May-day "riots" in Dublin

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Above the Chemist
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It's a glorious sunny day here in Dublin. Last year, the Irish police used excessive force and brutality to attempt to remove people's right to peaceful assembly. This year, all the news media were full of scary paranoid horror stories leading up to today. There is an extremely heavy police presence on the streets. Every corner has at least 3. But it is so peaceful, relaxed and quiet outside. As I write these words, the streets are full of people calmly going about their own business and enjoying the sunshine - normal people like you and me. It is as if everyone has said "to hell with this police state" and decided to show those in authority how wrong they are. Even the raving alcoholics lying in the gutters seem content and relaxed. It is so good, positive and strong. We are all part of a movement for good vibes in this city, where increasingly our freedom to just enjoy ourselves and live our own lives without causing hassle to others is being taken away from us. Today is a victory for us, and long may it last.
If I told them once, I told them a hundred times to put 'Spinal Tap' first and 'Puppet Show' last.
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Almiche V
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Long may it last mh. :D

No pun intended :roll:
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