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Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 01:25
by Purple Light
Goth wise, I personally can't stand bands like Evenscence & HIM (according to the press nowadays they are classed as goth anyway)

Nu-Metal pretty much makes me sick. Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot to name but a few from a very long list. I just don't "get it." Am I missing something!?

What do the rest of U think abouth this stuff?

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 02:39
by James Blast
all of the above, except Gimp Biscuit, I liked that Chocolate Dog Fish Star Bumhole album, censored version of course.

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:20
by Brideoffrankenstein
Purple Light wrote:Goth wise, I personally can't stand bands like Evenscence & HIM (according to the press nowadays they are classed as goth anyway)

Nu-Metal pretty much makes me sick. Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot to name but a few from a very long list. I just don't "get it." Am I missing something!?

What do the rest of U think abouth this stuff?
I have to agree with you there on both points, and no I don't think you're missing anything! What is there to miss??! :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 10:55
by vicus
I think HIM are pretty amusing (they don't take themselves very serious). The lyrics are stupid, but hey - I'm from Germany, so I don't care about english lyrics ;-)

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 11:14
by Andie
Purple Light wrote:Goth wise, I personally can't stand bands like Evenscence & HIM (according to the press nowadays they are classed as goth anyway)

Nu-Metal pretty much makes me sick. Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Slipknot to name but a few from a very long list. I just don't "get it." Am I missing something!?

What do the rest of U think abouth this stuff?

I'm a lil concerned that HIM and Evenscence are classed as goff in the press nowadays...but then just when did the music press know the difference anyways?...

seeing that i enjoy listening to HIM and i can't stand Evenscence...i'm not expecting to win any friends among those who know and suggest that both bands are complete in my defense...HIM were always a lil darker than the usual banal europop imports (rasmus) and therefore gained some respect

as for the 'Nu' metal world of Linkin Park...Slipknot...Korn...i just don't see the appeal of their style of music anymore...all the bands have sold out to the allmighty $$$ dollar...they'll be enjoying less and less audience participation and sales...untill they eventually implode...see example of Papa Roach...

are we missing something?...i doubt it...the music they pedal is going to be a part of our history...grouped into the ungroupable...oneday someone will revive it...unwelcome thought that it is...amusing to think that our childrens children could be getting into some retro Slipknot in 15 years time...


now i'm gonna have a age defining moment...and get some Clash, Damned, Pistols and anything else from the late 70's when i was a teenager to listen to...

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 16:46
by Thrash Harry
Junior's never really been a fan, but at least the likes of Linkin Park showed him there was an alternative to the banal bang bang bang computer generated sh!t that blares out of the boot of every skirt-clad Vauxhall Corsa in Leeds. Kids with instruments playing their own songs. Now there's a novel idea. And, though it probably doesn't fall into the same category, Nickelback's How You Remind Me made us realise we shared a similar taste in music.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 17:24
by pikkrong
I've been twice on HIM's gig. First time it was total disappointment for me and the second time I escaped from HIM. It was in M'era Luna festival 2002 - they played after Sisters :von: :notworthy: and right after Soft Cell 8) :notworthy:
Thank Machine, I have never been on any Limp Bzkt gig. And each time there's Deftones in VH1 "Friday Rocks" it's time to change the channel.

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 17:45
by christophe
deftones suck like hell.
I went to see them becuz "a perfect circle" played before them.

it was the worst gig I ever saw. :(

Posted: 24 Apr 2004, 19:25
by Padstar
Hmmmm.... i think the Goth tag has been stretched over the years, even though its all subjective to some degree.

Before Evanescence and HIM, it was Type O Negative and Mazza that were being reffered to as Goff, and now we are onto the aforementioned. personally a like all four of those acte, and musically consider "trad Goff" a bit of a gonner.

Nu-Metal.... Korn are pretty awsome, Biskit are ok.....Linkin Park, i love both albums and agree wholeheartedly with Thrassh's comments on the matter. Im not a fan of the lost prophets mind.

Now then, i doooo like my Emo metal though. Finch are excellent.....Hooberstank are really good and more recently for me The Lost Prophets and Funeral For A Friend.

When will they invent ginger-goff-emo-nu-skab-luesgrass metal! I fancy a bit of that me'self.

MUSE!!!!! :)



Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 00:20
by Thrash Harry
Padstar wrote:MUSE!!!!!

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 01:09
by Vision Thingy
Burn wrote: seeing that i enjoy listening to HIM and i can't stand Evenscence...

now i'm gonna have a age defining moment...and get some Clash, Damned, Pistols and anything else from the late 70's when i was a teenager to listen to...
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

If I were not a hetosexual man firmly loving large tits and all the rest..... HIM would be my choice. Tight ass, great abs...and overall a great listen. Lyrics are dark, romantic and cheery all at one go.

Clash? Damned? Johnny Rotten?? :kiss: Not that I'm gay or anything. 8)

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 01:43
by James Blast
Vision Thingy wrote:If I were not a hetosexual man... Clash? Damned? Johnny Rotten?? :kiss: Not that I'm gay or anything. 8)
You lyin' Get!
No you're a lyin' Get!

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 14:40
by Andie
Vision Thingy wrote: a hetosexual man firmly loving large tits

oh comon...there's more to life than large tits...

*not being that well endowed in the tit department...i can make do :kiss: *

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 14:43
by Silver_Owl

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 14:54
by Andie

all hail the BOYS :eek:

but's just not me...

thanx for the thought tho... Mr Burn would prolly agree with ya...

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 15:02
by Silver_Owl
I didn't realise the pic would be so large. Soz Quiffy.
Stay natural Burn. hee hee.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 15:05
by Andie
Steve303 wrote:Stay natural Burn. hee hee.
lol... :lol:

natural like my hair colour?...if only!!

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 15:23
by Silver_Owl
It's still natural underneath Burn (your hair that is).

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 17:13
by Thrash Harry
Burn wrote:*not being that well endowed in the tit department...i can make do*
As I always reassure Mrs T, more than a mouthful's a waste anyway.

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 22:47
by Andie
Thrash Harry wrote:
Burn wrote:*not being that well endowed in the tit department...i can make do*
As I always reassure Mrs T, more than a mouthful's a waste anyway.
i thought it was more than a hands full... :eek: and my what small hands you have... :wink:

you could have warmed them up a little... :innocent:

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 23:50
by James Blast
Everything too excess is the motto of Clan Blast! :eek:

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 00:37
by Thea
pshaw. i <3 HIM.

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 09:25
by markfiend
Black Horizon wrote:Atari Teenage Riot
:eek: Are you sure? Unlistenable shrieking IMO :lol:

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 18:17
by Andy TG
Purple Light wrote:Goth wise, I personally can't stand bands like Evenscence & HIM (according to the press nowadays they are classed as goth anyway)

What do the rest of U think abouth this stuff?
HIM are OK for the less than "20 somethings" ;-) - They are IMHO just a better looking "M I S S I O N" ;-)

On the subject of "Evenesence" its a little know fact that the band members - of which there are only 2 - Amy Lee and Ben Moody - who both hold strong "Christian" beliefs.

Amy is also quoted as saying that she only wears the "Goth Gear" on stage for the "Image" and does not follow the "Lifestyle".

Re: Nu-Metal & Nu-Goth... Have Your Say, Right Here

Posted: 27 Apr 2004, 18:47
by Andy TG
Purple Light wrote:Goth wise, I personally can't stand bands like Evenscence & HIM (according to the press nowadays they are classed as goth anyway)

What do the rest of U think abouth this stuff?
HIM are OK for the less than "20 somethings" :innocent: - They are IMHO just a better looking "M I S S I O N" ;-)

On the subject of "Evenesence" its a little know fact that the band members - of which there are only 2 - Amy Lee and Ben Moody - both who hold strong "Christian" beliefs. :eek:

Amy is also quoted as saying that she only wears the "Goth Gear" on stage for the "Image" and does not follow the "Lifestyle". Another shining example of "Image" over "Content"

Besides a similar Italian band by the name of "Lacuna Coil" are much much better.

As for The Rasmus - I cant even bring myself to comment :twisted: