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Injected With A Poisoned (MacUsers Only)

Posted: 27 Mar 2004, 23:53
by James Blast
for Sinny, markfiend, cocoamix and any other MacDeviants out there

don't know if you have heard of this, but it is really worth a look

Poisoned is a file sharing application for Mac OS X. It may look like your average file sharing application at first glance, but it is so much more. Unlike applications like Limewire or Kazaa that connect to only one file sharing network, Poisoned can connect to several seamlessly.

I've tried it, it works and is pretty damn fast.


Posted: 28 Mar 2004, 01:37
by Loki
Geek. Scottish geek. Even.

PS: Have you started yet? or have you forgotten? Again?

Posted: 28 Mar 2004, 02:40
by James Blast
Johnny Boy wrote: Have you started yet? or have you forgotten? Again?
the 10 CD Genesis (before Buster Collins thought he could sing lead) back catalogue?


2 DVDs would be easier :(

Posted: 29 Mar 2004, 10:18
by markfiend
Ta for the heads-up. Might try it out when I get round to installing OSX. I'm still on OS9 :oops:

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 18:42
by James Blast
JB I am now in a position for that ProgRock Fest, still interested?

Posted: 19 Jul 2004, 09:31
by markfiend
...and I am now in a position to d/l this Poisoned thingy. Or would be if the office broadband connection hadn't gone down and I wasn't connected through a shitty 56K dialup modem. :evil:

Thanks for the reminder though ;D

Posted: 20 Jul 2004, 10:59
by markfiend
Right. Poisoned doesn't seem to be at the original link any more, but I found it on versiontracker. Clicky.

If anyone cares ;)

Posted: 20 Jul 2004, 15:15
by Karst
Try this and be prepared to waste some serious time.

Posted: 20 Jul 2004, 16:51
by markfiend
Thanks Karst. Like I really need more people to swap music with. But it's so tempting! :cry: