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Posted: 16 May 2004, 23:44
by Dan

A guy in America puts a Powerbook on eBay and gets an email from some guy in London who wants to do business using an escrow site to help the guy avoid paying the eBay fees. When he looks at the escrow site it's obviously fake and when he contacts eBay he finds the bidder's account is a stolen account. It's obvious that the guy is trying to scam him into sending him a $2000 powerbook which he has no intention of paying for. So, what to do, email the guy back telling him to F*CK OFF in 72pt font, or just forget about it. He posts about it on the forums and soon a plan is formulated. Using a ring binder, a black pen, and the keys from an old broken keyboard he builds the p-p-p-powerbook. Read the .pdf file on that site for the email exchanges between the two of them and the first part of the story. The guy mails the p-p-p-powerbook. Meanwhile, the scammer's address is traced to a barbers shop which happens to have an internet cafe upstairs. People from the somethingawful forums go and stake out the joint and report back with photographs. The parcel is tracked online, with people from somethingawful planning to be there and witness the event when the guy receives the parcel (which he had to pay something like 350 quid import tax on!). Read the last 15-or-so pages of the forum thread to find out what happened next.

Posted: 17 May 2004, 12:51
by Ian - Rhythm Smurph
Very good. I enjoyed that a lot!

Posted: 17 May 2004, 12:57
by hallucienate
who'd want a powerbook anyway?who'd want a powerbook anyway?

Posted: 17 May 2004, 15:49
by markfiend
:eek: The scammer gets scammed! Excellent news!

Posted: 17 May 2004, 15:52
by hallucienate
the only bad news is that he didn't get rid of the powerbook :innocent:

Posted: 17 May 2004, 15:53
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:the only bad news is that he didn't get rid of the powerbook :innocent:
:notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 17 May 2004, 19:24
by James Blast
mf I've just called hallucienate & QB outside.... you bring the wires, I'll bring the pliers! :twisted:

Posted: 17 May 2004, 22:36
by Karst
Mac vs. PC discussions are extremely tedious.

All you need to know:


Posted: 17 May 2004, 22:49
by James Blast
Game Over Karst! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 09:25
by markfiend
Red Sunsets wrote:Game Over Karst! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 09:31
by hallucienate
god! you guys are soooo tense! I blame the OS.

Posted: 18 May 2004, 09:37
by markfiend
hallucienate wrote:god! you guys are soooo tense! I blame the OS.
:lol: I'm actually feeling quite... erm... relaxed and refreshed after looking at the G5 ;) :lol:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 13:30
by Karst
hallucienate wrote:I blame the OS.
Come out to play...

You know you want to... :von:


Posted: 18 May 2004, 13:37
by Quiff Boy
Karst wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I blame the OS.
Come out to play...

You know you want to... :von:

now this looks interesting...

Posted: 18 May 2004, 13:46
by Karst
Combine that with:


And you'll be off to Glasto to run the live feed for three days...


Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:24
by Chairman Bux
Adam will be pleased. :roll:

Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:25
by Karst
Chairman Bux wrote:Adam will be pleased. :roll:

Is he playing Glastonbury then?



Posted: 18 May 2004, 16:27
by Chairman Bux
Karst wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:Adam will be pleased. :roll:

Is he playing Glastonbury then?


No, that's Si's trick....