Troubles with the parents.

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.
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I make my mother sad, she has tried to teach me to be a good boy but she has failed.
I’m very nice and I have a good job (so she tells me)
But I wear an earring, I have long hear and last month I (oh god) got a tattoo.
Instead of throwing me out she has decided to make good for her mistakes and try to bring me back on the right track.. :?
Do you ever have problems with your parents? Or did they have with you..
And for the parents among you, are you ready for your kids strange wishes and desires.
Another Shade of You.
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Above the Chemist
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mine accept me as i am. they made me as crabby as i am, after all.
i dont have any probs. my mum used to let me do her makeup. very brave lady.
I don't wanna live like I don't mind
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emilystrange wrote:my mum used to let me do her makeup. very brave lady.
I think my mother would want me to do the same..
:? :?
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Quiff Boy
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my parents were pretty cool about all that kind of stuff.

they were happy enough that i was a) happy with what i was doing and b) not doin crack cocaine and mugging people...

horses for course i guess ;)
What’s the difference between a buffalo and a bison?
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Thrash Harry
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My eldest brother once told me that my Mum used pray every night for the redemption of our souls (all three of her sons are lapsed Catholics), but I think she's grown out of it now. She's changed so much over the past 10 years or so that she now says she can't understand why she wouldn't let me go and see Zeppelin @ Knebworth in 1979. There are some things you shouldn't tell your children.
Go to sleep now, Francis.
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Above the Chemist
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oh god no... best keep quiet.
mummy and daddy love me and thats enough. cant be arsed with the arguing stuff, none of us.
I don't wanna live like I don't mind
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I love my mum and I'm shure she loves me, maiby even a bit to mush.
my dad wasn't the best person around, he had al ot of problems with everyone. he died 4 years ago, (I hadn't seen him for at least 10 years)
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I don't think the parents like me much :\ Mumsy keeps giving me Index catelogues and signing me up for weight watchers and Father drunkenly rants that i belong in a mental hospital.
However, Granneh keeps telling me i'm her favorite (i'm the second-youngest of four) and wants me to dye her hair pink and take her to get her eyebrow peirced (so far she's chickened out and just had her ears done 3 times)
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