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EuroVision Thing

Posted: 15 May 2004, 20:54
by James Blast
sorry, I have nothing to post, just thought tonight of all nights it was a good topic title :|

Posted: 15 May 2004, 22:58
by lazarus corporation
damn good title - made me look - nice play on words

Posted: 15 May 2004, 23:08
by Andie


Posted: 15 May 2004, 23:13
by Brideoffrankenstein
:lol: :lol:
haven't watched it I've been to a barbeque!
but yeah I get the joke too... :lol: 8)

Posted: 16 May 2004, 00:08
by James Blast
Thank you, and goodnight!

Posted: 16 May 2004, 13:41
by andymackem
Go Ukraine!!!!

Andymackem nets £££££s on a 5/1 shot.

Better still, at the flat Eurovision party (I know, it wasn't really my idea), I netted further £££££s when everyone insisted Greece would win.

Never underestimate the Slavic block vote, or the joy of "ethno-military" costumes (their description, if you can be bothered with the E/vision website). Never a contest.

Haven't added it up yet, but probably earned close on £100, for a capital risk of barely £50.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 16:33
by Silence is platinum
Greece deserved it. YES i was dissappointed last night

Posted: 16 May 2004, 17:52
by Thrash Harry
Good God! Is that still going? Bring back Jeux Sans Frontiers. Much more entertaining. Cue Stuart Hall and the penguin suits.

Posted: 16 May 2004, 17:56
by James Blast
Genaro was my favourite :|

Posted: 16 May 2004, 18:59
by Debaser
Thrash Harry wrote:Good God! Is that still going? Bring back Jeux Sans Frontiers. Much more entertaining. Cue Stuart Hall and the penguin suits.
My fav was the budgies who had to leap of a platform and hit the bell with their head before plunging into a pool of water....ahhh still makes me chuckle even now.

Posted: 17 May 2004, 07:01
by andymackem
sunset yellow wrote:Greece deserved it. YES i was dissappointed last night
But ripping off half your outfit in mid-song is sooooo 1981. Just because it worked for Latvia a couple of years back doesn't mean everyone should do it.

Still, it was a big leap forward from the quintet of Gary Numan clones the Greeks sent out a couple of years ago. Something about a password?

Posted: 17 May 2004, 07:23
by Padstar
Im not sure what bothers me more...

The fact that it seems that there is no need for the songs, at least not as far as the voting goes, or the fact that i care :(


Posted: 17 May 2004, 09:10
by F*ck*As*Goth
I loved that program on Dutch television where people had to drive their cars over ramps and stuff... in reverse... with a caravan attached to it... hehehe... now THAT was quality television.

Posted: 17 May 2004, 09:39
by Mrs RicheyJames
It was the biggest pile of dog poo ever to grace our screens. And I only watched the last half an hr!!

Posted: 17 May 2004, 13:21
by Silence is platinum
andymackem wrote:
sunset yellow wrote:Greece deserved it. YES i was dissappointed last night
But ripping off half your outfit in mid-song is sooooo 1981. Just because it worked for Latvia a couple of years back doesn't mean everyone should do it.

Still, it was a big leap forward from the quintet of Gary Numan clones the Greeks sent out a couple of years ago. Something about a password?
Oh dear, still remember them? :oops: :oops:

Posted: 17 May 2004, 13:31
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Someone told me the Turkish entry looked like a hardcore punk band - did anyone hear what the actually sounded like? I suspect more Busted than Exploited right?

Posted: 17 May 2004, 17:48
by andymackem
Sunset Yellow: remember? I haven't laughed so much for three unbroken minutes for as long as I can remember. That year was the best ever for crappy Eurovision. The ugly Russian boyband were special as well.

Ian Smurf: They sounded like a band, one you might actually entertain the idea of hearing, as opposed to the usual Eurocrap. Unfortunately, they sounded like a very bad one. And they had a nasty line in 80s-style soundbiting going on. Looked to me like the Turks didn't think they could afford/be bothered to host it again and made sure they attracted attention but not success.

Paddy: Treat is as a grand divertissement. It makes more sense that way. And don't mess around with the block voting. It's not like it matters or anything.

The only solution, (which I'd quite enjoy) is for 24 anonymous acts to perform a song in the language of the host country. That way people vote on song and performance, not nationality. Now find me a Lame Academy reject who can sing in Ukrainian!

Posted: 17 May 2004, 18:50
by Silence is platinum
Yes i laughed too, oh God it was so ridiculous,

or should i say "embarasing"...

the Turks were great i think but even better were the Serbs,

that was a good song

as for the winner it reminded me of "Xena the warrior princess"

i hated Xena....

Posted: 18 May 2004, 17:16
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
andymackem wrote: They sounded like a band, one you might actually entertain the idea of hearing, as opposed to the usual ****. Unfortunately, they sounded like a very bad one.
LOL - thanx for the info - but now I'm even more intrigued - if anyone knows of a link to a audio stream, let me know.

Posted: 18 May 2004, 20:08
by Andie
sunset yellow wrote:
i hated Xena.... thats a shame...

i'll not be entertaining your good self with witty comments from Xena's comic books that i painstakingly collected for just such a moment... :cry:

Posted: 19 May 2004, 09:09
by Mrs RicheyJames
Ian - Rhythm Smurph wrote:Someone told me the Turkish entry looked like a hardcore punk band - did anyone hear what the actually sounded like? I suspect more Busted than Exploited right?
But I thought Busted were punk?? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Posted: 19 May 2004, 11:31
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Sexygoth wrote:
But I thought Busted were punk?? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Stop it!

Bloody Hippies!

Posted: 19 May 2004, 11:34
by Mrs RicheyJames

Posted: 19 May 2004, 11:54
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Me thinks the lady doth protest too much!

Posted: 19 May 2004, 11:58
by Mrs RicheyJames
me thinks you've been hanging around with Paddy far too much!!...............Hippy indeed......pah!!