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those kerrrrazy kids

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 22:16
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 22:21
by Almiche V
"Charvers, on the other hand, have few musical attachments, but are marked out by devotion to designer and sports labels."

Culturally dead then. Brain dead as well. Makes you want to weep doesn't it?

I wrote about this sort of thing in an essay I did recently about goth.

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 22:38
by karin
Being 35 ( ahem) I don't understand the young people of today. When I was 14/15 it was respectable to go to the nearest Oxfam shop and whoever compiled the most original, retro, whatever, outfit for the least amount of money ( ie. a price within our pocket money budget ) earned the most Kudos.

Now these kids want their trainers, mobile phones, blah, blah, designer gear but have no means of supporting these expensive tastes. So they idolise drug dealers, Ganstas and all that s**t as.
a means to earn easy money and in the mean time rob and bully their peers. None of them have the brains to go out and study towards a well paid job to keep them in the style they wish to be accustomed.

I blame Margaret Thatcher for this acquisitive attitude and it will be interesting to see the cultural vacuum these astonishing destructive people create in years to come whem they're in their 40's

Though what is incredibly offensive about the London youth, which is all I know, has to be the new accent they've all adopted over the passed few years. It's hard to describe, we ( anyone I know over 30) call it wanky wiggy, as in- that wanky wiggy accent. I weep for the tones and timbre of the likes of Phil Mitchell.

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 23:04
by James Blast
Marked by their black clothing and white make-up, Goths never disappeared completely but have grown in numbers since the late 1990s.

Charvers, on the other hand, have few musical attachments, but are marked out by devotion to designer and sports labels.

Now children, play nicely or no ice cream.

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 23:31
by Thea
charvas, pikeys, neds, townies... they're the ultimate evil i tells ya. oh, it's all very well to laugh at them online - i have to live with two of them! if i wanna watch the big telly i've gotta remove a kappa jacket or burberry handbag from the comfy chair and then go and disinfect my hands before i can sit down.

and if i get woken up at the crack of 4pm with that bloody "take off all your clothes" song once more i swear i'll club both of them with their own bacardi breezer bottles.


Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 23:39
by Black Planet
Valley Girl anyone? Sorry, it just seemed fitting. ;)

Posted: 22 Mar 2004, 23:40
by James Blast
And no telly for you, young lady!

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 00:05
by Almiche V
d00mw0lf wrote:charvas, pikeys, neds, townies... they're the ultimate evil i tells ya. oh, it's all very well to laugh at them online - i have to live with two of them! if i wanna watch the big telly i've gotta remove a kappa jacket or burberry handbag from the comfy chair and then go and disinfect my hands before i can sit down.

and if i get woken up at the crack of 4pm with that bloody "take off all your clothes" song once more i swear i'll club both of them with their own bacardi breezer bottles.

Chavs! Have you receiv-ed your £5 yet?

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 01:00
by karin
and if i get woken up at the crack of 4pm with that bloody "take off all your clothes" song once more i swear i'll club both of them with their own bacardi breezer bottles.


dunno if I've heard that one but there's a great D.J Pilgrem tune which has a sample "Put back on your clothes - too damn ugly.." marvellous ;D

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 14:57
by mayhem
You know something has gone badly wrong when an old bag like me is glad she isn't young now.

The worst I used to get for my 'eccentric' youthful appearance was the odd bit of verbal to the effect that the adidas wearing casual in question didn't fancy me (you can imagine my heartbreak).

I cannot cope with people who want to spend as much money as possible on sweat shop tat with a supposedly exclusive label, but there are several kids round here called Chanel. It's like a cargo cult or something.

Posted: 23 Mar 2004, 15:29
by markfiend
Back in the day I never used to take much flak, but these days I seem to get "It's Hallowe'en in October" (I'm wearing black clothes! Shock horror!) or "Are you Ozzy Osbourne?" (:eek: I have long hair! Obviously Ozzy's the only man in the entire world with long hair :roll: ) on almost a weekly basis, generally from people who look as though they spent £1.50 on their entire wardrobe.

What galls me is that these idiots obviously think I won't have heard these comments several million times before; what do they expect me to say or do? "Thanks, dude, I thought Halowe'en was tomorrow"?

On a related note, a friend of mine was once asked by one of these Charva types, "are you some kind of puff or something?" He replied, "why? Are you cruising for a piece of ass?"

He said it was almost worth the kicking to see the look on the guy's face Image

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 22:32
by Carrie

I'm reading a delightful novel called 'Brother In The Land' with my Year 9 English class which has marauding tribes of *goths* roaming a post-East/West nuclear apocalyptic landscape in order to pillage the locals (published in 1980, you understand. Not that there's owt wrong with education funding in this country or owt... :x )

The kids think that reading this with their faintly gothy teacher is HILARIOUS. So, yesterday, I got a little tired of them banging on about devil worship/Marilyn Manson & his alleged propensity for auto fellatio/self mutilation & other well-known goth tendencies, & sent a couple of them off to check out know, I know, who's the adult here...

They came back looking really quite hurt. 8)

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 22:40
by James Blast
Them as can do, them as can't....

sorry :(

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 23:08
by Debaser
You can go right off people can't ya.......

Posted: 24 Mar 2004, 23:28
by James Blast
sorry Ness and Carrie :innocent:

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 11:53
by Black Shuck
Charvers, eh? pah!

I'm in a gang called the Biscuit Bruvvvas.

We walk around everywhere with a packet of custard creams sellotaped to our heads.

Come and 'av a go, if yer fink yer 'ard enough!

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 11:59
by markfiend
*Nervously edges away*


Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 12:07
by Black Shuck
markfiend wrote:*Nervously edges away*

Wise move, my friend.
I'm lethal with a packet of digestives.

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 12:10
by markfiend
Black Shuck wrote:
markfiend wrote:*Nervously edges away*

Wise move, my friend.
I'm lethal with a packet of digestives.

I'll get me coat...

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:08
by Andy TG
Over the years the worst verbal abuse I had was being called a "Hippy" by passing cars full of, as I call then "Scally F***S".

They laugh because we look "different" - we laugh because they all look the "Same" :-)

It is IMHO a creature of the "Criminal Culture" here in the UK - we are simply too "soft" on people. Since "Thatcher" the attitude of people in the UK has changed for the worse - People are simply not willing to accect responsibility for their own actions anymore. It is also a culture of blame - blame everybody / everything else apart from yourself - It makes me so F***ING ANGRY!

Its was only something like 250 years that a person would be "hanged by the neck until dead" for being a theif or a mugger or a vagabound!

The UK is going to Hell and we are all standing in line!

Rant Over (for the time being!)

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:23
by markfiend
AndyTheGoth wrote:People are simply not willing to accect responsibility for their own actions anymore. It is also a culture of blame - blame everybody / everything else apart from yourself
I blame the parents ;)

No, actually I agree totally.

Although, come to think of it, parents are (at least partially) to blame for the behaviour of their "cracker spawn"* when the police are faced with such as "My darling little Jimmy would never TWOC a car would you? F*ck off pig, are you calling my darling little Jimmy a liar?"

Or maybe things have always been this "bad" and we're getting old... Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist change places!

*as Bill Hicks would have called them

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:51
by LostInNotts
"its not a miracle, its biology - dropping rows of cabbage offspring"

To paraphrase the great man.

10 years ago the other week he passed.

Im not certain how he'dve delt with the 'locals' in Notts who love nothing more than atacking anyone out of 'uniform' of highstreet tat.

I got jumped at 3.45pm in broad daylight cos 'U don't wear trainers, u think ur posh or summit?'

Gotta love cultural diversity.

Can you throw any light on this d00mwolf?

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 14:53
by Andy TG
markfiend wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:People are simply not willing to accect responsibility for their own actions anymore. It is also a culture of blame - blame everybody / everything else apart from yourself
I blame the parents ;)

No, actually I agree totally.

Although, come to think of it, parents are (at least partially) to blame for the behaviour of their "cracker spawn"* when the police are faced with such as "My darling little Jimmy would never TWOC a car would you? F*ck off pig, are you calling my darling little Jimmy a liar?"

Or maybe things have always been this "bad" and we're getting old... Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist change places!

*as Bill Hicks would have called them
You could "blame the parents" but the parents are not willing to accept the responsibilty for their own actions let alone the actions of their "Children"

Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea - it works well in Germany (or have I got the wrong end of the stick - again!)

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:03
by ryan
i had a good one a few months ago. i was walking along minding my own business when a guy stopped his car right in front of the direction i was going and went "what are you looking at? fag!" i gave him an unintrested look then went round his car and continued walking. He thought he could do it again...

and thats when his car broke down.. :lol:

ah...happy days

Posted: 25 Mar 2004, 15:06
by RicheyJames
AndyTheGoth wrote:Its was only something like 250 years that a person would be "hanged by the neck until dead" for being a theif or a mugger or a vagabound!
AndyTheGoth also wrote:Perhaps the re-introduction of "National Service" would be a good idea
bloody hell - who let the telegrpah readers in?

did you do national service then andy? no? me either but we seemed to have turned out to be fairly decent members of society. i really am disappointed to find such reactionary, knee-jerk suggestions coming from a fellow heartlander. i'd always detected a healthy undercurrent of liberal values. maybe i was wrong...
