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1-4-04 For One Day Only

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 19:15
by James Blast

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 19:39
by Andy TG
I Should Have Known ;-)

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 19:42
by Hojyuu-obi
That's very sick, my man :lol:

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 20:34
by James Blast
Gulp! :oops: :oops: :oops:
please direct all vitriol at Mr. R :eek:

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 20:51
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:Gulp! :oops: :oops: :oops:
please direct all vitriol at Mr. R :eek:
Nae - It woz you pal! :wink:

(only joking James! :notworthy: )

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 21:28
by DerekR
Here doggy doggy!

Hehehe...smell my finger!

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 22:08
by James Blast
AndyTheGoth wrote:Nae - It woz you pal! :wink:
Awrite, ye gote me bang tae rites, Yer Honor... dae yer wurst.

Jokes about German meat products will not be taken in to evidence. :D

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 22:48
by Red_Kola

Posted: 01 Apr 2004, 22:55
by James Blast
Hellfire!!! R_K

Posted: 02 Apr 2004, 00:16
by CellThree
That was fantastic!