corner. The entire back wall of the shop was filled with beer (I use the term losely) in sizes up to small Kegs. I enquired to the shopkeeper if they sold wine.

"Sir" he said sternly, "You buy wine from a liquor store", looking at me like I was some kind of Alkie. The Liquor store was state-licenced, rather grim and hid all purchases inside brown paper bags. Really, really seedy.

Posted: 19 Mar 2004, 17:50
by markfiend
A friend-of-a-friend went to the States (Pennsylvania IIRC) on a college-exchange thing when he was 18 (which is of course legal drinking age over here) and they had a party at one of the college dorms. This f-o-a-f took a few cans of beer and people went nuts*; threatening to call the police. "You can't drink until you're 21!" kind of reaction. Weird.

*Edit to add: "The kind of reaction you'd expect if you started skinning up at your parents' house" was how he described it :eek:

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 11:08
by sisxbeforedawn
Sexygoth wrote:You get used to it........You kind of build up some sort of tolerance......well at least northeners do anyway, I don't think them southern shandy drinking puffs can quite manage it either!
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

and you also get used to acting sobre as well :wink:

Re: Oh Dear!!!

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 20:18
by James Blast
Black Planet wrote:The more the Scot drank, the less I understood him.
That I can totally empathise with BP, if I have a drink at lunchtime, I fall asleep.

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 20:25
by Lamia
Sexygoth wrote:You get used to it........You kind of build up some sort of tolerance......well at least northeners do anyway, I don't think them southern shandy drinking puffs can quite manage it either!
Southern shandy drinking puffs................. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 21:16
by sisxbeforedawn
Lamia wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:You get used to it........You kind of build up some sort of tolerance......well at least northeners do anyway, I don't think them southern shandy drinking puffs can quite manage it either!
Southern shandy drinking puffs................. :eek: :eek: :eek:
well if anybodies up for a drinking competition lets make the arrangements :von:

Re: Oh Dear!!!

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 21:24
by Black Planet
Red Sunsets wrote:
Black Planet wrote:The more the Scot drank, the less I understood him.
That I can totally empathise with BP, if I have a drink at lunchtime, I fall asleep.
Well at least if your asleep you aren't speaking ... which means you will not be misunderstood.

All I remember was he was going on about Bobby Burns.. And I was trying very hard to be polite. :roll:

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 21:26
by James Blast
You shoulda 'nutted' him BeeP, I woulda! :twisted:

Posted: 20 Mar 2004, 21:32
by Black Planet
I had to be polite. I was representing my employer, and my government and we needed their input for the report we subsequently wrote. Lucky me..I wrote the section dedicated to britian...

Posted: 21 Mar 2004, 01:09
by Andy TG
Lamia wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:You get used to it........You kind of build up some sort of tolerance......well at least northeners do anyway, I don't think them southern shandy drinking puffs can quite manage it either!
Southern shandy drinking puffs................. :eek: :eek: :eek:
@ Lamia

I hope your not including the Welsh in that statement :evil:

If so - Vodka Bottles at dawn ;-)

Posted: 21 Mar 2004, 10:26
by Mrs RicheyJames
No, the Welsh are just crap at everything else :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 00:30
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:No, the Welsh are just **** at everything else :wink: :twisted:
@ SG WHAT WHAT WHAT - Kohl Eyeliner's and Joss Sticks at Dawn! ;-)

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 00:37
by James Blast
Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 10:14
by Mrs RicheyJames
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:No, the Welsh are just **** at everything else :wink: :twisted:
@ SG WHAT WHAT WHAT - Kohl Eyeliner's and Joss Sticks at Dawn! ;-)
Joss sticks? Man they are so last season. Everyone knows it is cones now :roll:

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 10:39
by hallucienate

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 20:02
by Quiff Boy
Sexygoth wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:No, the Welsh are just **** at everything else :wink: :twisted:
@ SG WHAT WHAT WHAT - Kohl Eyeliner's and Joss Sticks at Dawn! ;-)
Joss sticks? Man they are so last season. Everyone knows it is cones now :roll:
...or those bizarre spiral incence "sticks" that you balance on a stand :roll:

personally i reckon you can't beat a good charcoal block and some frankincense... think "old cathedral meets a sisters gig" in terms of smell and complete and utter fog :D

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 10:26
by Mrs RicheyJames
yeah but whatever you do....Don't get very drunk, light one and place it on top on your monitor with nothing underneath it......Holes in the top of monitors look cr*p!!!

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 10:28
by markfiend
Quiff Boy wrote:personally i reckon you can't beat a good charcoal block and some frankincense... think "old cathedral meets a sisters gig" in terms of smell and complete and utter fog :D
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Quiffy, as ever, reveals himself to be a man of impeccable taste.

One flat I lived in I lost my bond because the landlord couldn't get rid of the smell of frankincense until he had the carpet steam-cleaned ;D