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Grinn/Rhombus in Sheff

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 04:03
by Thea
Fantastic gig!
:notworthy: @ both bands ;D

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 11:46
by Padstar
Well from Grinn, cheers Rhombus for a great night, we had loads of fun and this gig more than made up for Thursdays farce and todays dissapointment!!!

Great to meet d00my too, ill get to meet you all eventually !!!!

and Scardy.... PULL SOME SHAPES MAN!!!!


Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 11:49
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Indeed - mucho fun.

And Mr Rhombus has sweet talked the venue into another gig with the same bill, this time in the big room - we are currently trying to find a date in May to do this.

Thanks to all!

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 12:27
by Thea

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 14:16
by Ed Rhombus
Really enjoyed the whole night

Lovely crowd, Doomwolf, Shef Goths, Rockers and always good gigging with Grinn

Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 15:01
by Padstar
Again !!!
and next time 1969 shall ensue !!!!


Posted: 03 Apr 2004, 15:31
by Scardwel
Yep - a bloody great night. And it was cool to meet d00my & friend and her fluffy pet dog Benjo! :notworthy: 8)

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:10
by Ed Rhombus
Yeah but Scardy does better tricks

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:14
by Scardwel
:eek: Oi!

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:33
by Padstar

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:43
by James Blast
Still scared tae cross the 'neeps & tatties' line then?
Ya soft southern Jessies!

Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:44
by Padstar
That sounds like a challenge to me....

Some of our best Smurphs gigs were in your neck of the woods.... would love to invade with Rhombus!!!


Posted: 04 Apr 2004, 22:50
by James Blast
Come intae us!!! Ya Bass! ;)

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 00:19
by Thea
@Ed - that's not hard considering his only tricks are "sleep" and "eat"

(benjo that is...)

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 00:42
by Padstar
d00mw0lf wrote:@Ed - that's not hard considering his only tricks are "sleep" and "eat"

(benjo that is...)

Scard can do both those things AND rock out on the geetar!!!!

Paddy. :)

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 01:30
by Thea
yeah.. Samoyeds arn't really noted for their guitar skills.

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 10:01
by Ed Rhombus
Ian and myself have been talking about a little weekend caper north of the border, as part of the continuing Rhombus/Grinn 'Double Header' tour.

Maybe early Autumn?

Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 11:53
by Padstar
Im in!!!!


Posted: 05 Apr 2004, 13:08
by Ed Rhombus
Right so we need

3 x Venues prepared to put up fair guarantees

1 x knackered old bus for 7 people plus (Including space for the ridiculous amount of gear we all insist is essential)

1 x map of pubs and guesthouses

18 x bottles of scotch plus three bottles of something else for Paddy

And understanding wives and girl friends

Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 15:39
by lizzy32
Padstar wrote:Well from Grinn, cheers Rhombus for a great night, we had loads of fun and this gig more than made up for Thursdays farce and todays dissapointment!!!

Great to meet d00my too, ill get to meet you all eventually !!!!

and Scardy.... PULL SOME SHAPES MAN!!!!

But Pads you were pulling enough shapes for both of you, i mean how could he follow all that fret wanking :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 19:00
by xanthria
just want to apologise to paddy for being such a bitch, and im sorry to anyone else who i insulted i was drunk and rambling and im very sorry

Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 21:05
by Thea
aww! bless!
*pats jax on't head*

not gonna forgive ya for tipping cheap booze over me though... :P


Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 21:13
by xanthria
also BIG sorrys to doomie for tipping alcohol over her head and messing up her hair dye, im really really really really really really sowwy :( :( :( :( forgive me yet?????? :D :D :D :D

Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 21:24
by Thea
dunno. write me an essay and i'll tellya ;D

Re: sorry

Posted: 06 Apr 2004, 21:25
by James Blast
xanthria wrote:also BIG sorrys to doomie for tipping alcohol over her head... im really really really really really really sowwy
I want the full story, leaving out no detail, however small, with pics, if poss. On my desk, in triplicate - AM, STAT! :twisted: