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Nottingham.....what to do??????????!!!!!!!

Posted: 03 May 2004, 23:12
by Brideoffrankenstein
I am going to Nottingham this wednesday until friday for a work training thingy and I do not want to stay holed up in my hotel room on my own :cry: so I wondered if any of you know about any good pubs/clubs/thingys to do in Nottingham on a wednesday or thursday night?? Or do any of you live there?? Meet for a drink or summat?? :wink:

Posted: 04 May 2004, 10:03
by LostInNotts
Wednesday through Friday - theres a lot of good nights around this fine city - what takes your fancy - Rock, Metal, Goth, Industrial, Dub, Regge Rap Hip-Hop R&B Blues, Live Bands, Good Pubs, Fancy Bars, Chart cheese, theres quite a selection?

I'll have to check whats running this week, as there are several monthly or bi-monthly nights running, but theres a very wide range of bars to choose from.

I am currently the representative for Nottingham Trent university RockSoc so would be happy to fill you in on the nightlife - I'm off work this week and finish my coursework on wed anyway - so there may be a contingent of my student nurse flatemates out anyway - if so I'll be out on the town anyway and happy to do the tourguide thingy (preferably before the mass consumption of alcohol kicks in....)

If your in the centre of town (Holiday Inn or Posthouse etc, you're within staggering distance of everything, if your at the Castle Marina Holiday Inn, you're within 100yards of Sainsburys and my front door (and about 20min walk from town)

If all else fails you should try The Old Trip To Jeruselem (set in the sandstone base of Notts castle - the oldest pub in England and very nice to boot) the Pit & Pendulum is great a Gothic Hammer Horror stylee pub with good cocktails, and the Pitcher & Piano (Massive converted church with balconies and piano - expensive but classy).

If you want to get bladdered RockCity thursday nite - Student Rock/Indie/Alternative nite £1 - £1.50 a drink all night - rammed full of drunk students looking to pull, or the Irish (the worst pub/club ever - filthy, bad music & service, but v.vcheap and rammed full of drunk nurses every thurs nite!) - guess where I end up.......

EDIT - Ive just noticed your from Norfolk - 2 of my flatmates are from wellbourne so Im sure they probably either know you or are related in some way (dont take this personally its just about half the people I meet in Notts are from Norwitch etc!)

Posted: 04 May 2004, 17:50
by Brideoffrankenstein
LostInNotts wrote:

EDIT - Ive just noticed your from Norfolk - 2 of my flatmates are from wellbourne so Im sure they probably either know you or are related in some way (dont take this personally its just about half the people I meet in Notts are from Norwitch etc!)
oooooh who are they??? might know 'em!

Posted: 05 May 2004, 18:27
by LostInNotts
Off the top of my head:

Adam Fuller
James Spicer
John "Spike" Smalley
Heidi "Dee" something
Tom something, and a shedload of people in the RockSoc as well

Posted: 05 May 2004, 18:31
by LostInNotts
BTW Important - If your in Notts tonite and read this I am DJing a 45 Min slot in the Speakeasy pub (yellow 'Scream' pub by Notts Trent Uni & behind the Theater Nr Rock City)

Probably your best chance for a Sisters heavy setlist.

Posted: 06 May 2004, 23:39
by Debaser
OOOh and I was JUST about to say Speakeasy.

101 things to do with an oil drum :D

Posted: 07 May 2004, 09:17
by CellThree
You could always pop down to the Leyton for a "friendly" pint. (I think it was the Leyton, I was very drunk...)

We were halfway through our first pint before we received our first offer of violence from a local patron. Bless.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 09:48
by Thrash Harry
@CellThree. Shouldn't we be looking at May's pose by now? Your adoring public awaits.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 11:20
by Mrs RicheyJames
Don't you be getting into any fights in Notts or you may just end up with me as your A&E nurse and we don't want that now do we??

Posted: 07 May 2004, 11:26
by Thrash Harry
Now you know where to get a drink once the clubs have shut.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 14:35
by LostInNotts
CellThree wrote:You could always pop down to the Leyton for a "friendly" pint. (I think it was the Leyton, I was very drunk...)

We were halfway through our first pint before we received our first offer of violence from a local patron. Bless.
Ahhh that *was* the Lenton (pub in the student quarter where I reside).

It now the Drum, and stil as....welcoming :)

@ Sexygoth A&E are you at QMC (if so youve probably worked with some of my student nurse flatmates!)

BTW I managed a half decent 50 minute set with Alice thrown in, closing on Body Electric - so you missed a good un!

Posted: 07 May 2004, 16:38
by Debaser
I've managed to get riddiculously squiffy in Templars - next door but one or so from Speakeasy.

LiN...what's the name of the (now bear with me here...) little yellow pub next door to a chip shop opposite the flashy Cornerhouse's down a pedestrain bit, imagine you've got the Royal Concert behind you and the pedestrain bit is on the leftside of the Cornerhouse mularky.

We stood outside it afte....after Jane's Addiction and listened to some most excellent early punk.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 17:57
by LostInNotts
Yeah I know the one - it a fosters bar, opposite the slug & lettuce and other overpriced townie havens.

Cant remember the name but as a friend is DJing at <shamelessplug> The Edge <\shamelessplug> I'll pass by on the way in.

Just out of interest how many Heartlanders are in / from / around Notts?

Posted: 07 May 2004, 19:20
by Brideoffrankenstein
weeeellllll, I'm back from notts now and i made it to rock city on friday night which was cool but then on thursday night i got p!ssed with people i was there for a meeting with! thanks for your concern about fights SG i'm sure you would have looked after me very well :wink: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 07 May 2004, 19:33
by LostInNotts
Brideoffrankenstein wrote:weeeellllll, I'm back from notts now and i made it to rock city on friday night which was cool but then on thursday night i got p!ssed
You must've had fun, because unless I've lost a day (its happened before....) then its friday night now?

Anyway glad you enjoyed Nottingham, Thursday nights in RC are pretty good all things said, Friday nights however...... Loveshack. 80's chart cheese in the very worst sense :urff:

BTW Debaser Templers will probably be doing the 13 hours of Sin (different potent drinks promotions every hour) at the end of term before the other students leave - may be worth checking out ;)

Posted: 08 May 2004, 00:27
by Debaser
You insinuating summatz?? :D

Posted: 08 May 2004, 02:42
by LostInNotts
Of course not, just spreading the good news - cheap drinks + drunk students ;)

Posted: 08 May 2004, 18:54
by Brideoffrankenstein
LostInNotts wrote:Off the top of my head:

Adam Fuller
James Spicer
John "Spike" Smalley
Heidi "Dee" something
Tom something, and a shedload of people in the RockSoc as well
nnaaaah don't know 'em! but yes Norf_uckians do get everywhere don't they?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

Posted: 08 May 2004, 20:39
by LostInNotts
Debaser wrote:what's the name of the (now bear with me here...) little yellow pub next door to a chip shop opposite the flashy Cornerhouse's down a pedestrain bit, imagine you've got the Royal Concert behind you and the pedestrain bit is on the leftside of the Cornerhouse mularky..
Foremans punk bar.

Well worth a look for anyone visiting notts :)

Posted: 08 May 2004, 20:44
by CellThree
I remember drinking in a bar called Bar Orange or somethng like that. Had a bartender by the name of graham (I think), large handlebar mustache (sic), seethough netting vest and about 10ft tall.

Nice place. The Butterscotch and Baileys shots were fantastic.

Posted: 08 May 2004, 23:14
by Mrs RicheyJames
LostInNotts wrote: @ Sexygoth A&E are you at QMC (if so youve probably worked with some of my student nurse flatmates!)
Indeed I am :D

Posted: 09 May 2004, 02:26
by LostInNotts
In that case keep your eyes out for james spicer (as hes got wandering hands!) or Staff Nurse Adam Fuller (C24 ENT) with a hairline in full retreat at 22 :)

And stay away from the croutons in the canteen ;)

Posted: 09 May 2004, 02:38
by Al
Sexygoth wrote:Don't you be getting into any fights in Notts or you may just end up with me as your A&E nurse and we don't want that now do we??
Oh, nusre D, I think I've fallen...... :oops:

Posted: 09 May 2004, 18:42
by lazarus corporation
and there was me thinking I was the only Nottingham resident here...

Posted: 09 May 2004, 20:11
by Debaser
LostInNotts wrote:
Debaser wrote:what's the name of the (now bear with me here...) little yellow pub next door to a chip shop opposite the flashy Cornerhouse's down a pedestrain bit, imagine you've got the Royal Concert behind you and the pedestrain bit is on the leftside of the Cornerhouse mularky..
Foremans punk bar.

Well worth a look for anyone visiting notts :)
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fanqueue