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Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 11:18
by Silver_Owl
Myself and Mrs 303 are off to Rome on Tuesday for a couple of nights.
Has anybody got any sightseeing recommendations?
(Apart from the Collosium and the Vat.)

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 11:23
by christophe
my ex is there for the moment, but I wouldn't recomend her.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 11:24
by Silver_Owl
Thats her off the itinary then Christophe.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 12:13
by emilystrange
trevi fountain? spanish steps? (not a band)

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 12:14
by Silver_Owl
Where r they geographically then Em? Easy to find?

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 12:15
by emilystrange
hmm i will get my guide book

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 12:18
by emilystrange
cant find it.. you could try the rough guide site, or lonely planet.. sorry but wont be here now long enough to help much before tues. have a good time

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 12:19
by Silver_Owl
Thanks Em. I'll find them, no worries.

Re: Roma

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 13:22
by rian
Steve303 wrote:Myself and Mrs 303 are off to Rome on Tuesday for a couple of nights.
Has anybody got any sightseeing recommendations?
(Apart from the Collosium and the Vat.)
Sara and i went there 7 years ago to get engaged. Lovly place. Lots of nice parks, beautiful buildings etc.

Enjoy :)

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 13:22
by Silver_Owl
Thanks mate. Looking forward to it.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 14:21
by Black Planet
Trevi Fountain and Spanish steps are in the heart of Rome. A combination of cab rides and walking will get you to where you want to go. Ciao! And Bella Serra.

Check your pms.

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 14:52
by Thrash Harry
If you're only there for a few days, the Vatican might take a bit too long to do properly. They make you go through all 100+ rooms full of yet more paintings of cherubs and men in frocks before you get to spend 15 minutes in the Sistine Chapel silently staring at the ceiling while the bouncers control the flow of bodies. It is pretty stunning tho. My Mum and I raced through it all in about half an hour just to get there before we had to board a train to Florence.

I was fortunate enough to spend a month there in July 1984, just generally wandering around.

Looking at the map in my Rough Guide of Italy:

Trevi Fountain is off to the right of the Via Del Corso (the main street running north/ south through the city)
The Spanish Steps are c500 metres due north of there

Try not to get to the Colosseum around midday cos there's very little shade there, tho it might not be that hot this time of year. The Roman Forum's just over rhe road from there heading back into town so that's well worth a look. That'll bring you out onto Capitol Hill and the Vittorio Emmanuele monument which is generally considered to be a bit of an eyesaw but I thought it was very impressive myself. From there you can walk up the Via Del Corso to the Trevi Fountain and the Spanish Steps.

Over the other side of the Corso, I'd suggest the Pantheon, near which is what is generally considered to the the best ice cream shop in Rome (can't remember it's name or the street though) and about 300m further west is Piazza Navona which is a MUST in my opinion with three ornate fountains, street artists, cafes and pigeons.

You should be able to do all the above in a day. We got a bus to the Colosseum and walked everywhere from there. If you end up at the Piazza Navona around 7pm, you'll find some nice, reasonably priced pizzerias just up the side streets on its west side.

You could probably then spend Sunday at the Vatican, if it's open. I know the museum shuts on Holy Days which is why we had to race round it the following day. My Mum went back a month or so ago but due to heightened security measures the queues were horrendous so she didn't bother. St Peter's is a must tho. Incredible marble statues.

I guess the main thing is to get a map so you'v a vague idea of where you're heading. Try and walk as much as possible as there's just so much amazing architecture round every corner.

If you fancy a bit of peace away from the crowds, try the Villa Borghese to the north or a stroll over the Tiber to Janiculum Hill to the west and from there maybe a quick visit to the Isola Tiberina.

God I'm so jealous! And a mate of mine's heading for Tuscany in two weeks. The way things are going, I'll be lucky to get to eat fish and chips on the pier at Brid this year.

I expect BP will have a few suggestions as well, cos I know sh'e rather fond of the place.

Have a great time!

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 15:13
by Silver_Owl
Wow - thanks Harry - much appreciated. That helps.
(and thanks to BeeP)

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 16:53
by Thrash Harry
Thrash Harry wrote:You could probably then spend Sunday at the Vatican
What's he on about? Just re-read your post and you're off on Tuesday. Looks like you should be OK, time and queues permitting: ... allendario

Posted: 25 Apr 2004, 21:08
by Black Planet
@ Harry, you would make a good tour guide. I loved just reading it all. And your right, aside from London, Rome is the only other place I love.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 00:23
by Hojyuu-obi
What about Paris, mes amis? :wink:

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 17:01
by Silver_Owl
Thanks to everybody for their help - especially BeeP and Harry.. Got back yesterday - had a fantastic time.

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 17:20
by Black Planet
Steve303 wrote:Thanks to everybody for their help - especially BeeP and Harry.. Got back yesterday - had a fantastic time.
I am glad you had a great time. When you have time, let us know what sights you got to we can live vicariously through you! :D

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 17:30
by Thrash Harry
Black Planet wrote:
Steve303 wrote:Thanks to everybody for their help - especially BeeP and Harry.. Got back yesterday - had a fantastic time.
I am glad you had a great time. When you have time, let us know what sights you got to we can live vicariously through you! :D
Yes! Yes! Yes!

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 18:36
by Silver_Owl

DAY 1: arrive early on Tuesday morning. Get Terravision bus from Airport to train station (termini). From there get underground on the Battastini line out to Cornelia. The underground is a fantastic experience alone. Arrived at Hotel, dropped off bags, went for beer in little cafe over the road. (temp. 19 deg.c and sunny) and had fantastic pasta.

Back to hotel, shower, out - underground to Aurelia, walk round old downtown Vatican city and go to another bar - more beers. Go to the best restaurant I've been to in a long time. Food fantastic, wine beautiful, people very friendly. Underground home, more drinks in bar next to hotel and stagger to bed.

DAY 2: Back on the underground (by now we have sussed that you don't have to pay) and do the Capela de Cictina (and associated build up corridors). Despite the hype it is breath-taking. Have a funny turn on the spiral staircase on the way out. Back to the underground and go to Vittorio (instead of direct to Collisio) and walk to the Collosium via another fantastic restaurant. Seafood spagetti gorgeous.

Go through the park to the Collosium, get accosted by some w*nkers dressed as Romans, who snatch my video camera and attempt to charge 20 euros for the privilage of humiliating me. Tell them where to go, and enter the Collosium. Listen to the tour guide for a bit, then wander round the upstairs bit. After an hour in the sun decide to go home and have a breather.

After an hour rest at the hotel, back out to Trevi fountain on the tube and a wander round the theatre area. Back on the underground and eat. After several drinks realise its midnight and get the underground home.

DAY 3: Underground to termini - miss the b*stard bus to the airport and get a taxi, arriving 2 mins before check in desk closes.

Anybody able to take advantage of Thomsons Coventry Airport offer should - it cost us £80 return for the 2 of us(inc taxes).

In summary, it was a brilliant city but 2 days was nowhere near enough. Could easily spend a week there and still not see enough. I shall certainly be going back.

(Is that OK BeeP and Harry?)

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 19:27
by Black Planet
Steve303 wrote:In summary, it was a brilliant city but 2 days was nowhere near enough. Could easily spend a week there and still not see enough. I shall certainly be going back.

(Is that OK BeeP and Harry?)
Quite Ok. Thank you, Steve.

I never had the nerve to take the subway there.
It was odd that all the shops closed up between 2 and 4...don't tell a tired BeeP the corner store is closed and she can't buy a bottle of wine. I also liked that the city doesn't sleep(except in the afternoon!). There was a sidewalk cafe across from my hotel and I loved going down around midnight for grappa or a wine with tira misu, and watching all the people pass by.

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 20:42
by Thrash Harry
Steve303 wrote:I shall certainly be going back.
Oh Yes!

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 20:45
by Thrash Harry
Black Planet wrote:I never had the nerve to take the subway there.
Nor I the first time. But last time had Junior, Mrs T and my Mum in tow, so it was easier than walking everywhere. You've gott to watch out for the old young gypsy girl with baby and friend trick tho.

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 20:58
by Silver_Owl
Thrash Harry wrote:
Black Planet wrote:I never had the nerve to take the subway there.
Nor I the first time. But last time had Junior, Mrs T and my Mum in tow, so it was easier than walking everywhere. You've gott to watch out for the old young gypsy girl with baby and friend trick tho.
Whats up with you both? It makes you feel alive - surrounded by threat and danger. Great stuff.
It's nothing compared to the trams in Melbourne.

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 21:00
by Silver_Owl
Thrash Harry wrote:You've gott to watch out for the old young gypsy girl with baby and friend trick tho.
What occurs with that one then Harry?