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Conspiracy Theories

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 14:32
by Black Shuck
Once again, I'd first like to apologise if this topic has already been brought up; after years of alcohol abuse, headbanging and 'funny cigarettes' my memory aint what it used to be.

I was amusing myself yesterday with this 'Kurt Cobain was murdered by Courtney Love' website the other day, and it got me thinking- What are all your conspiracy theories?
come on, everyone must have ONE, at least.

mine are:

Cadbury's creme eggs get smaller every year (According to my older mate., they used to be 'as big as your fist')

Incredibly cheap alternatives to petrol are actively suppressed (eg vegetable oil, compressed air, electricity) by the oil companies

Microsoft Windows occasionally shows a subliminal, split second message which says 'VOTE BILL GATES FOR WORLD PRESIDENT, 2008!'

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:13
by markfiend
I'm quite a fan of the madness that authors can convince themselves (or some readers) is true; here are a short plot summaries of some of my favourites:

*That the moon is actually a giant hollow alien space-station
(Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon bizarrely still in print!)

*That Jesus didn't die at the crucifiction but survived to father children (presumably by Mary Magdalene); the blood-line of their descendants has come down through various European royal families; this was all revealed by an investigation into a strange church at Rennes-Le-Chateaux
(The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail)

*The Freeasons are bearers of a tradition descended not only from the builders of the first Temple at Jerusalem, but from the pyramid-builders in Egypt, that Masonic ritual and tradition preserved in the Jubela/Jubelo/Jubelum and Hiram Abiff story is a symbolic retelling of the murder of an Egyptian Pharaoh, and the "secret masonic word" is actually in Ancient Egyptian; and that the chapel at Rosslyn is a reconstruction of the first Temple at Jerusalem.
(The Hiram Key)

There are more examples; I have hundreds of this sort of book; I find it fascinating. Especially when taken with a pinch (or frequently large handfuls) of salt.

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:39
by Dan
markfiend wrote:*That the moon is actually a giant hollow alien space-station
(Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon bizarrely still in print!)
I've got that book, it's actually very convincing. :oops:

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:44
by Hojyuu-obi
markfiend wrote: *That Jesus didn't die at the crucifiction but survived to father children (presumably by Mary Magdalene);
'Last Temptation Of Christ' by Martin Scorcese (w/ Willem Dafoe)

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:47
by markfiend
Dan wrote:
markfiend wrote:*That the moon is actually a giant hollow alien space-station
(Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon bizarrely still in print!)
I've got that book, it's actually very convincing. :oops:
;D great isn't it? I read it when I was about 10 or 11 and believed every word. That and the more obvious ones; "Chariots of the Gods", "The Bermuda Triangle" etc.

My favourite loony at the moment is Graham Hancock. He's a very good writer, even if I'm not always (or even often...) convinced by his arguments.

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:49
by markfiend
Hojyuu-obi wrote:
markfiend wrote: *That Jesus didn't die at the crucifiction but survived to father children (presumably by Mary Magdalene);
'Last Temptation Of Christ' by Martin Scorcese (w/ Willem Dafoe)
Yes but in "Temptation" Jesus doesn't actually survive and get married. The vision or dream of him doing so is... well, the temptation, as in the title.

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 15:58
by Dan
markfiend wrote:;D great isn't it? I read it when I was about 10 or 11 and believed every word. That and the more obvious ones; "Chariots of the Gods", "The Bermuda Triangle" etc.
I must have been a similar age when I first read it.

I discovered a conspiracy theory surrounding a recording made during Neil Armstrong's moonwalk. Conspiracy theorists may have read that during the TV broadcast, during problems with the sound, radio hams were alleged to have recorded conversations between Armstrong/Aldrin & mission control, where the transcripts seem to show that they saw ufo's on the moon (It's mentioned in that book in fact.)

People remember the recording being played on the radio in the 70's, but nothing has been heard of it since.

Then in 1994 the band Ride got hold of the recordings and used them in a song which was reviewed in the music press. Then the release of the single was mysteriously delayed for a few weeks, and then the record was finally released, entitled "I Don't Know Where It Comes From (Apollo 11 Mix), the recording used was clearly a rather poor impersonation. One could surmise that the three week delay in the record release was while the FBI rounded up all copies of the record and forced them at gunpoint to re-record it. :lol: :D

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:09
by markfiend
The moonlanding was a hoax: Clicky (1.2 Meg mpg)

Actually that clip is a "hoax"; more accurately a spoof: Clicky

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:51
by Hojyuu-obi
markfiend wrote:
Hojyuu-obi wrote:
markfiend wrote: *That Jesus didn't die at the crucifiction but survived to father children (presumably by Mary Magdalene);
'Last Temptation Of Christ' by Martin Scorcese (w/ Willem Dafoe)
Yes but in "Temptation" Jesus doesn't actually survive and get married. The vision or dream of him doing so is... well, the temptation, as in the title.
Yes but it goes along the same line of thought doesn't it ... never mind :)

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 16:55
by markfiend
Hojyuu-obi wrote:Yes but it goes along the same line of thought doesn't it ... never mind :)
Yes that's true. Sorry. :D

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 17:49
by ryan

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 18:49
by Brideoffrankenstein
markfiend wrote:
*That Jesus didn't die at the crucifiction but survived to father children (presumably by Mary Magdalene); the blood-line of their descendants has come down through various European royal families; this was all revealed by an investigation into a strange church at Rennes-Le-Chateaux
(The Holy Blood And The Holy Grail)

*The Freeasons are bearers of a tradition descended not only from the builders of the first Temple at Jerusalem, but from the pyramid-builders in Egypt, that Masonic ritual and tradition preserved in the Jubela/Jubelo/Jubelum and Hiram Abiff story is a symbolic retelling of the murder of an Egyptian Pharaoh, and the "secret masonic word" is actually in Ancient Egyptian; and that the chapel at Rosslyn is a reconstruction of the first Temple at Jerusalem.
(The Hiram Key)

There are more examples; I have hundreds of this sort of book; I find it fascinating. Especially when taken with a pinch (or frequently large handfuls) of salt.
um i was actually quite convinced by those books!!! :oops: :lol:

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 18:51
by James Blast
ryan_w_0000 wrote:

a very intresting read
Someone took the wrong drugs :|

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 19:08
by paint it black
my fav at the mo'

declare an intent to make nuclear arms. have a major train crash :roll:

Posted: 28 Apr 2004, 19:13
by hallucienate
paint it black wrote:my fav at the mo'

declare an intent to make nuclear arms. have a major train crash :roll:
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 16:47
by Quiff Boy

Posted: 30 Apr 2004, 17:19
by Thea
i quite like the theory about the giant fish in orbit around jupiter.

Posted: 01 May 2004, 01:01
by Andy TG
Have you heard the one about Mankind only being on Earth because Aliens have placed us here to try and find the solution to the mistakes to they made on their planet!

@ Doomwolf - Your Avatar is worrying me!

Posted: 01 May 2004, 02:11
by Thrash Harry
Can I be bothered telling you about my mate who was convinced there were dark forces behind the Daily Mirror's running adverts for Maxwell House coffeee machines during the late 80s? No. I can't.

Posted: 01 May 2004, 02:20
by James Blast
The best one I heard is that we are all just a dream.

Posted: 01 May 2004, 10:25
by christophe
Red Sunsets wrote:The best one I heard is that we are all just a dream.
nope, in that case I would be naked.

Posted: 01 May 2004, 10:29
by lizzy32
markfiend wrote:
Dan wrote:
markfiend wrote:*That the moon is actually a giant hollow alien space-station
(Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon bizarrely still in print!)
I've got that book, it's actually very convincing. :oops:
;D great isn't it? I read it when I was about 10 or 11 and believed every word. That and the more obvious ones; "Chariots of the Gods", "The Bermuda Triangle" etc.

My favourite loony at the moment is Graham Hancock. He's a very good writer, even if I'm not always (or even often...) convinced by his arguments.
Yes but dosn't he just for one second think that ther may be an alternative to the norm. By the way if you havn't already try the Stargate conspiracy By Lynne Pickett & Clive Prince i won't say anymore but it was written before 9/11 and it throws up some interesting things about the CIA etc

Posted: 02 May 2004, 18:00
by Black Biscuit
There is a guy in Britain called David Icke. He was, at one time, the goalkeeper for Coventry, but I don't know much about British football.

Icke (pronounced 'Ike') is a supporter of the "reptilian outer space mother race seeded us" theory. His spin on the spacemen is that they form a secret global elite and have placed reptiles in key positions of world power and authority.

No discussion on conspiracies is complete without a nod to Icke.... and then, of course, there's Bill Cooper, the militia guy in the US who was killed in a shoot-out with a US marshall last year... Area 51, Roswell, Project MK Ultra, alien bases found on the moon, etc...

Posted: 02 May 2004, 18:12
by Dan
I heard David Icke interviewed on the radio last year. He started off talking a lot of sense, but then he blew it by mentioning the green reptilian lizard alien people and that washed all his credibility right down the toilet.

He bases a lot of his Illuminati theory on some documents called "The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion" that he reckons surfaced in the early 1800's. The trouble is they're fake, made by the Russian secret police in the 1920's as a piece of anti-Semitic propaganda.

Posted: 02 May 2004, 18:29
by James Blast

is completely oot of his gourd