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Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:09
by markfiend
I think you can count me and Kerry in.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:20
by Ed Rhombus
Will you be getting the Merciful Release Telephone?

Re: Armageddon will be held downstairs this year...

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:27
by CorpPunk
Quiff Boy wrote:The day before The Sisters of Murphy play "The Phono" in Leeds...
Which means I'll be missing this by a scant seven days as well. :cry: :cry:

Cruel fortune, why dost thou mock me??? Frowny face to that! :x

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:29
by emilystrange


and it has nothing to do with the darkness this time, paddy....

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:33
by Quiff Boy
Ed Rhombus wrote:Will you be getting the Merciful Release Telephone?
that depends... who has it now? PIB? hal? or maybe dr sister? or robin? :lol:

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:36
by Thrash Harry
Ooohh errr... Will I be allowed out two nights in a row? More's the point, can my ticker take the pace?

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:38
by emilystrange
i think you lot check my diary and then arrange....

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:42
by Loki
It's all a cunning ploy so they all get wrecked on the 26th and everyone's too hung-over to come out on the 27th. Leaving me on my todd at the Phono wondering why The Smurphs are opening their set with a cover version of 'Strange Town ...'

Posted: 05 May 2004, 16:57
by Thrash Harry
Johnny Boy wrote:everyone's too hung-over to come out on the 27th
That sort of thing doesn't happen to (honorary) Yorkshiremen, ya Southern softie.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:08
by Loki
Thrash Harry wrote:
Johnny Boy wrote:everyone's too hung-over to come out on the 27th
That sort of thing doesn't happen to (honorary) Yorkshiremen, ya Southern softie.
Mainly because you all never put your hand in your sky rocket at the bar and nurse the same tepid pint all night. I have seen Emmerdale. I know what to expect.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:10
by Thrash Harry
Johnny Boy wrote:Mainly because you all never put your hand in your sky rocket at the bar and nurse the same tepid pint all night. I have seen Emmerdale. I know what to expect.

You'll fit in perfectly, then.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:13
by ryan
well, id come. but you know

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:25
by Planet Dave
You're right Johnny. There's my excuse. :wink: Won't you be there on Saturday? Sounds like a top night out (yoinks), but stretching it to the Sunday as well will take some real social engineering with the missus.

What I will say is this. If anyone is coming over and needs somewhere to crash on the Sat, there's plenty of room at ours. If you can cope with two ankle-biters and a missus laughing every time someone mentions 'the Sisters'.

Nice one Quiffy. Nice date too. Twelve years since THE Sisters gig at the NEC. Shame, I've (just) thrown my white t-shirt from that gig. Ah well.

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:26
by Purple Light
Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'm in Spain that weekend!

Is this a yearly thing then? Have I at least got sommat to look forward to next year!??

A devastated PL. :(

Re: Armageddon will be held downstairs this year...

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:27
by Planet Dave
Quiff Boy wrote: "The Ward"
The Cellar Bar @ The George Pub
Great George Street, Leeds
(Behind Leeds Town Hall)
...or In Front of the Leeds General Infirmary. (can't miss that).

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:36
by ryan
i was actually looking for a reason to go overseas next year...sisters gig or something or rather. if it goes well and your gonna have another one well, count me in :D

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:43
by Planet Dave
Purple Light wrote:Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

I'm in Spain that weekend!

Is this a yearly thing then? Have I at least got sommat to look forward to next year!??

A devastated PL. :(
Yeah Purple, you've got Rotherham away to look forward to next year.
(soz, I've been really trying not to start. Really). Besides which, I'm trying to keep shtum until after the cup final. I've a twinge of fear about the 5-0 at half-time bet I made after the semi's.

But look on the bright side. You won't have me to deal with all night. :wink: :twisted:

Posted: 05 May 2004, 17:59
by paint it black
Quiff Boy wrote:
Ed Rhombus wrote:Will you be getting the Merciful Release Telephone?
that depends... who has it now? PIB? hal? or maybe dr sister? or robin? :lol:
Oh ha ha..

i've only got the lightbulb from that picture taken in bridlington :cry:

26th looks possible

Posted: 05 May 2004, 18:42
by CorpPunk
There had better be lots and lots of pictures posted in the gallery on 27 June!

Posted: 05 May 2004, 18:49
by Padstar
Was myyyyyy idea...."sniff!"



Posted: 05 May 2004, 19:14
by Big Si
Mmmmm....89 people and one Big Si, could be very tempting ;D

Anybody know of an inexpensive hotel near the Bus station in Dyer Street?

Posted: 05 May 2004, 19:31
by reverberater
*Ahem* Now don't go forgetting my ticket, Quiffster

Sounds even better than the other one :notworthy:

Posted: 05 May 2004, 19:37
by christophe
I'll be at the Graspop festival that day.
and it was a bit far away, but why woudn't I come. hé
next time different date and notify me a bit earlier :)
maybe hold it somplace els, like Belgeum ......
.LOL :) :) :)

Posted: 05 May 2004, 19:41
by Quiff Boy
Padstar wrote:Was myyyyyy idea...."sniff!"


it certainly was ;D

Posted: 05 May 2004, 20:37
by CellThree
You know, I might be able to make that depending on the money thang. I have that weekend off.

As with Big Si, costs of a nice inexpensive hotel would be good!