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Do you renounce Satan?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 00:25
by Thrash Harry
And all of his works?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 00:43
by paint it black

i danced to his works tonight, he left me with a strange ringing sound.

he's cool. whoo whoo :wink:

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 01:05
by Andy TG
Being a fervent Anti-Christian I would need to Believe in a "God-Head" whilst also having a believe in "Satan" - which I dont.

And please dont tell me the word "Fervent" is used mostly within a "Religious" context

@ Thrash - Are you having a "Laugh A Minute" thread on account of it being 1.00 am on Friday Night in the UK

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 01:06
by Andy TG
paint it black wrote:nope,

i danced to his works tonight, he left me with a strange ringing sound.

he's cool. whoo whoo :wink:
@ PIB - The descendents of The Black Pope - Anton Lavey would "Like a word" ;-)

Re: Do you renounce Satan?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 01:28
by Planet Dave
Thrash Harry wrote:And all of his works?
Sir!! Certainly Not. :twisted:

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 01:55
by Thrash Harry
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ Thrash - Are you having a "Laugh A Minute" thread on account of it being 1.00 am on Friday Night in the UK
Je comprends pas.


Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:07
by James Blast
Is it OK if I go to Mass regularly?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:13
by Andy TG
Thrash Harry wrote:
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ Thrash - Are you having a "Laugh A Minute" thread on account of it being 1.00 am on Friday Night in the UK
Je comprends pas.

@ Thrush - Sorry Mate - I dont speak Mexican :eek:

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:14
by Thrash Harry
I had lost my religion as a result of my spots. At first, I just prayed that they would go away. Then, I begged forgiveness for all my juvenile dalliances and promised to be good if He would free me from this curse. When this didn’t work either, I decided He was saving me from myself by ensuring I couldn’t indulge my carnal desires. Finally, I became bitter and twisted, deciding that I had no time for an omnipotent being who woke up one day and thought it would be a good idea to create man, stick him by the side of a motorway and tell him blissfull happiness lies on the other side while cruel damnation is a short walk along the hard shoulder. If anyone else raised their kids like that, Social Services would be round in a flash. Should it turn out that Heaven did exist and somehow I ended up there, I was gonna give Him such a slap for all the grief He'd caused me and go knocking on the Devil's door. Hopefully, he wouldn't let me in and I'd lurk in purgatory for eternity, listening in on the mundane conversations of the lost souls desperate to rise above the gonzoid amphetamine filth.
Thrash Harry's Mum wrote:I shan't lose any sleep at the thought of you banging on Satan's door as I don't believe there are any 'lost souls' in God's sight - just hurt and bewildered ones and he can cope with those!

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:15
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:Is it OK if I go to Mass regularly?
I try to go to the toilet regularly - does that help? ;-)

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:29
by James Blast
I do choose my chapels well tho Andy, loads of marble, high ceilings, candles and that smell of incense.

Why was I drawn to 'musique gothique'?

Bottom line -
Eldritch looked cool and something different in the early 80s.

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 02:58
by Black Planet
Barman Blast..if you want to go to mass..go. I am a baptized Lutheran, raised Catholic by my grandma, and a christian ..who believes in god. Although He no longer believes in me. shall I...over this land over this wasteland..................... ok sorry.

Mr. Goth...SHE is out there under the Oak Tree. I firmly believe that.

Well there you have it..half Catholic half Pagan.

And JC...was a god...still is.

Oh sorry...Julius Caesar.

Gotcha! didn't I????

and he still is a God in my eyes.

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 03:03
by Black Planet
Oh Harry, to answer your question. Yes I do. I am a spirit of light.

Not darkness.

To each his own...but light always has it's time. Bring on the sun.,..and let her shine. And she will always's all a matter of time.

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 03:19
by Thrash Harry
Black Planet wrote:Oh Harry, to answer your question. Yes I do. I am a spirit of light.

Not darkness.

To each his own...but light always has it's time. Bring on the sun.,..and let her shine. And she will always's all a matter of time.
"How on earth do you want to purport yourself? I believed that it had to be Light."

... a little left of heaven.

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 03:40
by Black Planet
Harry, it's so late in UK...go to bed. Please. a hole in your heart and Heaven won't tear you apart...

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 07:46
by 6FeetOver
Black Planet wrote:...there's only lite and darknes...
We fade to grey... :wink: :von:

Re: Do you renounce Satan?

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 13:54
by Black Dahlia
Thrash Harry wrote:And all of his works?
No. With any luck I should be getting to meet Harvey Stephens who played Damien in "The Omen" shortly ,if the guy I work with gets it sorted.


Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 15:03
by Andy TG
Thrash Harry wrote:... a little left of heaven.
Right from the Lights - Next to Tesco's ;-)

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 21:36
by emilystrange
SINsister wrote:
Black Planet wrote:...there's only lite and darknes...

emily saw the light. and she was not impressed.

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 23:26
by James Blast
The Spirit Lives

What once were men
are now but sheep
a fiction and far cry
from planet earth's proud animal
that would be, you and I

Alas our forebears
drank the cup of poisoned alibi
and made excuses far and wide
made God in the sky

This boogaloo's now round the world
bad trips for everyone
no more the man of paradise
or the celt of Albion

They queue like burning moths
to spread the all time vicious lie
You Christians
you destroyed our tribe
and I'll fight you till I die

And you can cut me down
for what I say
what use is this world
if all's in vain?

The history of religion
is the history of the state
incestuous exploiters of

The man of peace
was over run by armies of the Lord
who signed their name to any war
and sang to praise the sword

The m*****n heads for outer space
the voices ring and swell
aeons of self righteousness
the senseless echoes nell

The words get
much more meaningless
even plainer
to tell
that those who would
pronounce this God
are those who make this hell

And you can cut me down
for what I say
what use is this world
if all's in vain?

Love is thee great triumph
over Christianity
she made a fool of silly priests
she mocked authority
she filled her bed with happiness
she gripped his loins in joy
without ecstatic agony
screamed the sweetest cry

The children of a legacy
a failure to be changed
an everlasting mutiny
of flowers when it rains

The fountains breathe
the spirit lives

And to say that
God is dead
presupposes that he wasn't
sometime alive

Roy Harper, circa 1976

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 11:55
by paint it black
saw him again last night, he was looking for a soul to steal

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 12:03
by F*ck*As*Goth
Ran into God last night... no money...... big beard... shabby little person....... alll I can tell you now is that The Almighty and your's truly are going to down a crate of proper Dutch beer tonight....

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:53
by Gripper
I renounce Satan.

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 23:49
by Quiff Boy
i renounce santa.

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 23:52
by James Blast
Dyslexic bunofasnitch!