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Moz is back!

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:39
by Black Shuck
You've gotta love the fella, even if he does look more like Frankenstein's monster with each passing year.

He played Las Vegas on 17th April, opening for Shirley Bassey. here are some pics:
Before you ask, I have no idea why he has a piece of broccoli protruding from his fly (I'm sure Mr. Freud would have summat to say about that!)

He looks disturbingly like Roy Keane here.


Oh yeah!

I don't care what you Moz-bashers think; he's a geezer.
And unlike Von, at least he's got his arse in gear and brought out a new record.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:42
by hallucienate
I finally got to watch "The Importance Of Being Morrissey" of Friday, I found it very interesting.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:48
by Black Shuck
hallucienate wrote:I finally got to watch "The Importance Of Being Morrissey" of Friday, I found it very interesting.
apparently, and unsurprisingly, Moz hated that documentary.
Something to do with how they filmed an 8 hour interview (!), but only showed the least interesting ten minutes (Moz talking about his sexuality, ex-bandmates, record deals etc. Yawn....)

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:48
by Black Planet
Oh my...That's Morrisey? What on earth happend to the guy? And I'm currently working on a trade for some Smiths......

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:49
by emilystrange
i sit next to a moz nutter.... hello andrew

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:51
by Black Shuck
emilystrange wrote:i sit next to a moz nutter.... hello andrew
My name's not Andrew.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:54
by emilystrange
no but his is.. he will be visiting and that was like a personal message to make him feel welcome.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 14:58
by Black Shuck
Sorry em, I have a surreal sense of humour.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 15:04
by emilystrange
i know.... but i thought i'd clarify for his sake! he was just visiting after all. bless.

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 15:10
by CorpPunk
The Man with the Flowers in His Trousers is playing five shows at the Apollo (seriously!) in NYC the first week of May--it's not a huge venue, but apparently all shows sold out in under fifteen minutes. I would've gone, but a) I couldn't be arsed to pick up the phone during that fifteen-minute window, and b) I still have nightmares from seeing a signing he did on MTV about ten years ago--his fans are rabid and terrifying. :eek:

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 15:58
by sisxbeforedawn
Well I'm getting dragged to MEN Arena next month!!! I'll be there in my SOM or Bella Morte top, so keep yer eyes peeled, the first one to find me gets to buy me a beer :innocent:

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 19:28
by James Blast
What ever happened to Morrissey The Consumer Monkey from Vic Reeves Big Night Out? That bloke was good.

Re: Moz is back!

Posted: 19 Apr 2004, 21:15
by vicus
Black Shuck wrote:Image
Oh my GOD!
He looks like german rock'n'roll-"legend" Ted Herold:

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 10:20
by Black Shuck
Red Sunsets wrote:What ever happened to Morrissey The Consumer Monkey from Vic Reeves Big Night Out? That bloke was good.
Aah Red Sunsets, you've just brought back some warm and fuzzy memories of vintage Vic and Bob.

apparently, Morrissey was not amused by his simian namesake. (no surprises there!)
Bizarrely, though, a coupla years later, Vic Reeves sung backing vocals on one of Morrissey's singles ('Sing Your Life'), so they must have 'made up'.

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 13:27
by dee902
I finally heard the new Moz single "Irish Blood, English Heart" on the radio the other day. My only gripe is that it's too short. ;)

I'm so bummed that all 5 of his NYC shows have sold out!! :(

The new single....

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 14:13
by flowersdie
...sounds very like The Chameleons, don't you think? Or the Comsat Angels.

Re: The new single....

Posted: 20 Apr 2004, 14:21
by dee902
flowersdie wrote:...sounds very like The Chameleons, don't you think? Or the Comsat Angels.
Good point. :)