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Just watched....

Posted: 09 Apr 2004, 21:42
by Gripper
Eight Legged Freaks....good fun....let's all shout out the film references while watching it.

"BARON SAMEDI!!!!!!!!!!!!" scored most on the bigloudometer at the end.

PS I started this thread 'cos I couldn't find a 'currently watching' one anymore.

Posted: 09 Apr 2004, 22:47
by Thrash Harry
I prefered the saxophonist myself. I hve been compared to Beeker tho. Swedish Chef anyone?

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 00:02
by James Blast
Joolz Holland being Joolz Holland (ie. a Clint) on The Jonathon Ross Show.
Omar Sherrif aquited himself well but the Yank bint in the sandwich was Dull, dull, dull

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 00:18
by Andy TG
Shaun Of The Dead - :-) :-) :-) :-)

Very Funny, Very "British" Very Gory and a Hell Of A Lot of FUN!

100 minutes of pure enjoyment!

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 00:29
by Andy TG
Having returned home Mrs Goth and I just watched "Clerks" SE DVD - Very Good even if it is in Black and White.

Not much of a Kevin Simith myself but Mrs Goth is a collector of his work - so it had to be done really.

Now its going to be Billy Madison - again a Mrs Goth "suggestion" - I was all for watching "Empire Strikes Back" Again!

Posted: 10 Apr 2004, 00:38
by James Blast
I really don't like that Pegg fella, even though he chose a Sisters track (TOL I think) on 6Music's My Life In CD.

Convince me ATG.

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 02:07
by Andy TG
Red Sunsets wrote:I really don't like that Pegg fella, even though he chose a Sisters track (TOL I think) on 6Music's My Life In CD.

Convince me ATG.
@ Red Sunsets - I cant do that as it would not be right ! :eek:

Nows theres a interesting thread idea - a CD of YOUR Life - perhaps a top 13 of music for which YOU would do anything for..........

And of course you have to have "Reasons" ;-)

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 02:20
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Joolz Holland being Joolz Holland ... on The Jonathon Ross Show.
Ah! That explains why Junior was asking me if I knew who he was earlier. Makes me wonder what we've been doing these last few New Years Eves. Another Greatest Hits compilation to add to my shopping list. If he's really lucky, we might get to catch him at my home town's Jazz 'festival' this summer. Along with Roy Harper's not-so-young 'un.

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 14:01
by christophe
Black Horizon wrote:A Clockwork Orange (one of the greatest films ever made).
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
just read the book, good but the movie is better.
the soundtrack is one of the best things S. Kubrick has done.

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 15:09
by Padstar
Shuan of the dead...

Very funny :)


Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 18:51
by Andy TG
Padstar wrote:Shuan of the dead...

Very funny :)

I told you so - go and see it - its great fun :-)

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:05
by Thrash Harry
Rocky Horror Picture Show with Junior. His choice. He did shout "Turn it off" though when the Brad 'n' Frank bed scene came on. Teenage boys. They'll never change. :roll:

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:06
by Quiff Boy
Thrash Harry wrote:Rocky Horror Picture Show

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:08
by Quiff Boy
was meant to be in keighley watching the mish & the skeletal family tonight, but as the skeletals cancelled at the last minute and the mish is basically just wayne now, there really didnt seem much point :roll:

so we went to the pub!

....and there was much rejoicing :D

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:12
by Thrash Harry
Quiff Boy wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:Rocky Horror Picture Show
Worth every penny to me just for Meatloaf's cameo. The basques and suspenders are an added bonus. :wink:

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:24
by James Blast
Thrash Harry wrote:The basques and suspenders are an added bonus. :wink:
Now I know you are sick and ill, Thrash.
RHPS is one of my most hated films. Any film that has Mr. Loaf as the highlight cannot be a good thing.
Time the Missus came back and curbed your appetite.
I think.

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:32
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:RHPS is one of my most hated films.
It brings back fond memories of standing outside the Hyde Park Cinema circa 1984 thinking "Why are those weirdos carrying newspapers?" My initiation ceremony followed shortly. :D

Posted: 11 Apr 2004, 23:51
by James Blast
Nope, I will never be convinced, Mr. Harry, it is an awful film, and the culture that has sprung up around is so lame IMO.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:22
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:Nope, I will never be convinced, Mr. Harry, it is an awful film, and the culture that has sprung up around is so lame IMO.
Really? Well I reckon Tim Curry's excellent in it. Even better than Joel Grey in Cabaret. And O' Brien's a legend in my eyes. How about the Crystal Maze?

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:30
by James Blast
Thrash Harry wrote:How about the Crystal Maze?
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:37
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:
Thrash Harry wrote:How about the Crystal Maze?
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Pre Ten Pole Tudor, of course. (Cat number one's just decided to join in. She's missing her Mum. Why do they think that you'll stroke them if they stick their arse in your face?)

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:43
by James Blast
maybe they want a finger inserted? (0) :eek: :eek:

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:47
by Black Planet
OH God they're at it again...

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 00:55
by Thrash Harry
Red Sunsets wrote:maybe they want a finger inserted?
Perhaps. But if I could lick my own arse, I wouldn't waste my time.

Posted: 12 Apr 2004, 01:37
by Andy TG
Thrash Harry wrote:
Red Sunsets wrote:maybe they want a finger inserted?
Perhaps. But if I could lick my own arse, I wouldn't waste my time.
A pet Cat will show you - its owner - its posterior - to ask you that all is OK and that it appears to be well. The CAT thinks of YOU as the BOSS Cat in the house. If a Cat has killed a bird/rat/other small animal and drops it at your feet then that cat thinks of YOU as the superior cat.

Should you need to tell your cat off and its reaction is to sit with its back to you - looking over its shoulder indicates that the cat feels that it has done nothing wrong and that you should aplogise.

Have you ever wondered why a cat - when encountering a room full of people will only appraoch the one person who hates cats. This would be because the person who dislikes cats will be most likely staring at the cat and cats value direct eye contact.

Should you be "petting" your cat and your cat appears to "squint" - then your cat is showing you that its cares for you and likes you.

When your cats comes to you you can tell the mood and temprement of the cat by the postition of its tail - should the tail be raised the cat is pleased to see you and is being subserviant to you.

The purring of cats is not, as believed, to be an expression of pleasure. The purring is the cats way of tell you that it does not wish to cause any form of offence. The more it purs the less offensive it is trying to be.

I hope this helps - what was the question again ? :eek: