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Funny computer stuff

Posted: 07 May 2004, 22:30
by andymackem
... if you remember the dawn of personal computing this might raise a smile.

And if you've seen it before, how about not being a smartarse and putting up a link to the time you showed it off. I only saw it today and it made me laugh, so I thought I'd share. :P

Posted: 07 May 2004, 22:42
by Dan
Heheh, I used to play all those games. Have you seen what he's typing in the Hobbit! And I already saw it linked on a livejournal 3 days ago, and another forum 2 days ago... :D

Posted: 07 May 2004, 22:45
by andymackem
Oh yes. Remember it well, but don't spoil it for the others.

Posted: 07 May 2004, 23:16
by Thrash Harry
Labyrinth on the BBC micro.
