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With Marillion in at No 7 in the Top 40

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 10:29
by twp
it can only mean one of two things

(a) the world has gone mad
(b) there has never been an easier time to chart

Not that I think any amount of goading will encourage a sisters release

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 10:39
by Silver_Owl
Is it a new song or is it Kayleigh again?

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 10:50
by Quiff Boy
so they've sold the required 26 copies have they? nice work that band :lol:

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 11:37
by Black Shuck
Steve303 wrote:Is it a new song or is it Kayleigh again?
Has anyone else noticed that there are suddenly loads and loads of 17-19 year old girls called Kayleigh?

They must have all been named after that song!

I wonder why there aren't any 16-17 year olds called 'Lucretia'?

Quiff Boy wrote:so they've sold the required 26 copies have they? nice work that band :lol:
26??! That's get you to number one!
No, I think they must have shifted something in the region of 15-16 copies.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 11:47
by Silver_Owl
Black Shuck wrote:
Steve303 wrote:Is it a new song or is it Kayleigh again?
Has anyone else noticed that there are suddenly loads and loads of 17-19 year old girls called Kayleigh?

They must have all been named after that song!

I wonder why there aren't any 16-17 year olds called 'Lucretia'?

Quiff Boy wrote:so they've sold the required 26 copies have they? nice work that band :lol:
26??! That's get you to number one!
No, I think they must have shifted something in the region of 15-16 copies.
Or 20 somethings called Alice.
Which would be nice.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 12:02
by Black Shuck
Steve303 wrote:
Or 20 somethings called Alice.
Which would be nice.

I'm gonna call my first daughter 'Kissda Carpet'.

So it'll be Kissda Carpet Shuck'.


Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 12:28
by markfiend
First name "Anne", middle name "Phetamine" ;)

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 13:29
by Black Shuck
markfiend wrote:First name "Anne", middle name "Phetamine" ;)
Yeah, that's betterer than my idea.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:21
by christophe
markfiend wrote:First name "Anne", middle name "Phetamine" ;)
:notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:25
by markfiend
To be honest, I can't take credit for this one. It's mrs markfiend's joke.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:26
by christophe
? oh, you are Joking?

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:28
by markfiend
Well, her idea then.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:32
by Thrash Harry
mrs markfiend wrote:With all my Sisters jokes I thee endow.

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:35
by markfiend
Thrash Harry wrote:
mrs markfiend wrote:With all my Sisters jokes I thee endow.
;D She doesn't post on here so I can steal her lines with impunity ;)

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 16:35
by Almiche V
Good for them I say. Now if Curve get could get in there as well.....

Posted: 26 Apr 2004, 18:51
by Black Shuck
Did you know that the m*****n hold the record for the most UK hit singles without ever making the top ten? it't true- they're even mentioned in the guiness book of records because of this (which is one thing they've got over Andrew Eldritch!)

They've had about 17 top 40 singles, but never a top 10 one... so now is the perfect time for them to breach the holy top ten!

If Marillion can do it, surely anyone can!